
Discuss Dewey's approach to understanding experience using Heidegger's conception of mind and body and any relation to Heidegger's approach to ontology?

PSYCHOLOGY: Theories of Inquiry

Unit 1
Due 08/03/17
The mind-body problem in psychology has been discussed consistently since Plato. Discuss Dewey’s approach to understanding experience using Heidegger’s conception of mind and body and any relation to Heidegger’s approach to ontology? In what way does Husserl’s concept of ontology relate to the ideas of Dewey and Heidegger?
Focus on Research:
Go to the Forums tab in the DC network and explore the list of active forums. Select one of the forums that you believe may be of value to you given your dissertation field of interest. Identify the forum topic you selected, and summarize the contents of the existing forum posts for that topic. Why do you believe this forum may be helpful to you? How might interaction in the DC forums be a meaningful activity during your dissertation process? Explain.
1. Peering Into the Foundations of Inquiry: An Ontology of Conscious Experience Along Husserlian Lines
Vernon, R. F. (2005). Peering into the foundations of inquiry: An ontology of conscious experience along Husserlian lines. Journal of Theoretical and Philosophical Psychology, 25(2), 280-300. doi:10.1037/h0091263
2. Philosophy of Phenomenology: How Understanding Aids Research
Converse, M. (2012). Philosophy of phenomenology: How understanding aids research. Nurse Researcher, 20(1), 28-32.
3. The Humanistic Psychology–Positive Psychology Divide: Contrasts in Philosophical Foundations
Waterman, A. S. (2013). The humanistic psychology–positive psychology divide: Contrasts in philosophical foundations. American Psychologist, 68(3), 124-133. doi:10.1037/a0032168
4. The Ontological Reversal: A Figure of Thought of Importance for Science Education
Dahlin, B. (2003). The Ontological Reversal: A figure of thought of importance for science education. Scandinavian Journal of Educational Research, 47(1), 77.
5. The Question of the Living Body in Heidegger’s Analytic of Dasein
Ciocan, C. (2008). The question of the living body in Heidegger’s analytic of Dasein. Research in Phenomenology, 38(1), 72-89.
6. The Reflex Arc Concept in Psychology
Dewey, J. (1896). The reflex arc concept in psychology. Psychological Review, 3(4), 357-370. doi:10.1037/h0070405

How do toys influence behavior, self-concept, and identity?

week 3 a

Step 1: In your Learning Team, read and discuss the Week Three Electronic Reserve Readings.
As you discuss these articles, pay special attention to the following topics and issues:

  • Cultural influences on toys

Write a one-paragraph summary of the main findings from these articles, as they relate to the bulleted topics and issues.
Step 2: Within your Learning Team, investigate popular toys on the market today. You can use the internet or visit a toy store to do this research. See if you can find toys that fall into the four categories above: those that may promote aggression; those that may promote pro-social behavior; those that seem to encourage or discourage gender stereotyping; and those that seem to encourage or discourage cultural differences and/or stereotyping. Identify and investigate a minimum of four toys; one from each category. Discuss your observations about these four categories. Use the questions below as guidance for your team’s analysis of the toys.

  • How do toys influence behavior, self-concept, and identity?
  • What did you observe concerning positive and negative gender stereotyping?
  • How has your research on toys and gender influenced your views on the relative influences of environment and heredity on gender and identity development in children?
  • From your review of the literature and your examination of actual toys on the market, do you believe that some toys may increase the likelihood of aggressive behavior in children?  Under what circumstances might this occur?  Explain.
  • How has your research on toys and aggression influenced your views on the relative influences of environment and heredity on aggressive behavior in children?
  • Do any of the toys that you have examined promote stereotypes? Do any discourage stereotypes? Explain.
  • Do any of the toys reflect or indicate cultural and ethnic stereotypes? What effect can you see this having on the development of self-concept and identity?
  • How do toys that promote pro-social behavior benefit development during childhood?

Create a 2-slide Microsoft® PowerPoint® presentation of your findings including detailed speakers notes. Your presentation should summarize the four or more toys you investigated and present your findings on how toys influence development.  Conclude your presentation with a discussion of the following:

  • After evaluating toys, what would you advise parents concerning how toys can influence the development of their children? What would you want them to be aware of and why?
  • Have your views about the relative influences of heredity and environment on human development changed in any way?  For example, are there things you once attributed to heredity that you now believe to be more strongly influenced by the environment, or vice versa?

Identifying Misleading Information in an Argument

“Identifying Misleading Information in an Argument”

“Identifying Misleading Information in an Argument”

  • Consider the following argument: There are many arguments for the elimination or modification of current U. S. drug laws, but one of the most persuasive involves what negative effects drug laws are having on society in comparison with the effects of the drugs themselves. In the past ten years, most forms of drug use have dropped significantly, especially among teens. Despite this, non-violent drug offenders accounted for 21.1 percent of the federal prison population. First time drug offenders serve, on average, a sentence three months longer than kidnappers, nine months longer than burglars, and thirty-three months longer than sex abusers. In 1992, the average cost of keeping an inmate in either state or federal prison was about $20,000 per prisoner per year. The United States has the highest incarceration rate in the world, with 455 prisoners per 100,000 population. It is maintaining these prisoners at great expense in an environment where they are unlikely to develop a socially constructive attitude. Perhaps it is time that we reconsider our attitudes toward those who choose to use drugs; failure to do so may cost society even more than it already has.
    • Determine whether or not the argument uses any deceptive statistics. Give your opinion on whether or not the argument has persuaded you. Explain why or why not.
    • Determine the primary ways in which statistics or authority are used in your current position in developing persuasive arguments, and provide examples of such use.

the qualities of the most effective supervisor and the least effective supervisor and explain whether you consider these supervisors to be ethical or unethical

Week 10 Discussion 1

Discussion 1: Ethics and Supervision
Counselors who are in a supervisory role must constantly be aware of their ethical obligations. Ethically and legally, supervisors are responsible for the quality of services and actions of supervisees. Ethical supervision includes paying particular attention to the following areas: competence, evaluation and due process, dual relationships, confidentiality, and informed consent. While supervision may seem fairly straightforward, it is actually a complex and often multilayered process that should not be taken lightly.
Counselors in training have an ethical responsibility to secure appropriate supervision from a qualified supervisor, align to this supervisor’s theoretical orientation as it applies to supervision, and to engage as an active partner in the supervisory process. Many states have specific guidelines for approved clinical supervisors. It is your responsibility to ensure that you are receiving the specific type, quality, and quantity of supervision that is required by your academic program and state of licensure.
For this Discussion, reflect on the qualities of effective and ineffective supervisors. Think about a time when you worked with a supervisor. This does not need to be in a counseling position or even a paid position. Consider potential courses of action if you discovered your supervisor was engaged in unethical behavior.
Post by Day 2 a description of the qualities of the most effective supervisor and the least effective supervisor and explain whether you consider these supervisors to be ethical or unethical. Then, explain how these supervisors affected your performance. Explain the significance of having an ethical supervisor. Finally, explain a potential course of action if you discovered that your supervisor was behaving unethically.
Be sure to use the Learning Resources and the current literature to support your response.
Required Resources

  • Remley, T. P., Jr., & Herlihy, B. (2016). Ethical, legal, and professional issues in counseling (5th ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson.
    • Chapter 7, “Competence, Assessment, and Diagnosis” (pp. 154-187)
    • Chapter 8, “Malpractice and Resolving Legal and Ethical Challenges” (pp. 188-201)
    • Chapter 15, “Supervision and Consultation” (pp. 358-379)