
Discuss verbal and rule governed behavior

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Fundamental Principles and Organizational Behavior
Human behavior is extremely complex, there are many factors that contribute to the occurrence of a specific behavior. This can get increasingly complex when analyzing behaviors within an organization. Your textbook includes a discussion of many principles of Applied Behavior Analysis and applications to Organizational Behavior management including conditioning, verbal behavior, and rule governed behavior.
For your Discussion you will review the fundamental principles of applied behavior analysis and extend your application by describing how these principles influence the behavior of individuals within organizations.

  1. Describe the following:
    1. respondent conditioning
    2. operant conditioning
  2. Provide a specific real life example of respondent and operant conditioning.
  3. Discuss verbal and rule governed behavior. Describe the importance of these concepts in understanding behavior and creating behavior management plans for organizations.

Notes: For your discussion of respondent and operant conditioning you should include a discussion of the key variables i.e unconditioned stimulus and conditioned stimulus for respondent and the three-term contingency for operant conditioning.
A minimum of 400 words including references, from: Redmon, W. K. (2001). Handbook of Organizational Performance, 1st Edition

What do we know about psychological disorders and their treatment?

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The DSM identifies many specific psychological disorders. While research has found that in general, no one type of therapy is substantially better than others, different treatments may be more appropriate for specific disorders. In this project, you are asked to choose a psychological disorder that is of interest to you. You will describe the disorder in detail, indicate what is known about its causes and progression, and identify a treatment or treatments that would be most appropriate.
As you complete this project, think about the following:

  • What do we know about psychological disorders and their treatment?
  • Which disorder am I interested in writing about?

At the end of this activity, you will:

  • Have a clear idea of what you will write about for the course project
  • Develop a treatment plan for the chosen disorder

At the end of Module 5 you will be required to submit a course project on psychological disorders and their treatment. You will be asked to choose one of the following:

  1. Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD)
  2. Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)
  3. Major Depressive Disorder
  4. Bipolar Disorder
  5. Schizophrenia

You should start thinking about which disorder you would like to cover. After choosing a disorder, read the associated module in the textbook and choose an appropriate therapy or therapies for that disorder from the following choices:

  1. Psychoanalysis
  2. Humanistic Therapy
  3. Behavioral Therapy (you may choose combined Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy)
  4. Cognitive Therapy (you may choose combined Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy)
  5. Drug Therapies

Describe specific examples of personal change required to pursue a doctoral degree in psychology

Psychology homework help
Complete the following:

  • Reflect on this course. As preparation for  writing, review each of the following aspects of the first three  assignments you completed during this course:
    • The research skills needed to complete those assignments.
    • The course readings, especially from your Critical Thinking in Psychology text.
    • The ethical aspects of conducting a research project like the one outlined in those assignments.
    • The summary of your findings from the research you did in the  course project. What insights into your specialization topic did you  gain from the experience?
    • The insights you have gained about yourself in the discussions and exchanges with your peers in this course.
    • The changes you have experienced in your self-image.
    • Any additional approaches you will need to consider to ensure  that you meet the high ethical standards of a professional psychologist.
  • Consider the following:
    • Changes in your thinking and behavior. For  each of these aspects, analyze the connection between changes in your  thinking and the work you have done in this course. Describe specific  examples that illustrate the changes, and explain the relationship  between your new thinking or behavior and this doctoral program.  Identify and cite at least two specific resources you have encountered  in this course that have triggered these changes, and explain the  connections.
    • Changes in your approach. Choose a major event  earlier in your life. Include the roles of other people who were  involved in this event and their relationships with you. Analyze ways in  which you might approach that event differently now, considering the  new direction that you are taking in your life. Include specific  examples of the manner in which you worked with others, and the extent  to which you might handle those relationships differently, knowing what  you know now. Identify and cite at least two specific resources you have  encountered in this course that have triggered your new ideas about  approaches.
    • Changes in your role. How do you expect to  assess the value of your doctoral degree? Look ahead 8–10 years into the  future and describe the ways in which you expect your life to be  different. Explain the connections for any differences that you see as  directly related to this course or to the doctoral program. Identify and  cite at least one credible career resource that supports your image of  the future.
    • Write about your reflection. Organize your  written assignment according to the three questions in the overview: Why  I am in this program? What I am trying to become? How I will achieve my  goal? Use the insights you have gathered from your analysis of changes  in your thinking, behavior, relationships, and plans as evidence to  support your answer to each question. Suggestion: Some learners find it easier to write the second and third sections before attempting to complete the first section.
Written Paper

In your paper, address the following:

  • Assess the value of your doctoral degree in psychology to others, as well as to yourself.
  • Describe specific examples of personal change required to pursue a doctoral degree in psychology.
  • Analyze requirements for performing ethically in accordance with professional standards.
  • Include your findings from the research you did in the literature review portion of the course project.
  • Explain how learning the skills involved in doctoral research will impact your self-image.
  • Describe a plan for your career direction in the field of psychology.

Explain why it might be important to distinguish between typical development, developmental disability, and emotional disturbance

Psychology homework help

Discussion—Multifaceted Assessment: Anne Marie’s Case

Many exceptionalities in children have a high comorbidity, which can make identification and intervention challenging for professionals. This is why, aside from legal and ethical requirements, multifaceted assessment is essential.
Review the following scenario:

Anne Marie is a thirteen-year-old girl who has always struggled socially and behaviorally. Although she has a few friends, she often argues with them, as well as with adults. Despite these challenges, she has always been successful academically, and so a formal evaluation was never conducted. However, Anne Marie’s parents are concerned that her behavior has become more pronounced this year and that she is spending even more time alone. Her parents are not sure if her problems are due to typical development (that is, puberty), a developmental disability such as an autism spectrum disorder, or an emotional disturbance.

Using the module readings, the Argosy University online library resources, and the Internet, research multifaceted assessment.
Incorporate what you learned in your readings and respond to the following:

  • Explain why it might be important to distinguish between typical development, developmental disability, and emotional disturbance for Anne Marie.
  • Evaluate the roles each of the following would play in addressing Anne Marie’s challenges:
    • Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) 2004
    • Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM)
    • Functional Behavior Assessment (FBA)
  • Identify any other information that might be important when assessing Anne Marie’s difficulties and designing an intervention for her. Discuss why this information would be important and how would you go about obtaining that information?

Write your initial response in 300–500 words.