
Identify three different levels of management within the organization with line authority and differentiate generally between their primary roles.

Assignment 3: Understanding the Hierarchy of Managerial Levels and Division of Labor

Industrial/organizational (I/O) psychology professionals (both internal and external) typically act in an advisory role and use their professional expertise to solve organizational problems, supervised and guided by client management. The nature of the work varies widely and is primarily based on two factors, organizational level and the department where the project is being conducted. The work could be strategic or tactical, based on the level of the organization. How to apply the advice depends on the functional area.

It is important for industrial/organizational (I/O) psychologists to understand how organizations are departmentalized and the type of work conducted at various levels within the organization.

For this assignment, you will complete the following:

  • List the typical departments that might be found in a midsize to large manufacturing organization. Briefly, describe what type of work each department does. Be sure to include all of the support functions it takes to run such a business.
  • For each department, classify if its management would be considered to have line or staff authority.
  • Identify three different levels of management within the organization with line authority and differentiate generally between their primary roles.

Your final product should be a 3- to 5-page Microsoft Word document, using a minimum of three scholarly sources. Be sure you write in a clear, concise, and organized manner; demonstrate ethical scholarship in accurate representation and attribution of sources; and display accurate spelling, grammar, and punctuation. Use APA format.

Discuss the difference between expressive and receptive language systems, focusing on neuroanatomical substrates

Discussion: Expressive versus Receptive language systems

Discuss the difference between expressive and receptive language systems, focusing on neuroanatomical substrates. What types of language impairments would be seen with damage to the different brain areas? How is acquired damage to those areas functionally different from developmental language delays? When responding to your peers, think about the ways humans rely on language, and address additional ways language disruption can affect daily functioning.

Compose a post of one to two paragraphs. Reference scholarly or peer-reviewed sources to support your discussion points, as appropriate (using proper citation methods for your discipline).

Describe the method and procedures used for investigating peak performance or the psychological skills training program mentioned in the journal article. 

The purpose of this assignment is for you to become more familiar with the current empirical literature in applied sport psychology related to a course topic of your choice. Search the Argosy University’s online library databases, such as PsychINFO (EBSCO), and select an empirically based journal article on the topic of peak performance or psychological skills training programs.

Note: Since literature reviews, theoretical discussions, or position papers are not research investigations on the topic, they are not appropriate for this assignment.

An appropriate journal article is one that is a research study in the area of peak performance or psychological skills training programs. Therefore prior to completing the assignment, you are encouraged to submit the reference of the journal article you have selected for your facilitator’s approval.

You can submit the reference via e-mail or you can attempt to have a live meeting (via phone or chat) with your facilitator. However, please make prior arrangements with your facilitator for all live meetings.

Review the journal article, particularly the purpose, methods, results, and discussion sections of the journal article.

Provide a 1–3-page summary of your review, addressing the following questions:In your opinion, what are the psychological characteristics and psychological skills found to be generally associated with peak performance in athletes?

How well are these characteristics and skills addressed in the journal article you reviewed?

Describe the method and procedures used for investigating peak performance or the psychological skills training program mentioned in the journal article.

How effective is this method in understanding the psychology of performance? Support your opinion with references and examples from the journal article.Do you agree with the results expounded in the article? Why or why not?Follow APA guidelines for writing and citing sources.

Present the review in Microsoft Word document format. Name the file

M1_A3_LastName_JournalArticleReview.doc. Submit it to the Submissions Area by the due date assigned.All written assignments and responses should follow APA rules for attributing sources.

Assignment 3 Grading Criteria Maximum PointsIdentified and described the psychological characteristics and psychological skills found to be generally associated with peak performance in athletes.

8Described how methods for using the basic psychological characteristics and skills were examined in the study.8Articulated the results of the study pertaining to the effectiveness of these methods, supported with references and examples.

8Supported areas of agreement or described issues of disagreement with the findings of the study.

8Wrote in a clear, concise, and organized manner; demonstrated ethical scholarship in accurate representation and attribution of sources, displayed accurate spelling, grammar, and punctuation.
