
Compare and contrast two research methods

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A researcher must be knowledgeable of the different quantitative research designs and be able to effectively apply the best design as dictated by the research question. For this assignment, you will create a 3- to 4-page document following the directions below.
Part I
Compare Methods
Compare and contrast two research methods. Give an example of a situation (related to forensic counseling) in which each of the two chosen methods can be applied.

  • Experimental
  • Quasi-experimental
  • Correlational
  • Survey
  • Developmental

Part II
Answer Questions
In reference to one of the two example research scenarios that you discussed above in Part I, further explore by answering the following questions (apply these questions to your own research project):

  • Determine a suitable research goal.
  • Discuss what type of sampling could be used for this study.
  • Identify which types of research designs above (from Part I) would be most appropriate to use.
  • State your hypothesis of the expected results for this proposed study.

Your final product will be in a Microsoft Word document and be approximately 3–4 pages in length and utilize 2–3 scholarly sources in your research. Your paper should be written in a clear, concise, and organized manner; demonstrate ethical scholarship in accurate representation and attribution of sources; and display accurate spelling, grammar, and punctuation.

Discuss psychotherapy options

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For this Assignment, start by selecting one of the case studies (accessible from the Course Resources) and develop a patient portfolio. The goal of the portfolio is to identify a disorder and recommend a plan of action to help the patient manage his or her symptoms and change behavior for therapeutic outcomes.
To begin your Assignment, do a search of the Library and the internet. You are also to use course material, but your project should include at least four additional references from the library and/or the internet (your final Assignment must include one library resource). The internet sources you use for the Assignment should be credible. You should not use internet sites such as Wikipedia where anyone can post information or Your information should be from acceptable psychological or medical societies, such as the National Institute of Health, Web MD, etc.
You will address the following areas that are outlined in the patient portfolio document. Part 2 through Part 4 of the patient portfolio should be a minimum of 675 words. All work should be in the student’s own words with quotes used very sparingly. No more than 10% of the work should be direct quotations.
Using the provided template, as-is, develop the patient’s portfolio by addressing the following:
Part 1: Background information about the patient
Provide background information that includes (a) the patient’s disorder, and (b) a list of the diagnostic criteria that the patient meets listed in the DSM-5 under the diagnostic criteria for the disorder.
Part 2: Psychological Approach
Select a psychological theory from the course textbook (chose either a cognitive or behavioral theory). Refer directly to the textbook or an academic source to explain the theory. After explaining the theory, apply it by discussing how it may explain the development of the case study’s mental illness. (Approximately 225 words)
Part 3: Biological Approach
Select a theory from the biological approach from the course textbook (choose either the genetic or neurological influence). Refer directly to the textbook or an academic source to explain the theory. After explaining the theory, apply it by discussing how it may explain the development of the case study’s mental illness. (Approximately 225 words)
Part 4: Sociocultural Approach
Select a theory from the social and cultural or interpersonal relationship approach from the course textbook. Refer to the textbook or an academic source to explain the theory. After explaining the theory, apply it by discussing how it may explain the development of the case study’s mental illness. (Approximately 225 words)
Part 5: Treatment

  1. Discuss what types of medical approaches (ECT, prescription medications, psychosurgery, or current medical devises) you would recommend for the patient by referring to studies showing its effectiveness in treating the disorder. (Approximately 75 words)
  2. Compare and contrast the side effects the patient may experience from the selected type of medical approach and support what benefit the treatment has on the brain chemistry or neurotransmitter activity. (Approximately 75 words)
  3. Discuss psychotherapy options (e.g., cognitive behavioral therapy, group therapy, exposure therapy). Explain the chosen therapy and specifically how the patient would benefit from it. (Approximately 100 words)
  4. Provide both short and long-term goals for the patient’s treatment plan. Include accomplishments or behavioral changes you want to see in the patient. (Approximately 75 words)

Part 6: Conclusion
Defend which of the approaches can best explain the development (or cause) of the case study’s mental disorder and why your chosen treatment plan would be the most beneficial plan for the patient (biological approach, psychological approach, or sociocultural approach). (Approximately 150 words)
Submitting Your Assignment
Referring to the textbook and five additional credible sources, complete the Unit 8 Patient Profile Assignment Template. Complete the document in 4–5 pages (approximately 1200 words),

Describe the advantages of using a within subject design in the field of behavior analysis when compared to a between subject design

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Evaluating Interventions
For your Discussion you will evaluate research designs and describe how they can be utilize to determine the effectiveness of a behavior management program: Introduction and Conclusion not necessary. Minimum 400 words
Include references from : Johnson C.M., Mawhinney, T. C., & Redmon, W.K. (2001). Handbook of organizational performance: Behavior analysis and management.
Cooper, J. Heron, T., & Heward, W. (2007). Applied Behavior Analysis, 2nd Edition.

  1. Describe the advantages of using a within subject design in the field of behavior analysis when compared to a between subject design.
  2. Create a specific program question related to the effectiveness of a behavior management plan for staff. You can create your own original questions or use one from one of the research studies discussed in Chapter 4 of the text.
  3. Select and describe one of the experimental designs to evaluate your program questions. Discuss the benefits and limitations of using this design to evaluate the effectiveness of a behavior management plan.
  4. Discuss variables that can have an impact on the effectiveness of programs. Include a discussion of factors that increase the likelihood that success can be attributed to the program.

How could you expand on available research to more specifically address your research question? 

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In this milestone, you will work from the topic, applied setting, and research questions you identified in Module Two and start identifying relevant research to support your final proposal. Two major aspects of your final project include selecting foundational theories relevant to your topic and suggesting potential strategies or techniques that may alleviate a problem in an applied setting. To help you prepare for these aspects of the project, you will complete an annotated bibliography featuring a minimum of four research articles. Two of the articles that you find should be related to the theories you related to your topic that you intend to feature in your final proposal. The other two articles should discuss applied research related to your topic area.
For each article, include a summary that highlights how the article relates to your chosen topic and setting, and address the following questions:

  • How do the research results and statistical findings in the article apply to your research question and your applied setting?
  • What are the strengths and limitations of the research results and findings in supporting the research question?
  • How could you expand on available research to more specifically address your research question?

memory and technology
How could you expand on available research to more specifically address your research question?