
Performance Enhancing Drugs

Performance Enhancing Drugs
Use one outside research article that focuses on athletes’ intake of performance enhancing drugs (such as steroids or blood doping) or recreational drugs (such as alcohol or marijuana). Using the information provided in the article and your course textbook, discuss at least three reasons for the intake of performance enhancing drugs. Provide your response in three to four well-crafted paragraphs with proper grammar and spelling.Note: You should be using peer-reviewed journal articles and not popular magazines, blogs, or nonprofessional Web sites. Scholarship should be at the graduate level.
Evaluation Criteria for Discussion Question Response:
Identified and explained three reasons for the intake of performance enhancing drugs. [12 points]
Used proper peer-reviewed journal articles. [4 points]
Assignment 1 Grading CriteriaMaximum PointsDiscussion Question Response:Please see specific evaluation criteria listed below each discussion question.16Discussion Participation:Participated in the discussion by asking a question, providing a statement of clarification, providing a point of view with rationale, challenging a point of discussion, or making a relationship between one or more points of the discussion.4While responding, justified ideas and responses by using appropriate examples and references from texts, Web sites, and other references or personal experience.4Wrote in a clear, concise, and organized manner; demonstrated ethical scholarship in accurate representation and attribution of sources, displayed accurate spelling, grammar, and punctuation

Week 2 Discussion 

Week 2 Discussion 
This week we learn about the brain and the nervous system. As we learn about how chemical reactions affect us, it made me think of a question.  Do we truly control our actions and behaviors?  Or do we act based solely on the chemical reactions that happen in brains and nervous systems?  What do you think?  Which is it?  Free will or chemical reactions?  In your discussion post, which option do you agree with?  Support your response with information from either our textbook or from the video below.  Remember to earn full credit, you need to have a total of 3 responses; 1 original and 2 replies.     Watch Video How does caffeine keep us awake? – Hanan Qasim

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Week 3 Discussion
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Total views: 92 (Your views: 5)
When boys and girls are born, does their DNA already know what it means to be masculine or feminine?  Or do boys and girls learn masculinity and femininity by watching others?  Is it nature (biology) or is it nurture (environment)?  Watch this video:

When you think about what you have seen and read in our text, decide if you think if it’s EITHER GENETICS (NATURE) OR HOME/ENVIRONMENT (NURTURE) that determine whether you believe the actions of women and men are based more on genetics or the expectations and dictates of society.  In your discussion, it’s important to have your original response and then two other replies to earn full credit.  Do your best to engage with others and have a total of 3 posts in the discussion.  Thank you! Bottom of Form


Strength-based and Wellness Approaches

 Discussion: Strength-based and Wellness Approaches
From a wellness perspective, school counselors are mindful to provide support for students not only in the areas of academic achievement and career development, but personal/social well-being. Is a student positioned for success in his or her core academic curriculum if he or she experiences deficits in personal areas? Issues such as teen pregnancy, substance abuse, truancy, even anxiety and depression tend to have a negative relationship with school achievement. Thus, how relevant is the mental health and emotional well-being of students?
For this Discussion, you explore strength based and wellness approaches that you would implement when working with a specific student issue of your choosing.
Post by Day 3 a description of a strengths-based and wellness approach you might use when working with a student on a particular issue. Explain how this approach may effectively meet the needs of your chosen student issue. Finally, explain one intervention you might employ to help a student with this issue progress towards his or her goals.For this Discussion, you explore strength based and wellness approaches that you would implement when working with a specific student issue of your choosing.

Developing a Theoretical Orientation to School Counseling

Developing a Theoretical Orientation to School Counseling
Identify your own theoretical orientation toward school counseling, integrating or selecting from the theories and applications presented in this course. You may also integrate additional theories with which you are familiar, but you must support your main ideas with information gleaned from scholarly literature and address their relevance to the practice of school counseling.
The purpose of this Project is to demonstrate your ability to understand, integrate, and apply theories of counseling in your school counseling specialization based on the knowledge you have gained in this course. This project is intended to be beneficial for your professional development by having you actively think about how your personal attributes, skills, emotions, and knowledge influence and shape your selection and application of theory in school-based settings.
The Assignment:
In a 5- to 7-page (not including references), double-spaced, APA-formatted paper, summarize the theory or theories you intend to integrate into your work as a school counselor. Structure your Assignment to the following key questions or areas and connect your responses to theoretical foundations, while offering scholarly support for your ideas. In addition to the course materials, you must include at least five scholarly sources.

  • Explain your theoretical orientation and how your chosen theory(ies) addresses the role of the school counselor, which includes promoting students’ academic, career, and personal/social development.
  • Addressing Adlerian as my primary and Reality and Choice Theory as my integrations.
  • Describe the nature of the school counselor-student relationship and its relative importance, both according to your view and the perspective of your chosen theory(ies).
  • Describe the key goals, according to your chosen theory(ies), of the school counseling process. (In other words, how will students be different, as a result?)
  • Describe developmentally appropriate techniques and procedures of your approach and their application to school-based settings.
  • Identify key factors that promote and enhance student success, both according to your own views and the perspective of your chosen theory(ies). (Explain what key factors facilitate positive change).
  • Describe specific student populations, presenting issues, or developmental concerns best suited and least for this approach.