
Psychopharmacological Treatment Options for Bipolar Disorders

Psychopharmacological Treatment Options for Bipolar DisordersFriends and family have often pointed out that Daniel’s behavior pattern seems to be one of successes followed in short order by extreme

Psychopharmacological Treatment Options for Bipolar Disorders
Friends and family have often pointed out that Daniel’s behavior pattern seems to be one of successes followed in short order by extreme mania and eventual breakdown. Wammo noticed that Daniel ‘started never changing his McDonald’s uniform. It was brown already, but it became shiny like sharkskin with French fry grease.’ Dave Thornberry visited Daniel in Austin in ’86 and recalls that, ‘He wasn’t well. We got in a huge fight. He thought I was under the control of Satan, and [he] tried to beat me up. I had to call a relative in San Antonio to come get me.’
—Yazdani & Goede (2007, p. 11)
As the above quote illustrates, clients with bipolar disorder struggle to lead a normal life. Since many of the medications used to treat bipolar disorder have similar functions and effects, a psychiatrist might prescribe a variety of medications as part of the client’s overall treatment plan. Counselors play a pivotal role in consistently monitoring and ensuring that the recommended psychopharmacological treatments are effective in ameliorating the client’s symptoms. In providing care for a client like Daniel, having a thorough knowledge of the adverse effects) associated with psychopharmacological intervention prepares counseling professionals to advocate for alternative approaches.
For this Assignment, review the Learning Resources. Review the medication selection for the Discussion assignment and consider its function, side effects, and other pertinent information. Analyze additional psychopharmacological treatment options for bipolar disorders. Select a different anticonvulsant/mood stabilizing medication than the one you used in the Discussion assignment (other than lithium) that a psychiatrist might prescribe to treat bipolar disorders.
In a 2- to 3-page APA-formatted paper, include the following:

  • Explain the effects of the medication you selected and lithium in treating bipolar disorder
  • Explain the potential side effects of the medication you selected and the potential side effects of lithium
  • Explain how counselors monitor clients for adverse effects associated with the selected medication and lithium
  • In light of adverse effects, explain when and how a counselor might advocate for a client to consult with his or her psychiatrist. Provide a specific example.

Identifying Addiction Issues

Identifying Addiction IssuesAs has been discussed previously, the DSM-5 saw substantial changes to the diagnoses associated with addiction. In fact, it could be argued that the new diagnostic structur

Identifying Addiction IssuesAs has been discussed previously, the DSM-5 saw substantial changes to the diagnoses associated with addiction. In fact, it could be argued that the new diagnostic structur
Identifying Addiction Issues
As has been discussed previously, the DSM-5 saw substantial changes to the diagnoses associated with addiction. In fact, it could be argued that the new diagnostic structure in the substance-related and addiction section better serves the treatment process, as it focuses in functional impairments across domains, rather than specific quantities of use. As such, it also supports a more strength-based, wellness perspective, as the client’s overall health and individual experience are key aspects of diagnosis.
Such a focus is also the case with the commonly used screening and assessment tools. It is important for counselors to be well versed in the use of instruments, and to understand the strengths and limitations of each.
For this Discussion, after reviewing Chapter 7 of your text, you will select two assessment tools discussed on pages 300-302. Use the Walden Library to find at least one peer-reviewed article discussing the utilization and reliability for eachinstrument selected.
Post by Day 4 a brief description of the two assessment tools you selected and application. Then, describe one strength and one shortcoming of each, using specific examples to illustrate your points. Lastly, describe how the assessment tool might be used to support a provisional diagnosis of a substance-related or addictive disorder.
These are the assessment tool below
The Brief Biosocial Gambling Screener (BBGS)
The Alcohol Use Disorder Identification Test (AUDIT)

What are the common symptoms of childhood depression?

Childhood DisordersAlthough childhood depression is prevalent, many parents are reluctant to seek psychological disorder treatment for their children.Answer the following questions:What are the common

Childhood Disorders
Although childhood depression is prevalent, many parents are reluctant to seek psychological disorder treatment for their children.Answer the following questions:

  • What are the common symptoms of childhood depression?
  • Why might parents feel that these symptoms are not problematic or are simply “normal” childhood behaviors?
  • If your friend’s child suffered from depression, what advice would you give your friend?

Childhood AD/HD
AD/HD has become an increasingly popular and controversial disorder.Answer the following questions:

  • What are the common symptoms of AD/HD? What are its typical treatment plans?
  • In your opinion, why has diagnosis of this disorder increased over the past several decades?
  • Why is this disorder more controversial than other childhood disorders?

Submission Details:

  • Submit a Microsoft Document
  • Support your responses with examples.
  • Cite any sources in APA format.
  • Attach a Report.

Explain the differences between probability and nonprobability sampling.

Discussion AssignmentTo support your work, use your course and text readings, and outside sources. As in all assignments, cite your sources in your work and provide references for the citations in APA

Discussion Assignment
To support your work, use your course and text readings, and outside sources. As in all assignments, cite your sources in your work and provide references for the citations in APA format.
Probability and Nonprobability Sampling
In this assignment, you will research about probability and nonprobability samples.Using the Internet, research the following:

  • Qualitative research in psychology
  • Probability and nonprobability samples
  • Principles of sampling distribution
  • Random samples

Consider the following example.
Some researchers wanted to find out which of the two candidates in the election for a mayor were more favored by voters. This would mean defining all eligible voters or creating a systematic sample by taking from the voter registration roster, starting from a randomly selected name, and contacting every 500th person. It could even involve a better procedure of using a computer to randomly select telephone numbers and then interview registered voters from them, which means only those registered voters with a telephone would be included in the sample.Other researchers would cite the voting preferences of their own friends and acquaintances or might interview shoppers at a local mall. They could even publish telephone numbers in the local newspaper and ask the readers to call and ‘vote’ for one candidate. The important thing about these methods is that they would exclude some members of the population like those who do not know the researchers, do not go to shopping malls or perhaps do not read newspapers. Hence this type of sampling cannot be generalized to the population of city voters.
Based on the example and your research, complete the following discussions:

  • Explain the differences between probability and nonprobability sampling.
  • Explain the principles of sampling distribution and normal curve in understanding the logic of sampling. How are these each used in research?
  • Samples are best when they allow the researcher to produce accurate generalizations about the population from the features of the sample. The goal of a qualitative researcher, as opposed to the quantitative researcher, is not to obtain representative samples but to use a small number of cases to illuminate an aspect of social life more fully. Explain how and why do research samples work.
  • Explain how the appropriate sample size for use in research can be determined.
  • Explain what a random sample is and how you would determine if you should use it in your scientific research.
  1. Cite all sources in APA format.
  2. Attach a Report.