
analyze the correlation between the timings of television commercials and their cost effectiveness.

You will observe, research, and analyze the correlation between the timings of television commercials and their cost effectiveness.Using the Internet, research the subject of advertising on television

You will observe, research, and analyze the correlation between the timings of television commercials and their cost effectiveness.
Using the Internet, research the subject of advertising on television.
First, develop a recording sheet for television commercials (not including commercials for upcoming TV shows or public service advertisements). For each commercial, the sheet should indicate the following:

  • Television network
  • Day of the week (select 2 different days)
  • Time of day:
    • Morning: 8:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. (noon)
    • Afternoon: 12:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m.
    • Early evening: 5:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m.
    • Late evening: 9:00 p.m. to 12:00 a.m. (midnight)
  • Estimated price of the advertised product:
    • Under $10
    • $10–$100
    • $101–$500
    • $501–$10,000
    • Over $10,000

Next, analyze the content of these television commercials.
To do so, observe each network, each day, for each time slot (you may enlist a friend to help). After you gather the data, write a 2- to 3-page essay in Microsoft Word in which you answer the following questions:

  • What patterns do you find based on the price of products or the time of day or by day of the week?
  • Are the two networks the same or different?
  • What do your findings mean?

Support your responses with relevant examples.
Using APA format, cite any sources you use appropriately throughout the paper and reference on a separate page.
Submission Details:

  1. Cite all sources in APA format.
  2. Attach a Report.
  3. Support reasoning with examples

Gender or ethnicity related to adult development

Research Article AnalysisIn this assignment, you will critically evaluate research studies in the field of adult development. Find two peer-reviewed research journal articles (not more than five years

Research Article Analysis
In this assignment, you will critically evaluate research studies in the field of adult development. Find two peer-reviewed research journal articles (not more than five years old) related to the weekly topics. You will read and analyze both articles and create a synopsis.
In your synopsis, you will include:

  • A summary of each of the journal articles
  • The main points discussed in each of the journal articles and how they relate to the week’s course and text readings
  • Your thoughts and perspectives regarding the concepts covered in each of the journal articles

This week, choose one of the following topics for the article analysis assignment:

  • Gender or ethnicity related to adult development
  • Aging (early to middle age)

Submission Details:

  1. Cite all sources in APA format.
  2. Support reasoning with examples and research.
  3. Attach a Report.

  What are the limitations of the humanistic theories in regard to their explanation of personality?


 Fill-in the Blank 1. Abraham Maslow proposed the _________________ theory of personality. 2. According to Maslow, self-fulfillment and realization of one’s full potential are examples of

Fill-in the Blank
1.     Abraham Maslow proposed the _________________ theory of personality.
2.     According to Maslow, self-fulfillment and realization of one’s full potential are examples of ________________ needs.
3.     Maslow’s hierarchy of needs proposes that ____________ needs must be satisfied before ____________ needs will become motivators for behavior.
4.     The belief that matter evolves from simpler to more complex forms is ____________________.
5.     The ___________, according to Rogers, is one’s view of self as one wishes to be.
6.     Carl Rogers believed that conditions of worth, incongruence, defensiveness, and disorganization are all considered  ___________________________.
7.     Rogers believed that __________________________, _______________________, and _________________ are necessary elements of psychotherapy.
8.     _______________ is the structure that gives meaning to experience and allows people to make decisions about the future.
9.     May proposed that ___________________ is the freedom of action, whereas __________________ is the freedom of being.
10.  The basic concepts of existential theory are _______________ and ___________________.
Match the following theoretical components with their correct theorist or theorists.
Theoretical component                                                          Theorist
1. Unconditional positive regard                                            A. Abraham Maslow
2. Eros                                                                                   B. Carl Rogers
3. Love and belongingness needs                                         C. Rollo May
4. The self-concept
5. Guilt
6. Levels of awareness
7. Self-actualization
8. Neurotic anxiety
1.     According to Maslow, what are the characteristics of self-actualizing people? Why are these characteristics important?
2.     What are the strengths of the humanistic theories in regard to their explanation of personality?
3.     What are the limitations of the humanistic theories in regard to their explanation of personality?
4.     What are the strengths and limitations of May’s existential theory in regard to their explanation of personality?


Explain the vagueness of everyday social measures and the necessity for more precise measures.

To support your work, use research.As in all assignments, cite your sources in your work and provide references for the citations in APA format.Advanced Research DesignIn this assignment, you will res

To support your work, use research.
As in all assignments, cite your sources in your work and provide references for the citations in APA format.
Advanced Research Design
In this assignment, you will research about using the Likert scale in research and evaluate its credibility.
Using the Internet, research Likert scales.
Using the following Likert type scale, study two social issues such as losing their temper at a friend, feeling jealous of a friend’s success, and so on among four fellow students.
Note your observations using the following scale:
Level of Frequency—7 Point
Rarely, in less than 10% of the chances when I could have
Occasionally, in about 30% of the chances when I could have
Sometimes, in about 50% of the chances when I could have
Frequently, in about 70% of the chances when I could have
Usually, in about 90% of the chances I could have
Every time
Based on your experience and observations, complete the following points of discussion:

  • Explain the vagueness of everyday social measures and the necessity for more precise measures.
  • Explain the differences in the measurement process between quantitative and qualitative approaches.
  • Create a sample hypothesis and explain why it is a good example.

Scales are constructed to measure the intensity of social emotions. These scales allow us to give meaning to the data that has been collected.

  • Name and show the characteristics of four different types of scales.
  • How would these be used in research?

Reliability and validity attempt to show credibility in measurement although we can never achieve perfect credibility in social measurement.

  • Explain the definitions of reliability and validity in social research.
  • Give one example of when you would use each and explain why.