
Ways to deal with stress

Choose one of the following topics for your article analysis assignment:Ways to deal with stressSocial supports and copingSearch the internet and find two peer-reviewed research journal articles (not

Choose one of the following topics for your article analysis assignment:

  • Ways to deal with stress
  • Social supports and coping

Search the internet and find two peer-reviewed research journal articles (not more than five years old) related to your selected topics. Other sources, such as the text (other than as supporting citations),
Wikipedia and other online sources will not be accepted. Read and analyze both the articles and create a synopsis.
In your synopsis, make sure to include:

  • A summary of each of the journal articles.
  • The main points discussed in the journal articles
  • Your thoughts and perspectives regarding the concepts covered in each of the journal articles.

Submission Details:
1. Submit a Microsoft Word document.
2. Cite all sources in APA format.
3. Attach a Report.

Explain the effects of suggestive questioning.

Family EvaluationCase Scenario Mother of Jason reports a long history of polysubstance abuse prior to this pregnancy. She presented an extensive history of alcohol addiction and heroin dependency. She

Family Evaluation
Case Scenario
Mother of Jason reports a long history of polysubstance abuse prior to this pregnancy. She presented an extensive history of alcohol addiction and heroin dependency. She reports using heroin from the age of 15 to 27. She reports that once when she found out she was pregnant, she stopped using substances. She reports not finding out that she was pregnant until six weeks into her pregnancy.
Once the pregnancy was identified, the mother reported the ceasing use of all substances. She denied a difficult withdrawal. She reports three in-patient treatment stays between age 17 and 27 years of age. She reported prenatal care, although she did not disclose her history of substance use or the potential risks of exposures to fetus to her pediatrician. She reported that her ex-husband (Jason’s biological father) also has a history of polysubstance abuse. She described a long history of family violence.
The mother reported refraining from substance use for the first year of Jason’s life; however, she relapsed shortly thereafter. Her addiction progressed rapidly. She reported that Jason witnessed her husband stab her when he was three years of age. She was then hospitalized for a short time; Jason stayed with his grandparents for a week. The husband returned home after his release from jail. The violence and drug use increased within Jason’s home.
At age five, Jason was again exposed to another traumatic event; he witnessed his mother shot three times in the chest by his father. When the police arrived, Jason was found sitting in his mother’s pool of blood. Jason was placed with his grandmother for several months while his mother again recuperated from her hospitalization. Jason’s father was arrested and sentenced to twenty-five years in prison. Mother reports becoming addicted to the pain medication prescribed by the doctors after her injury. Jason returned home to live with his mother and her active addiction. Jason began to miss school due to his health. He was also beginning to become difficult within the classroom setting and was often sent home early from school. He also had been left with different caretakers in his first five years of development.
Jason has an older sibling that had been living in an extended family member’s home for the first seven years of Jason’s life. This older brother, who is now a teenager, had a history of suicide attempts, truancy, history of depression, and conduct disorders. The brother returned home; however, due to his own addiction was soon placed in a long-term adolescent residential treatment center. It was during this time that the mother, once again with family intervention and therapy, gathered some sobriety time. Mother reports three years of sobriety at this interview.
One of the growing areas of forensic psychology is the evaluation of families for the purpose of family reunification, child custody disputes, and custodial arrangements.
Based on your understanding of the scenario, address the following:

  • Categorize and describe the criteria used to assess and make decisions involving child custody or parental fitness.
  • Analyze the guidelines developed by the APA in the year 2009 for conducting custody evaluations. Describe the purpose of these guidelines.
  • Characterize some of the major challenges and issues encountered during a family evaluation process.
  • Assume you are the evaluator for this case. Describe the treatment recommendations you would make after identifying family issues and problems needing to be addressed in the case of Jason.
  • Jason witnesses a horrific crime. Describe the suggestions that this week’s readings suggest about children’s eyewitness testimonies of crimes.
  • Explain the effects of suggestive questioning.
  • Assume you are asked to perform a child custody and parental fitness evaluation. Assess and explain the factors that you might consider and the recommendations you might make in demonstrating the child’s best interest.
  • Explain which assessment tools you might consider using while performing a child custody evaluation and parental fitness evaluation (or any other assessment) and justify your answers with reasoning.

Cite all sources in APA format.Submit a  Microsoft Word Document

Explain what is considered the standard for determining whether a person is competent to stand trial.

Forensic AssessmentFor this assignment, you will conduct Internet research on the Elizabeth Smart kidnapping trials. In brief, Smart was abducted at the age of fourteen from her home in Utah. Over nin

Forensic Assessment
For this assignment, you will conduct Internet research on the Elizabeth Smart kidnapping trials. In brief, Smart was abducted at the age of fourteen from her home in Utah. Over nine months later, she was found with her kidnappers, Brian David Mitchell and Wanda Ileen Barzee (now deceased). During Mitchell’s trial, consideration was given with respect to whether he was competent to stand trial. The legal standard for “competence to stand trial” has not changed since the US Supreme Court decision: “Our challenge is whether [the defendant] has sufficient present ability to consult with his lawyer with a reasonable degree of rational understanding and whether he has a rational as well as a factual understanding of the proceedings against him” (Stafford, 2003).While conducting your research, pay particular attention to the information you obtain regarding her kidnapper Mitchell. Based on your research, address the following:

  • Describe Mitchell’s profile. Describe some of his personality traits, and explain what you learned about his mental state at the time of the trial.
  • Explain how you would proceed with assessing Mitchell’s competency to stand trial. Analyze the considerations you would make, and based on your analysis, explain whether you think he was competent to stand trial.
  • Describe your views about Mitchell’s competency compared to the criminal justice process and how it measures competency. Analyze and explain whether there are any discrepancies or conflicts between these views.

Additionally, for this assignment, you will explore how clinicians determine competency to stand trial.
To prepare, you may read the following articles from the Internet:
Heilbrun, K., Hawk, G., & Tate, D. C. (1996). Juvenile competence to           stand trial: Research issues in practice. Law and Human Behavior,           20(5), 573–578.
Lipsitt, P. D., Lelos, D., & McGarry, A. L. (1971). Competency for trial:           A screening instrument. American Journal of Psychiatry128(1), 105–109.
Zapf, P. A., &Roesch, R. (2000). Mental competency evaluations:           Guidelines for judges and attorneys. Court Review37, 28–35.
After reviewing the articles, address the following:

  • Explain how clinicians determine competency. Identify the factors that clinicians consider when determining competencies.
  • Explain what is considered the standard for determining whether a person is competent to stand trial.
  • Describe some of the reasons evaluators must separate the developmental stages from the psychopathological causes of competence.

Submission Details:

  1. Cite all sources in APA format.
  2. Attach a Report.

the role of cultural and gender differences in psychological research

Role of Cultural Differences in Psychological ResearchIn this assignment, you will study the role of cultural and gender differences in psychological research.Using the Internet, research how cultural

Role of Cultural Differences in Psychological Research
In this assignment, you will study the role of cultural and gender differences in psychological research.
Using the Internet, research how cultural differences impact research.Interactions across environments, genders, and cultures are common in psychological research. Researchers must be competent about how subjects may perceive their actions and behaviors.
Consider the following scenarios and comment on how the subject in each scenario may perceive the behaviors of the researcher:

  • A twenty-five-year-old female researcher is conducting an interview with a sixty-eight-year-old male. In the middle of the interview, she receives a text message and responds to it.
  • A thirty-seven-year-old, white, male researcher is investigating the changes in African-American women’s career aspirations by surveying women on college campuses.
  • A forty-six-year-old East Asian female is studying the experiences of teen-aged boys in a predominately Latino neighborhood by conducting interviews.
  • A twenty-three-year-old Middle Eastern male is using interviews to investigate the political views of corporate leaders.

Submission Details:

  1. Cite all sources in APA format.
  2. Submit a Microsoft Document.