
Head-to-Toe Assessment

Nursing homework help
Head-to-Toe Assessment
For this assignment, perform a complete head-to-toe assessment on one of your chosen participants. Your analysis should include the following:
•Topical headings to delineate systems.
•For any system for which you do not have equipment, explain how you would do the assessment.
•Detailed review of each system with normal and abnormal findings, along with normal laboratory findings for client age.
•An analysis of age-specific risk reduction, health screen, and immunizations.       •Your expectation of normal findings and what might indicate abnormal findings in your review of systems.
•The differential diagnosis (disease) associated with possible abnormal findings.
•A plan of care (including nursing diagnosis, interventions, evaluation).
•Client and age-appropriate evidenced based practice strategies for health promotion.
•Pharmacological treatments that can be used to address health issues for this client.   Provide your answers in a 6- to 7-page Microsoft Word document.   Support your responses with examples.   On a separate references page, cite all sources using APA format.
•Use this APA Citation Helper as a convenient reference for properly citing resources.
•This handout will provide you the details of formatting your essay using APA style.
•You may create your essay in this APA-formatted template.

•Describe what you believe to be the drivers for each of the individuals? What factors led them to become advocates? 

 Nursing homework help
The Nurse as Advocate  Whether nurses are advocating for their patients, health care, and/or policies that improve people’s lives, the advocacy processes have commonalities that transcend the subject of their advocacy. There are also differences, although these differences may be more nuanced than obvious.
Tasks:  Write a 5-page brief to answer the following questions. Be sure to use APA guidelines for writing style, spelling and grammar, and citation of sources.  Read the following chapters from your course textbook:
•Taking Action: Nurse, Educator, and Legislator: My Journey to the Delaware Senate
•Taking Action: A Nurse in the Board Room  Answer the below questions: •Describe what you believe to be the drivers for each of the individuals? What factors led them to become advocates?
•Discuss the challenges that each of them identified in their writings.
•Analyze these drivers and challenges and compare them with your own experience to date as an advocate. In what ways do you believe that you can expand your advocacy skills within the next five years?

Using your reports and information identify 3 specifics ways that your diet could be improved

 Nursing homework help
Use data form and information to answer the  questions in the first attachment, and the second attachment is the steps of instructions for the project.
Here is the website of ChooseMyPlate:

KINE 205 Nutrition Assessment
· Use data form and information to answer the following questions.
· Be specific and detailed in your answers!
· Attach this discussion to your 3 reports from and upload all documents.
1. Using your reports and information identify 3 specifics ways that your diet could be improved. (highlight each area of concern on your analysis and list here)
2. What are 2 specific changes you can make in your nutritional intake to improve your diet? These should be specific to the things you listed in question #1.
3. How would these changes impact your health?
4. Using the SMART goal format, create a behavior change goal to help you accomplish these nutritional changes.

5. What did you learn about your diet from tracking your intake with

How to brief a legal case?

Nursing homework help
1st part of assignment: How to brief a legal case?
Everything has to be in APA format and turn it in please.
Please see below for instructions
Search Engines to Find Legal Cases-In addition to Google, you can also use the search engines below to find a Legal Case
Google Scholar
Simply type into your browser any of the above search engines followed by “Caselaw, and your legal issue,.
For example, “Findlaw, caselaw,, medical malpractice, or, statute of limitations, or lack of informed consent
A sample brief of Roe v. Wade, a landmark case that made the right to an abortion legal.
2. The Supreme Court Hearing and Opinion-Browse through
3. A Reading to better understand the case.
You may use this case for your Legal Ethical Paper should you wish to do so..,%20Roe%20v.%20Wade.docx?ou=6606
2nd part: write the assignment 3-5 pages
See below for example of cases to choose from,%20Medical%20Records%20Case.docx?ou=6606,%20Medical%20Records%20Case.docx?ou=6606
Introduction of case
Background and Setting
Identification of legal issue
Identification of ethical issue
Legal aspects
Ethical Aspects
Impact on local, state, or federal policy and/or general healthcare implications
Please attach your Legal Brief to your Paper