
Consider physical, social/emotional, and cognitive changes. What things are very different? What things are very much the same? 

 Psychology homework help
Assignment Instructions
This assignment is due at the end of Week 8. Be certain that you have done all the readings before attempting to do this assignment.
This course has been about the changes that take place as we move from childhood to adolescence. Now it’s time to bring some of that information together, so that you can consider human growth and development in context.
Think about the 6-year-old you and the 16-year-old you. Consider physical, social/emotional, and cognitive changes. What things are very different? What things are very much the same?
Now consider the 16-year-old you and the current you. Consider physical, social/emotional, and cognitive changes. What things are very different? What things are very much the same?
Please use the attached chart for your answers. (click on the attachment below under Supporting Materials)
· Give three examples of development in each of the domain categories.
· Show how these things are different in the “current me” column.
· Using 75-100 words, describe which theor(ies) explain these changes and how.
Important Note:  Please reach out to your instructor to discuss any concerns that you may have regarding the personal nature of this assignment.
Grading Rubric  
CHFD307 Assignment 3
Student exhibits a defined and clear understanding of the   assignment.  The student provides three (3) examples of development in   each of the three domain categories (physical, social/emotional and   cognitive) for a combined total of six (6) for the 6 yr old and 16 yr old   self.
Student demonstrates proficient command of the subject   matter in the assignment.  Assignment shows an impressive level of depth   of student’s ability to relate course content to practical examples and   applications by noting similarities and differences in the “current me”   column.
Student provides well-supported ideas and reflection with   a variety of current and/or worldviews in the assignment.  Student   presents a genuine intellectual development of ideas throughout assignment by   describing which theor(ies) explain the noted changes.
Evidence of research for materials/content is cited within   the chart and listed in a reference section using APA format. You must   support your writing with  a minimum of 2 references.
Clarity of writing style Grammar/Punctuation/Spelling
Six-year-old me
Cognitive Development
Physical Developmet
Social/Emotional Development
How is this the same from the   current me?
How is this different from the   current me?
What theories help to explain these   changes? Why? (include References)
Sixteen-year-old me
Cognitive Development
Physical Developmet
Social/Emotional Development
How is this the same from the   current me?
How is this different from the   current me?
What theories help to explain these   changes? Why?(include References)
Supporting Materials
· Assignment 3 Chart _r_2.xlsx (10 KB)

Identifies and presents your own attitudes, beliefs, cultural norms, stereotypes, or biases that you may have, or had in the past, regarding the topic

 Psychology homework help

Cultural Perspectives Draft

The goal of this assignment is to integrate cultural nuances, expectations, and perspectives into a draft of your final paper. You will present a current diversity-related situation or dilemma; compare and contrast the cultures involved in the situation; and provide a historical perspective and analyze the contributing factors to the current state of the situation. You will then interpret the effects of the situation on the cultures involved, provide evidence in favor of and opposed to each side of the situation. Finally, you will assess your beliefs and perspectives regarding the situation or dilemma and identify strategies for building inclusion by synthesizing the varying perspectives.


This assignment will build upon your accumulated learning from the course and your written assignments from Weeks 3 and 4. Based on your identified situation or cultural dilemma (from your Week 4 written assignment), determine a personal position regarding the topic. Then write a 2800-3500 word paper that:

  • Identifies and presents your own attitudes, beliefs, cultural norms, stereotypes, or biases that you may have, or had in the past, regarding the topic.
  • Presents at least one argument supporting the perspective of each cultural group involved with the topic.
  • Considers how the situation or dilemma may be addressed moving forward with a mutually beneficial outcome.

This written assignment will include:

  • An identified diversity situation or cultural dilemma prevalent in today’s society that involves more than one cultural group. (Week 3 written assignment)
  • A comparison of the different cultural groups involved. (Week 4 written assignment)
  • Personal position regarding the topic. (Week 5 written assignment)

This written assignment should be double-spaced, and include a title page and references page. Additionally, utilize 5 to 7 resources, including resources provided throughout the course, to support your arguments. Make sure to gather evidence and present persuasive, well-reasoned arguments regarding your topic, and consider all perspectives and opinions.
Submit a draft of your paper to the Writing Center for Paper Review Links to an external Week 5, Day 3. Once you have received the feedback from the tutor, revise your writing based on the feedback you received and submit your final copy to Waypoint using the link below.
To Summarize:
Your Week 3 written assignment should identify a diversity situation or cultural dilemma that is prevalent in today’s society that involves more than one cultural group. Additionally, your paper should:

  • Identify the selected diversity situation or cultural dilemma.
  • Provide an analysis of the topic, including an historical perspective and the current day situation.
  • Explain why this is a topic of interest in general, and to you in particular.

Your Week 4 written assignment should have included the requirements of the Week 3 paper and then continued on to compare and contrast the different cultural groups involved the situation or dilemma. Additionally, the Week 4 paper should address the:

  • stereotypes and biases associated with each of the cultural groups
  • privileges and power associated with each of the cultural groups

This Week 5 paper should include all the requirements of the Weeks 3 and 4 papers and also:

  • Identify and present your own attitudes, beliefs, cultural norms, stereotypes, or biases that you may have, or had in the past, regarding the topic.
  • Present at least one argument supporting the perspective of each cultural group involved with the topic.
  • Consider how the situation or dilemma may be addressed moving forward with a mutually beneficial outcome.

Why are so many children developing autism?

Psychology homework help

The number of children diagnosed with autism has risen dramatically during the past few decades. Researchers are now calling it an urgent health matter; some are calling it an epidemic. Between 1991 and 1999, the number of children in the United States receiving special education services for autism rose to 500%. The rate has nearly doubled in the past ten years across the United States. In 2002, the number of children in the United States with autism was 1 in every 150 children. At this point in time, approximately one in every eighty children has autism (Baio, 2012). This increase is not only happening in the United States. Studies have found rates to be rising in Canada (Ouellette-Kuntz, Coo, & Gorski, 2012) and in Europe (Baron-Cohen et al., 2009) also.
After completing the required readings for this week, post an initial response discussing the following three possible causes or reasons for this increase in prevalence:

  • Why are so many children developing autism?
  • Does research indicate that the rise is due to better methods for identifying and diagnosing children with autism, or is there some environmental, genetic, or cultural reason for the increase?
  • What should we do, as a society, to address this epidemic?

Address each of the questions and cite your sources properly.


Baio, J. (2012). Prevalence of autism spectrum disorders—Autism and
Developmental Disabilities Monitoring Network, 14 sites, United States,
2008. CDC Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report61(SS03), 1–19.
Retrieved from
Baron-Cohen, S., Scott, F. J., Allison, C., Williams, J., Bolton, P., Matthews,
F. E., & Brayne, C. (2009). Prevalence of autism-spectrum conditions:
UK school-based population study. The British Journal of Psychiatry,
194(6), 500–509. Retrieved from
Ouellette-Kuntz, H., Coo, H., & Gorski, D. (2012). Findings from the National
           Epidemiologic Database for the Study of Autism in Canada: Changes
           in the prevalence of autism spectrum disorders in Newfoundland and
           Labrador, Prince Edward Island, and Southeastern Ontario. Ottawa,
ON, Canada: Canadian Institutes of Health Research. Retrieved from

Under what conditions would a person choose the qualitative approach over the quantitative or vice versa when investigating a forensic behavioral science situation?

Psychology homework help
Assignment 1: Quantitative vs. Qualitative Research
The qualitative approach to research involves the collection of extensive amounts of narrative and written data in order to gain insight into an event, occurrence, strategy, or phenomenon. Quantitative research involves the collection of numerical measurement data in order to explain, predict, or control the interest area of research.
Under what conditions would a person choose the qualitative approach over the quantitative or vice versa when investigating a forensic behavioral science situation? When would a mixed-methods design be the best option? Through your research provide examples and support for the points you are making.
Review the points of others and add additional examples, challenging a response or drawing conclusions from the response.
Post your responses in a minimum of 300 words.
All written assignments and responses should follow APA rules for attributing sources.
Submission Details:
· By the due date assigned, post your responses to this Discussion Area.
· Through the end of the module, respond to at least two of your classmates’ posts. While responding, identify the similarities and differences between what you have constructed and what your classmates have.

Grading Criteria Maximum Points
Quality of initial posting, including fulfillment of assignment instructions 16
Quality of responses to classmates 12
Frequency of responses to classmates 4
Reference to supporting readings and other materials 4
Language and grammar 4
Total: 40

The qualitative approach to research involves the collection of extensive
amounts of narrative and written data in order to gain insight into an
event, occurrence, strategy, or phenomenon. Quantitative research
involves the collection of numerical measurem
ent data in order to
explain, predict, or control the interest area of research.
Under what conditions would a person choose the qualitative approach
over the quantitative or vice versa when investigating a forensic
behavioral science situation? When would
a mixed

methods design be the
best option? Through your research provide examples and support for
the points you are making.
Review the points of others and add additional examples, challenging a
response or drawing conclusions from the response.
Post you
r responses in a minimum of 300 words.
All written assignments and responses should follow APA rules for
attributing sources.