
Critique the strengths and weaknesses of self-help groups in terms of their value in the treatment of substance abuse

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Self-Help Evaluation

The self-help movement has swept the world of substance abuse treatment. A new client may not be aware of any treatment options open to them aside from those of self-help group meetings, such as Alcoholics Anonymous. While self-help groups are not a solution for every client, they have been shown to be useful in some cases.
As future substance abuse counselors, it is important that you explore and be aware of the different self-help groups and what goes on in these group meetings.
Begin this assignment by doing the following:
Attend a self-help group related to substance abuse. There are multiple options including AA Open Meetings, Al-Anon, Women for Sobriety, and so forth. Information is easily accessible on the Internet. Note that some meetings are closed while others are open. At Alcoholics Anonymous (AA), most weekly groups are closed; however, open meetings are held primarily on weekends when all are welcome to attend.
Information for your area can be obtained through “AA Intergroup” at
Introduce yourself and let folks know that you are a student. Remember to follow the guidelines of confidentiality.
If you are unable to access a twelve-step group because one is not available in your area, either research an online self-help group or research the implications of self-help groups in general including their strengths and weaknesses.
Write a paper about your experience and make sure you cover the following:

  1. Evaluate the self-help group you attended and/or researched. Critique the strengths and weaknesses of self-help groups in terms of their value in the treatment of substance abuse.
  2. Hypothesize what types of clients would be a good match for the group that you attended and/or researched. What types of clients would not be a good match? Consider age, gender, culture, race, sexuality, religion/spirituality, and the severity of substance abuse. Include other evaluation criteria for differential treatment. Explain your reasoning.
  3. Predict how self-help groups are evolving over time. How can technology be used to supplement and/or replace face-to-face support groups?
  4. Appraise the effect on the group experience when involuntary clients are present. Include the effect to treatment, counseling, and collaboration.
  5. Recommend several ways to overcome resistance. How may technology be used to overcome resistance to treatment? Include collaboration issues involved in the treatment of involuntary clients using technology.

Write a paper in Word format and make sure you include a title page and reference page in addition to the 6–8-pages of content. Apply APA 6th edition standards to the format of the paper, and the citation of sources.

 what do your articles reflect, where can we go in the future   How does it affect society as whole

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You prepare a 15-page paper    Use this as a starting point for your paper    Label your sections
A) Key TermsB)  C) Five (5) new terms/words which explain the concepts of the chapter. Write the word, the definition, the sentence it appears in, the number of the page and the number of the paragraph. You must LEARN the definitions, and be able to expound and use examples of the word.
B) Major Themes
Three (3) ideas, concepts, issues, which the author repeats in the chapter as being very important to his/her argument. Write down the themes and several sentences related to them. Write page numbers and paragraph numbers. Also, include why these particular themes are important.
C) Literature Review One major part of your paper will be the research on your particular subject –  what do your articles reflect, where can we go in the future   How does it affect society as whole
D) Critique
This section will critique the chapter. Should include the answers to the following questions: What are the strong points of the chapter? What did you learn from the chapter? What contribution did the contents of this chapter make to the study of Social Psychology? 
E) Major Conclusions
What were the author’s conclusions? What further research ideas can come from this chapter? Include three (3) “lingering questions” that remain in your mind after reading the chapter.
One major part of your paper will be the research on your particular subject –  what do your articles reflect, where can we go in the future   How does it affect society as whole

What would be different in your life?

 Psychology homework help
Social workers who utilize the solution-focused model are mindful of how their conversations with their clients, families, groups, or even community members facilitate their thinking about solutions. The client is always the “expert,” and therefore social workers ask questions to explore how the client perceives the problem and situation.
Social workers may use solution-focused questions such as the miracle question. For example, “Suppose you woke up one morning and by some miracle everything you ever wanted, everything good you could ever imagine for yourself, had actually happened—your life had turned out exactly the way you wanted it.
What would be different in your life?” When clients are asked this, it forces them to reflect on what they want or would like to achieve. By projecting themselves into the future, clients are more likely to imagine what is possible rather than focusing on the past and their failures. This allows for the possibility of developing solutions.
In this Discussion, you apply the solution-focused model and solution-focused questions. You provide other solution-focused questions, similar to the miracle question that was provided for you.
Although the textbook provides actual examples of solution-focused questions, always think about your client—you may have to modify the question a bit to take into account the client’s age, cognitive and developmental stage, culture, etc., so that the question makes sense to the client.
To prepare:

  • Recall a case from your fieldwork experience to use for this Discussion.
  • Review and focus on pages 520–521 in your textbook.

Post: No More Then 500 Words

  • In 1 to 2 sentences, briefly identify and describe the problem as perceived by the client, family, or group that you dealt with in your past fieldwork experience.
  • From the list of solution-focused questions on page 520 (e.g., exception questions, coping questions, scaling questions, and relationship questions), identify two different types of questions, and ask each question as if you were actually asking the questions to the client. (Remember, do not use the miracle question.)
    • Remember that the goal of these questions is to assist clients in identifying a solution
  • Explain how asking these two questions would help the client in coming up with the solution.
  • In 1 to 2 sentences, reflect and explain how asking these questions made you feel and perhaps how the client might feel.

Evaluate one merit and one limitation of using the problem-solving model for this case

 Psychology homework help
The problem-solving model was first laid out by Helen Perlman. Her seminal 1957 book, Social Casework: A Problem-Solving Process, described the problem-solving model and the 4Ps. Since then, other scholars and practitioners have expanded the problem-solving model and problem-solving therapy. At the heart of problem-solving model and problem-solving therapy is helping clients identify the problem and the goal, generating options, evaluating the options, and then implementing the plan.
Because models are blueprints and are not necessarily theories, it is common to use a model and then identify a theory to drive the conceptualization of the client’s problem, assessment, and interventions. Take, for example, the article by Westefeld and Heckman-Stone (2003). Note how the authors use a problem-solving model as the blueprint in identifying the steps when working with clients who have experienced sexual assault. On top of the problem-solving model, the authors employed crisis theory, as this theory applies to the trauma of going through sexual assault. Observe how, starting on page 229, the authors incorporated crisis theory to their problem-solving model.
In this Final Case Assignment, using the same case study that you chose in Week 2, you will use the problem-solving model AND a theory from the host of different theoretical orientations you have used for the case study.
You will prepare a PowerPoint presentation consisting of 11 to 12 slides.
To prepare:

  • Review and focus on the case study that you chose in Week 2. (Jake Levy Case Study)
  • Review the problem-solving model, focusing on the five steps of the problem-solving model formulated by D’Zurilla on page 388 in the textbook.
  • In addition, review this article listed in the Learning Resources: Westefeld, J. S., & Heckman-Stone, C. (2003). The integrated problem-solving model of crisis intervention: Overview and application. The Counseling Psychologist, 31(2), 221–239.

presenting your PowerPoint presentation that addresses the following:

  • Identify the theoretical orientation you have selected to use.
  • Describe how you would assess the problem orientation of the client in your selected case study (i.e., how the client perceives the problem). Remember to keep the theoretical orientation in mind in this assessment stage.
  • Discuss the problem definition and formulation based on the theoretical orientation you have selected.
  • Identify and describe two solutions from all the solutions possible. Remember, some of these solutions should stem from the theoretical orientation you are utilizing.
  • Describe how you would implement the solution. Remember to keep the theoretical orientation in mind.
  • Describe the extent to which the client is able to mobilize the solutions for change.
  • Discuss how you would evaluate whether the outcome is achieved or not. Remember to keep the theoretical orientation in mind.
  • Evaluate how well the problem-solving model can be used for short-term treatment of this client.
  • Evaluate one merit and one limitation of using the problem-solving model for this case.

Your 11- to 12-slide PowerPoint presentation should follow these guidelines:

  • Each slide should be written using bullet points, meaning no long paragraphs of written text should be in the slides.
  • Include a brief narration of less than 30 seconds for each slide (i.e., the narration takes the place of any written paragraphs, while the bullet points provide context and cues for the audience to follow along).

Be sure to:

  • Identify and correctly reference the case study you have chosen.
  • Use literature to support your claims.
  • Use APA formatting and style.
  • Include the reference list on the last slide.