
the process of collecting snowball samples.

Snowball SamplesIn this assignment, you will learn about using snowball samples in research.Using the Internet, research snowball samples. A purposive sample is a nonrepresentative subset of a larger

Snowball Samples
In this assignment, you will learn about using snowball samples in research.
Using the Internet, research snowball samples.
A purposive sample is a nonrepresentative subset of a larger population. It is created for a very specific purpose or need. For example, a researcher may have a specific group in mind and that is who they will sample. A subset of a purposive sample is known as a snowball sample.
It is named a snowball sample because the researcher picks up the sample along the way in research, which is analogous to how a snowball gets larger due to accumulating snow. You achieve a snowball sample by asking a participant to suggest someone else who might fit the needs or parameters of the study. This is very helpful in hard-to-track populations, such as the homeless population.
Snowball samples are based on social networks. Researchers represent a social network by drawing a sociogram—a diagram of circles connected with lines. For example, Sally Williams and Tim Anderson do not know each other directly, but each has a good friend, Susan Braid, so they have an indirect connection. All three are part of the same friendship network. The circles represent each person or case, and the lines represent friendship or other linkages.
For this assignment, identify two people who you know but who are not your best friends, and who may or may not know one another. Ask each to name three of his or her close friends. Contact those six people, and then ask them to name their three closest friends. Repeat this process a third time.
Next, draw a sociogram or map of interconnections between the twenty-six persons. Show when more than one person named another person in the same network.
Use the chart in Appendix A to construct the sociogram.
After completing the sociogram, complete the following tasks:

  • Write a concise analysis explaining the process of collecting snowball samples.
  • Examine your feelings on your experiment with this social network example and explain them in the analysis.
  • Explain whether or not you think using snowball samples is an effective technique. Provide reasoning for your view.
  •  Support your responses with relevant examples.

Using APA format, cite any sources you use appropriately throughout the paper and reference on a separate page.

the benefits of group therapy for addiction treatment and at least one significant challenge to group treatment

Group counseling is a popular approach to addiction treatment. Like individual treatment, it offers its own unique benefits to participants. Some individuals may be hesitant to participate in a group,

Group counseling is a popular approach to addiction treatment. Like individual treatment, it offers its own unique benefits to participants. Some individuals may be hesitant to participate in a group, as they may feel self-conscious or embarrassed by what they perceive as their weaknesses or failings. However, the camaraderie and support offered by group counseling often quickly dispels such fears, and participants may be surprised by how beneficial the group process is on their recovery efforts.
Therapy groups often meet once per week, though more frequent sessions may be utilized depending on circumstances and levels of care, and are led by a licensed professional. Groups may be open or closed, gender limited or integrated, or have other qualifying requirements that can help focus the group interactions, as well as support goals and cohesiveness. For this Discussion, you will review the basics of group treatment addiction, the application of strengths-based treatment theory to group counseling, and how groups can support both relapse prevention and continuum of care.
Post by Day 4 an overview of the benefits of group therapy for addiction treatment and at least one significant challenge to group treatment. Then, discuss how group treatment can support both relapse prevention efforts and the continuum of care. Use specific examples to illustrate your points.

Impact of geography in the sequence of development.

Research PaperFor Week 3 you conducted an annotated bibliography on a set of topics.The major developmental theories for children and adolescents.Impact of current trends on developing children and ad

Research Paper
For Week 3 you conducted an annotated bibliography on a set of topics.

  1. The major developmental theories for children and adolescents.
  2. Impact of current trends on developing children and adolescents.
  3. Impact of geography in the sequence of development.
  4. Physical development from childhood through adolescence.
  5. Cognitive development from childhood through adolescence.
  6. Social and personality development from childhood through adolescence.
  7. Emotion and language in varied contexts (e.g., home, school, peers).
  8. Age-appropriate milestones and anomalies.

For this assignment you will utilize that information and what you learned from this course on a research paper regarding the topics chosen.   For this week you will write your paper. The paper should adhere to the following guidelines:

  • The length of the paper should be 12–14 double-spaced pages (not including the title and reference pages).
  • For the main sections it should have a:
    • Title page
    • Introduction
    • Literature review
    • Conclusion
    • Reference page(s)
    • The paper must use proper APA style for citing sources and references.
    • Introduction: This should be 1–2 pages in length. The introduction provides a brief overview of what will be covered and the purpose of the research paper.
    • Literature review: The literature review is taken in part from what you had written in Week 3.
    • Discussion and conclusions: The difference between a great research paper and a marginal one is the depth and originality of the discussion and conclusion section. This is where you bring together what you learned from the literature review (as well as through the course) in your concluding remarks regarding your topic. The discussion and conclusion section should be 1–2 pages in length.

Submission Details:

  • Cite all sources in APA format.
  • Support reasoning with examples.

Explain the necessary preparation for successful field research.

Qualitative Approaches to ResearchIn this assignment, you will learn how to conduct field research keeping in mind the challenges involved in such studies.Using the Internet, research about conducting

Qualitative Approaches to Research
In this assignment, you will learn how to conduct field research keeping in mind the challenges involved in such studies.
Using the Internet, research about conducting field research and the challenges faced in field research.
Consider the following:
The peculiar nature of field research calls for the involvement of the researcher in the daily activities of subjects. This type of research requires greater social skills on the part of the researcher than any other method in social research. The ability of the researcher to communicate, negotiate, affiliate, and participate is invaluable. In addition, the researcher must be prepared to face risks and make decisions that are crucial and sudden. Thus, the personal life of the researcher is completely susceptible to the vicissitudes of the research field, something to which the deductive-quantitative approaches are largely immune.
Using the internet, find and study a sample of field research on psychological, observational, or social skills.
Based on the sample, complete the following tasks:

  • Include the link to your sample and field research results.
  • Explain the findings of the field research that you found.
  • Explain the necessary preparation for successful field research.
  • Based on your opinion, identify the greatest ethical challenge faced by a field researcher.
  • Discuss the four factors that affect the choice of a field site (containment, richness, unfamiliarity, and suitability).