
analyze the efficacy of integrated treatment in co-occurring disorders

Co-Occurring DisordersCo-occurring mental health and addiction disorders are so common in treatment that they are considered the norm, not the exception. More than half of clients with one diagnosis w

Co-Occurring Disorders
Co-occurring mental health and addiction disorders are so common in treatment that they are considered the norm, not the exception. More than half of clients with one diagnosis will have the other–a broad statistic that emphasizes the importance of mental health counselors having a working knowledge of addiction and its treatment. Further, it’s important to recognize that the presence of co-occurring disorders complicates treatment considerably–the total is far more than the sum of its parts.
For this Discussion, you will analyze the efficacy of integrated treatment in co-occurring disorders. To facilitate your response to the prompt, consider a hypothetical client example–such as an individual with bipolar disorder and cocaine use disorder, or post-traumatic stress disorder and alcohol use disorder. In reality, many individuals with co-occurring disorders have multiple mental health and addiction diagnoses; however, for simplicity of this Discussion and ease in making your points, consider just one diagnosis under each area.
Post by Day 4 an overview of the strengths and weaknesses of an integrated treatment approach for co-occurring disorders. Then, describe how you would conceptualize a client with co-occurring addiction and mental health issues using a hypothetical client example to help illustrate your points. Be sure to include ideas for assessment and treatment planning using specific examples to support your assertions.

The Stages of Change Model

Stages of Change ApplicationThe Stages of Change Model (also referred to as the “Transtheoretical Model” or “TTM”) is a widely accepted and empirically supported process construct that describ

Stages of Change ApplicationThe Stages of Change Model (also referred to as the “Transtheoretical Model” or “TTM”) is a widely accepted and empirically supported process construct that describ
Stages of Change Application
The Stages of Change Model (also referred to as the “Transtheoretical Model” or “TTM”) is a widely accepted and empirically supported process construct that describes both the manner and mechanisms of change. It is not a substitute for treatment theory, but rather an overlay to a chosen clinical approach that can aid the counselor in client conceptualization and effective treatment delivery. It can also help clinicians adapt interventions to align with the client’s stage in the change process and offers insights into how to enhance motivation and engagement.
In this Assignment, you will analyze the Stages of Change Model and how you can operationalize it as an overlay to your own preferred treatment theory.
Complete a 3- to 4-page paper in which you do the following:

  • Provide an overview of the stages of change model. Include ways to determine a client’s stage in the change process.
  • Identify at least one challenge and one potential intervention for each of the stages of change, based on a theoretical approach of your choice.
  • Justify your response with specific references to this week’s Learning Resources and the current literature.

Compare and contrast these rites to common US rites of passage

We have learned that adolescence is a time of transition between childhood and adulthood. A critical milestone of this stage is the ability to successfully achieve a sense of identity. Around the worl

We have learned that adolescence is a time of transition between childhood and adulthood. A critical milestone of this stage is the ability to successfully achieve a sense of identity. Around the world, there are different rites of passage to mark the transition to adulthood. In the United States, this might include obtaining a driver’s license, landing one’s first job, senior prom, or high school graduation. In this assignment, we will explore the role that family and society play in the development of the individual’s sense of self.
By the due date assigned, create two documents for parents of minority teens 1) A 9–12-slide PowerPoint presentation (complete with speaker’s notes) and 2) an accompanying 1–2-page handout/flier in Word document or PDF format. Be sure that both illustrate the following:

  1. Describe common rites of passage from two cultures around the world and compare them to a common American rite of passage.  Possible resources might include National Geographic and the Argosy University Online Library.
  2. Compare and contrast these rites to common US rites of passage. Do they coincide with the physical, cognitive, or socioemotional changes taking place at this age? Describe which specific changes (physical, cognitive, or socioemotional) they coincide with. Does this explain their importance in a particular culture?
  3. How might such a social ritual, such as a rite of passage, influence the identity formation process of adolescents?
  4. In light of Erikson and Marcia’s theories, discuss how the process of identity development is affected when the adolescent belongs to a minority group (racial, ethnic, sexual, or religious). Be sure to explain these theories and how they apply to identity development.
  5. Summarize research from at least two peer-reviewed* studies on the effect of minority status on identity development, ensuring you describe the main findings of the study as well as the research methods used to study the topic.
  6. Apply the information you gathered from the online notes, textbook, and research articles to provide at least three practical recommendations for what the family, school, and community can do to ease the process for adolescents.

*Peer-reviewed means an article from a reputable journal, which can be found in the Argosy University Online Library. Peer reviewed indicates that other professionals in the field have reviewed and deemed it worthy of publication, in contrast to much if what we find online: someone posting something he or she wants to, without someone else verifying that the research methods were rigorous enough and the study is valid. Use your textbook and course lectures as your primary resources, as well as articles from the Argosy University Online Library. If you must supplement from a website, do NOT use .coms. Instead, look for .org, .gov, and sometimes .edu for more reputable sources. Never use Wikipedia or
This assignment is worth 300 points and will be evaluated according to the rubric. Study the rubric carefully before you start work and refer to it periodically to complete this assignment.

What advice might you give a modern-day parent for relating to his or her teen, based on what you have learned?

Would it surprise you to learn that this quote is attributed to Socrates (469-399 B.C.)? As children grow through middle childhood and into adolescence, they assert their autonomy more and more, becom

Would it surprise you to learn that this quote is attributed to Socrates (469-399 B.C.)? As children grow through middle childhood and into adolescence, they assert their autonomy more and more, becoming less likely to conform with parental influence as they form their own identities. Review the stages of development covered in this course (including cognitive, socioemotional, and physical) and the main concepts you have learned in this module, including autonomy, identity formation, and relationships.

  1. What have you learned about development during adolescence that might explain how this quote can apply to modern day adolescents, as well as those who lived centuries ago?
  2. Although there might be general similarities, are there some differences that modern-day parents need to consider as well?
  3. What advice might you give a modern-day parent for relating to his or her teen, based on what you have learned?
  4. Based on your readings for this course, do you think research on development supports adolescence as a time of turmoil, identity formation, and/or peer pressure?
  5. Remember to support your responses.

Write your initial response in 4-5 paragraphs. Support your statements with citations from your text, online notes and other scholarly sources. Apply APA standards to citation of sources.