
Writing Survey Items

Writing Survey ItemsIn this assignment, you will practice writing survey questions. Using the Internet, research writing survey items. The only in-depth way to learn about how to write survey question

Writing Survey Items
In this assignment, you will practice writing survey questions.
Using the Internet, research writing survey items.
The only in-depth way to learn about how to write survey questions is to write some. It helps to look at the questions in existing surveys, but often they do not ask what you want to find out. So, you need to write your own questions.
Based on your research and readings for the week, create a 2-page questionnaire in Microsoft Word by completing the following tasks:

  • Pick a topic that is different from your final research topic and design your own 10- to 15-item questionnaire for a mail survey. Remember that in a mail survey, you need to be very explicit and clear because the respondent cannot ask for clarification.
  • Include the following in your questionnaire:
    • One contingency question
    • One partially-open question
    • One open-ended question
    • Five or more quasi-filter questions
    • Two to five demographic questions (age, education, race, marital status, and so on)

Using APA format, cite any sources you use appropriately throughout the paper and reference on a separate page.
Submission Details:

  1.  Using APA format, cite any sources you use appropriately throughout the paper and reference on a separate page.
  2. Submit a Microsoft Word Document
  3. Support reasoning with examples.

Describe normative and nonnormative age-graded influences?

Adult development focuses on the behaviors and issues that people deal with during their life span—from adolescence through the end of life (for this course, you will focus more on the retirement ag

Adult development focuses on the behaviors and issues that people deal with during their life span—from adolescence through the end of life (for this course, you will focus more on the retirement age—before sixty-five years). Changes through an individual’s life span are a prominent focus in understanding adult development. Change can be classified as normative and nonnormative age-graded influences.

  • Explain why issues such as commonalities, stability, and change are considered significant in the study of adult development?
  • Describe normative and nonnormative age-graded influences?
  • Using examples from your observations of those around you, explain the importance of understanding normative and nonnormative age-graded influences in adult development.
  1. Justify your answers with appropriate reasoning and research.
  2. Submit a Microsoft Word Document
  3. Cite all sources in APA format
  4. Adult development focuses on the behaviors and issues that people deal with during their life span—from adolescence through the end of life (for this course, you will focus more on the retirement age—before sixty-five years). Changes through an individual’s life span are a prominent focus in understanding adult development. Change can be classified as normative and nonnormative age-graded influences.

Analyze and discuss four specific reasons on why we have laws.

Criminal psychology can be defined as a branch of applied psychology concerned with the collection, examination, and presentation of evidence for judicial purposes. The role of a psychologist in crimi

Criminal psychology can be defined as a branch of applied psychology concerned with the collection, examination, and presentation of evidence for judicial purposes. The role of a psychologist in criminal investigations can take a variety of forms. For example, there are criminal psychologists specifically involved in assessing and making treatment commendations or trial and sentencing. The area of psychology and law continues to grow rapidly.
Laws help resolve conflict, protect the public, and are established for public safety. As a society, we have established procedures to help control behaviors that may pose a risk for others or violate others’ rights. According to the course textbook, rules of etiquette help us deal with conflict between one person’s impulses and another person’s rights. Two distinct models, both with varying perspectives and characteristics, guide the criminal justice system. These models represent two philosophical approaches toward why certain choices are made within the legal system.Using the Internet, conduct research on criminal psychology and models of criminal justice. {Visiting the American Psychological Association (APA) or American Psychological–Law Society are good resources for your research, as well}.
Based on your research and understanding, address the following:

  • Explore and describe various aspects of the role of a psychologist in the legal system.
  • Categorize and describe four careers related to the field of psychology and the law. Explain some of the ethical issues encountered by each of these four careers you identified.
  • Classify the roles and duties of a forensic psychologist and summarize how ethics play a role in the field of forensic psychology.
  • Analyze and discuss four specific reasons on why we have laws.
  • Analyze what is meant by the psychological approach to studying the law.
  • Describe the two models of the criminal justice system and characterize each from the perspective of its values and focus. Compare these two models with respect to morality and legality.
  • Analyze and explain the two schools of thought that guide the judicial decision-making process.
  • Compare these schools of thought, citing at least three similarities and three differences between the two. Discuss how judges and attorneys use them in legal practice.

Submission Details:

  1. Submit a Microsoft Word Document
  2. Cite all sources in APA format

Explain whether terms and concepts such as "commonsense justice" and "everyday fairness" apply to legality versus ethics.

For this assignment, you will analyze two topics (i.e., euthanasia and life imprisonment) that create issues about questioning one’s morals and ethics versus legality. Based upon your research and und

For this assignment, you will analyze two topics (i.e., euthanasia and life imprisonment) that create issues about questioning one’s morals and ethics versus legality.
Based upon your research and understanding, address the following:

  • For each topic, list the appropriate points of consideration or debates that relate to morals and ethics and the conflicts that arise with respect to the issues.
  • For each topic, list the appropriate points of consideration or debates that relate to legality and the issues that might arise with respect to the issues.
  • Explain whether terms and concepts such as “commonsense justice” and “everyday fairness” apply to legality versus ethics.
  • Distinguish between morality and legality.
  • Explain whether concepts such as distributive justice and procedural justice apply to legality versus ethics.
  • Analyze the role of citizen sense in morality versus justice

Submission Details:
Cite all soruces in APA format
Submit a Microsoft Word Document