
Problems Children Face

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Assignment 2: Problems Children Face:  – This assignment is due at the end Week 6. This assignment is a continuation of assignment one (1).  In Assignment one (1) you choose from the six (6) problems children experience daily.  For this assignment, address the same issue from an applied perspective.
Assignment 2: Problems Children Face
Due:  Sunday at 11:55 p.m. at the end   of  Week 6 —-SEE WEEK 1 ASSIGNMENT BELOW
In Assignment 2: In Assignment one (1) you choose from the six (6)   problems children experience daily.  For this assignment, address the same issue from an applied   perspective.
· What   is being done to address this problem?
· Is   there a consensus about how to improve this problem, or is there a great deal   of controversy?
· What   solutions have already been tried for this problem?
· How   successful have these solutions been?
· What   are the barriers to solving this problem?
· What   resources are available in YOUR community to deal with this problem?
· Future   approaches to the problem
· How   will this problem be addressed in the future?
· How   successful are these solutions likely to be?
Research Paper or Opinion Paper?
Research, NOT opinion
Number of published, peer-reviewed sources   required; must all be published within the last 8 years
· Course   readings may be used as one of the resources.
· Do not use any direct quotes from any sources
Five (5)
Length required (not including title page   and references
· Tables,   graphs, charts, lists, figures, etc. may be used, however do not count toward   the length requirement
1000-1500 words
Reference style required
American Psychological Association, 6th edition
Submission requirements
Microsoft Word document submitted as   attachment in Assignment Submission area.  Do not attach   to a Message or email, and do not paste into Submission text box.
Grading Rubric  
Student exhibits a defined and clear   understanding of the assignment.  The student provides a detailed   description of one (1) of the problems children experience daily.
Student demonstrates proficient command of   the subject matter in the assignment.  Assignment shows an impressive   level of depth of student’s ability to relate course content to practical   examples and applications.
Student provides well-supported ideas and   reflection with a variety of current and/or worldviews in the   assignment.  Student presents a genuine intellectual development of   ideas throughout assignment.
Evidence of research for materials/content   is listed using APA format.
Clarity of  writing style   Grammar/Punctuation/Spelling
Children and Substance Abuse
Sharman T.Williams
American Public University System
Professor David Konkle
June 23, 2018
Children and substance abuse
The factors contributing to the emergency and existence of substance abuse in children is influenced by many factors. The environment, behavioral and emotional factors put children at risk for substance abuse development which can be controlled through intervention and prevention programs by using research based, comprehensive studies, training of social resistance skills and many associated like learning. (Abuse, 2010). The direct and indirect alcohol effects and other related substance abuse in children leads to safety risks and adverse health factors for the family, child and the community. Substance abuse has mainly affected children hindering them both socially and mentally.

Identify the sources of information that you might use when conducting a needs assessment, including potential informants

Psychology homework help
Discussion 1: Planning a Needs Assessment
Social workers often identify client problems that suggest the need for a new or more focused service. Rather than bemoaning the lack of resources, many social workers consider creating new services in the future. They might next imagine what an appropriate service or program would look like. This week, you generate a needs assessment plan for a program that meets an unmet need of your choice.
To prepare for this Discussion, review the examples of needs assessments presented in both of the readings. Consider the elements of a needs assessment plan that you must include in your own plan.
· Post a needs assessment plan for a potential program of your choice that meets a currently unmet need. Describe the unmet need and how current information supports your position that a needs assessment is warranted.
· Identify the sources of information that you might use when conducting a needs assessment, including potential informants. 
· Explain who among these potential informants would be valuable resources and why. Identify steps for obtaining credible, unbiased information.
References (use 2 or more)
Dudley, J. R. (2014). Social work evaluation: Enhancing what we do. (2nd ed.) Chicago, IL: Lyceum Books.
· (For review) Chapter 6, “Needs Assessment” (pp. 107–142)
· Chapter 7, “Crafting Goals and Objectives” (pp. 144–164)
Document: Tutty, L. M., & Rothery, M. A. (2010). Needs assessments. In B. Thyer (Ed.), The handbook of social work research methods (2nd ed.,pp. 149–162). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage. (PDF)
Discussion 2: Remaining Compassionate and Professional
As a social worker, you interact with individuals who are at various stages of change in their lives. This may become frustrating for you when clients are struggling to achieve their goals. Thus, it is important for you to develop strategies to process your experiences so that you can maintain your compassion and professionalism. As you consider the strategies you have developed to address these issues, also consider how you might help other social workers to develop such strategies. Perhaps you consulted with your supervisors when you had difficulty processing your emotions in particular situations. As you consider assuming a supervisory role, how might you apply your learning from those experiences to helping those whom you supervise?
For this Discussion, review the Levy case study in this week’s video. Consider how you, as a social worker, might address the challenge of remaining engaged with a client while not letting your emotions affect the interaction. Also, consider how you, as a supervisor, might discuss this topic with a social worker whom you supervise.
· Post a strategy that you, as the social work supervisor in the Levy case study video, might use to debrief the social worker after the session described in the video.
References (use 3 or more)
Kadushin, G., Berger, C., Gilbert, C., & de St. Aubin, M. (2009). Models and methods in hospital social work supervision. Clinical Supervisor, 28(2), 180–199.
McTighe, J. (2011). Teaching the use of self through the process of clinical supervision. Clinical Social Work Journal, 39(3), 301–307.
National Association of Social Workers. (2013). Best practice standards in social work supervision. Association of Social Work Boards. Retrieved from
Laureate Education (Producer). (2014c). Sessions: Levy (Episode 5 of 42) [Video file]. Retrieved from

Identify attributes of leadership styles and approaches that facilitate quality supervision

 Psychology homework help
Assignment 1: Planning a Needs Assessment II
One of the many reasons social workers conduct needs assessment is to provide support for new programs. Social workers have many methods available to collect necessary data for a needs assessment.
Social workers can use existing data from a wide range of sources, including local and national reports by government and nonprofit agencies, as well as computerized mapping resources. Social workers can gather new data through interviews and surveys with individuals and focus groups. This data can provide the evidence that supports the need for the program.
To prepare for this Assignment, review the needs assessment plans that you and your classmates generated for this week’s Discussion. Also, review the logic models that you created in Week 7 and any literature on needs of caregivers that you used to generate them.
Consider the following to stimulate your thinking:
· Getting information about the needs of the target population:

  • Who would informants be?
  • What is your purpose for        interacting with them?
  • What questions would you ask?
  • What method would you use        (interview, focus group, questionnaire)?

· Finding potential clients:

  • Who would informants be?
  • What is your purpose for        interacting with them?
  • What questions would you ask?
  • What method would you use?

· Interacting with the target population:

  • Who would informants be?
  • What is your purpose for        interacting with them?
  • What questions would you ask?
  • What method would you use?

Submit a 2-page paper outlining a hypothetical needs assessment related to the support group program for caregivers. Include the following:
· The resources needed to operate this service
· The program activities
· The desired outcomes
· A plan for gathering information about the population served
· Justifications for your plans and decisions
· A one-paragraph conclusion describing how you might conduct a follow-up to the needs assessment at the implementation stage of the program evaluation
References (use 2 or more)
Dudley, J. R. (2014). Social work evaluation: Enhancing what we do. (2nd ed.) Chicago, IL: Lyceum Books.
· (For review) Chapter 6, “Needs Assessment” (pp. 107–142)
· Chapter 7, “Crafting Goals and Objectives” (pp. 144–164)
Document: Tutty, L. M., & Rothery, M. A. (2010). Needs assessments. In B. Thyer (Ed.), The handbook of social work research methods (2nd ed.,pp. 149–162). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage. (PDF)
Journal: Supervising Others
Take a minute and think about the supervisors you have had in the workplace. What were characteristics of effective supervisors? As you reflect on these experiences, consider how supervision affected your ability to complete the tasks associated with your job. Also, think about how leadership styles can influence the relationship between social workers and their supervisors.
For this Assignment, review the Petrakis case study in this week’s video and note how supervisory and leadership skills are portrayed.
Assignment (4–5 paragraphs)
Complete the following Journal entry:
· Identify attributes of leadership styles and approaches that facilitate quality supervision.
· Evaluate the supervisory and leadership skills demonstrated in the Petrakis case study by identifying which supervisory and leadership skills the supervisor demonstrated.

Finding “factors for” and “factors against” a position is a versatile tool for critical thinkers

 Psychology homework help
Assignment 2: Factors In Favor of and Against
Finding “factors for” and “factors against” a position is a versatile tool for critical thinkers. In this assignment, you will practice this technique more formally by examining one of several contemporary issues.
Using your readings, the Argosy University online library resources, and the Internet, research methods for creating arguments using factors for and factors against an issue.
Select a topic for use in this assignment. It is recommended that you choose a topic that is personally meaningful or interesting to you. Examples of topics can include, but are not limited to, the following:

  • Underage drinking: Lowering the legal drinking age in the United States.
  • Gun control: Increasing restrictions on the civilian possession of non-hunting guns.
  • Selective service: Enacting compulsory military service obligation for all US citizens.
  • Universal health care: Governmental provision of free health care for all citizens.

For the selected topic, complete the following:

  • Construct at least six reasons for and six reasons against the topic. Rank the reasons in terms of strength and effectiveness.
  • Explain why you identified each argument as either strong or weak in each category.

Include the following two parts in your completed assignment:
Part 1: Compile a matrix (using the template below) that lists and ranks six arguments for and six arguments against the issue you have selected. Rank the reasons for each side of the issue from strongest to weakest.
Part 2: After you have compiled your matrix, write a 500–700-word paper in Word format. This essay should explain and synthesize the information in your matrix. Defend why you have ranked each argument as either strong or weak. Apply APA standards to citation of sources