
Social Psychology (Active Learning Activity)

Psychology homework help
Chapter 12: Social Psychology (Active Learning Activity = 15 points)
Page 5 of 7
Use the crossword puzzle to fill in the blanks on the next page(s). (You do NOT need to actually write your answers in the boxes here).
Part 1—Knowing Key Terms (4 points) :
Fill in the blanks from the crossword puzzle above using key terms from the textbook and/or lecture notes.
2. technique for getting a commitment from a person and then raising the cost of that commitment.-     
3. kind of thinking that occurs when people place more importance on maintaining group cohesiveness than on assessing the facts of the problem with which the group is concerned.-
4. changing one’s behavior as a result of other people directing or asking for the change.-
5. behavior intended to hurt or destroy another person.-
7. a set of characteristics that people believe are shared by all members of a particular social category.-
11. changing one’s behavior at the command of an authority figure.-
13. prosocial behavior that is done with no expectation of reward and may involve the risk of harm to oneself.-
14. the process of explaining one’s own behavior and the behavior of others.-
15. any group of people with a particular religious or philosophical set of beliefs and identity.-
16. negative attitude held by a person about the members of a particular social group.-
1. type of love consisting of intimacy and commitment.-     
6. the process by which one person tries to change the belief, opinion, position, or course of action of another person through argument, pleading, or explanation.
8. physical or geographical nearness.-
9. changing one’s own behavior to match that of other people.-
10. a tendency to respond positively or negatively toward a certain person, object, idea, or situation.-
12. treating people differently because of prejudice toward the social group to which they belong.-
17. type of love consisting of intimacy and passion.-
Part 2—Comprehending and Applying Concepts (3 points):
Answer each of the following questions by: (1) Underlining the correct options for multiple choice items, or (2) Providing the correct short answer where appropriate
1.       occurs when people begin to think that it is more important to maintain a group’s cohesiveness than to objectively consider the facts.
2. Selena is trying to get her boyfriend to wash the dishes for her. To start with, she asks her boyfriend to cook dinner for her. When her boyfriend refuses, she asks, “Well, will you at least wash the dishes then?” To which he readily agrees. Selena has just used the      .
a) foot-in-the-door technique
b) door-in-the-face technique
c) lowball technique
d) that’s-not-all technique
3. Changing one’s behavior due to a direct order of an authority figure is referred to as      .
4. Imagine 100 individuals are asked to take part in a replication of Milgram’s famous study on obedience. How are these 100 people likely to respond?
a) The majority would administer 450 volts as instructed.
b) The majority would immediately realize the use of deception and leave.
c) Most of the women would refuse to obey, whereas almost all of the men would obey.
d) Most of the participants would work together to force the experimenter to end the experiment.
5. Ashley has practiced her drum routine over and over. When she gets up to play it at the recital in front of 100 people, she performs it better than she ever has. Her improved performance is an example of      .
6. Which of the following is NOT a factor that influences attitude formation?
a) direct contact with an individual
b) DNA inherited from your parents
c) instructions from your parents
d) observing someone else’s actions
7. Which communicator would likely be most persuasive?
a) an attractive person who is an expert
b) a moderately attractive person who is an expert
c) an attractive person who has moderate expertise
d) a moderately attractive person who has moderate expertise
8.       describes the situation in which people attend to the content of a message.

Stress & Health (Active Learning Activity

Chapter 11: Stress & Health (Active Learning Activity = 15 points)
Page 8 of 8
Use the crossword puzzle to fill in the blanks on the next page(s). (You do NOT need to actually write your answers in the boxes here).
Part 1—Knowing Key Terms (4 points) :
Fill in the blanks from the crossword puzzle above using key terms from the textbook and/or lecture notes.
4. negative changes in thoughts, emotions, and behavior as a result of prolonged stress or frustration.-     
6. psychological experience of being pulled toward or drawn to two or more desires or goals, only one of which may be attained.-
8. psychological defense mechanism in which emotional reactions and behavioral responses are shifted to targets that are more available or less threatening than the original target.-
10. people who expect positive outcomes.-
12. leaving the presence of a stressor, either literally or by a psychological withdrawal into fantasy, drug abuse, or apathy.-
17. psychological defense mechanism in which the person invents acceptable excuses for unacceptable behavior.-
19. events that cause a stress reaction.-
20. psychological defense mechanism in which unacceptable or threatening impulses or feelings are seen as originating with someone else, usually the target of the impulses or feelings.-
21. psychological defense mechanism in which the person refuses to consciously remember a threatening or unacceptable event, instead pushing those events into the unconscious mind.-
24. an unpredictable, large-scale event that creates a tremendous need to adapt and adjust as well as overwhelming feelings of threat.-
1. defense mechanism in which a person tries to become like someone else to deal with anxiety.-     
2. people who expect negative outcomes.-
3. the effect of positive events, or the optimal amount of stress that people need to promote health and well-being.-
5. the study of the effects of psychological factors such as stress, emotions, thoughts, and behavior on the immune system.-
7. the effect of unpleasant and undesirable stressors.-
9. mental series of exercises meant to refocus attention and achieve a trance-like state of consciousness.-
11. psychological defense mechanism in which the person refuses to acknowledge or recognize a threatening situation.-
13. the psychological experience produced by urgent demands or expectations for a person’s behavior that come from an outside source.-
14. the psychological experience produced by the blocking of a desired goal or fulfillment of a perceived need.-
15. the term used to describe the physical, emotional, cognitive, and behavioral responses to events that are appraised threatening or challenging.-
16. the three stages of the body’s physiological reaction to stress, including alarm, resistance, and exhaustion.-
18. actions meant to harm or destroy.-
22. the daily annoyances of everyday life.-
23. psychological defense mechanism in which a person falls back on child-like patterns of responding in reaction to stressful situations.-
25. channeling socially unacceptable impulses and urges into socially acceptable behavior.-
Part 2—Comprehending and Applying Concepts (3 points):
Answer each of the following questions by: (1) Underlining the correct options for multiple choice items, or (2) Providing the correct short answer where appropriate.
1. The term used to describe the physical, emotional, cognitive, and behavioral responses to events that are viewed as threatening or challenging is      .
2. The response an individual might have to an unpleasant stressor, such as losing his job, would be called      .
3. After we have decided that a certain event is a stressor, we must decide how we will deal with it and what resources are available for coping with the stressor. This process is called

Taking Control: Strategies for Coping with Stress

Psychology homework help
Chapter 11
Click on the following link to watch the program entitled, Taking Control: Strategies for Coping with Stress (23 min), in the Mt. SAC library’s Films On Demand collection. (Captions are available for the hearing impaired). If you are accessing it from off campus, you may have to log into the library’s website using your MyMt.SAC user ID and password (e.g., Banner Account). (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.
1.  Review what it was about.
2.  Describe what you learned.
3.  Explain how it applies to you personally (You might have to stretch it on this one, but TRY because psychology always applies in every day life).
Please copy and paste Questions 1-3 from above into your post and type your answers under each question. Your total review (including the copied questions) should be at least 300 words
Chapter 12
Click on the following link to watch the program entitled, Confronting Discriminiation and Prejudice (36 min.), in the Mt. SAC library’s Films On Demand collection. (Captions are available for the hearing impaired). If you are accessing it from off campus, you may have to log into the library’s website using your MyMt.SAC user ID and password (e.g., Banner Account). (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.
1.  Review what it was about.
2.  Describe what you learned.
3.  Explain how it applies to you personally (You might have to stretch it on this one, but TRY because psychology always applies in every day life).
Please copy and paste Questions 1-3 from above into your post and type your answers under each question. Your total review (including the copied questions) should be at least 300 words
Chapter 13
Click on the following link to watch the program entitled, Self-Esteem and Identity in the Digital Age (27 min.), in the Mt. SAC library’s Films On Demand collection. (Captions are available for the hearing impaired). If you are accessing it from off campus, you may have to log into the library’s website using your MyMt.SAC user ID and password (e.g., Banner Account). (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.
1.  Review what it was about.
2.  Describe what you learned.
3.  Explain how it applies to you personally (You might have to stretch it on this one, but TRY because psychology always applies in every day life).
Please copy and paste Questions 1-3 from above into your post and type your answers under each question. Your total review (including the copied questions) should be at least 300 words
Username is cwang193
password is N3JXHD
You need give me three documents for these three chapter. Every document has three questions. Put on number in every document.

How you can impact the remainder of your practicum to have the experience you really want

 Psychology homework help
see attach

Here are the kinds of issues to address and include in the Reflective Journal/Summary. These suggestions are not exhaustive nor is each element “required”. The summary should naturally flow from your unique and idiosyncratic experience and practicum experience.
· Brief summary (numbers can be approximate) of the types of clients you have seen, tests given, populations, diagnoses, and professional experiences you have had
· Most challenging issue faced, and how did (or will) you address it, resolve it, develop it, etc.
· Most satisfying experience professionally and/or personally
· Share what “growth” you have noted in yourself as a Psychologist-In-Training over the course of this experience….
· Goals for practicum yet to be met, or future growth areas
· How you can impact the remainder of your practicum to have the experience you really want…. .
· Contributions you and your practicum site make in the area of social justice/social change…
I work with Functional Family Therapist….You can look it up on the internet