
Evaluate New London’s reasoning about being “too bright.”

ORG 303 CT 2New London Case Study:The City of New London, Connecticut, was developing a system to select police officers. One of th etests it selected was the Wonderlic Personnel Test, a cognitive abi

ORG 303 CT 2
New London Case Study:
The City of New London, Connecticut, was developing a system to select police officers. One of th etests it selected was the Wonderlic Personnel Test, a cognitive ability test that was metnitioned in this chapter. For each occupation, the Wonderlic provides minimum score and a maximum score. For police officers, the minimum score is 20 and the maximum is 27. Robert J Jordan applied for a job as a police officer but was not given an interview because his score of 33 (equivlent to an IQ of 125) made him “to bright” to be a cop. New London’s reasoning was the highly intelligent officers would get bored with their jobs and would either cause trouble or quit. The New Londdon’s deputy police chief was quoted as saying, “Bob Jordan is exactly the type of guy we would want to screen out. Police work is kind of mundane. We don’t deal in gunfights every night. There’s a personality that can take that.” Turnover was a great concern, as the city spend about $25,000 sending each officer through the academy.
The police department in neighboring Groton, Connecticut, also uses Wonderlic but tries to hire the highest scores possible- a policy with which most I/O psychologists would agree.
When New London’s policy recieved nathional publicity, the city became the butt of many jokes and the police became a source of embarrassment to many of the residients. According to one residient, “I’d rather have them hire the right man or woman for the job and keep replacing them than have the same moron for twenty years.” Another commented, “Your average dunderhead is not the person you want to try to solve a fight between a man and his wife at 2:00 am.” The ridicule got so bad that another city ran an ad asking, “Too smart to work for New London? Apply with us”; San Francisco police chief Fred Lau encouraged Jordan to apply to the San Fransico Police Department; and host Jay Leno rewrote the theme song for the television show to include, ” Dumb cops, dumb cops, whatcha gonna do with a low IQ?”
Jordan filed a lawsuit but lost. The judge ruled, “Plaintiff may have been disqualified unwisely bu he was not denied equip protection.”
Option #1: New London Case Study
Read the City of New London, Connecticut, Police Department in Chapter 5 of Industrial/Organizational Psychology.
Then, write a 2-4-page paper and select one of the two assignment options to accompany your paper: I will handle the slides I just need assistance with the written paper portion.

  • Develop a 5-7 slide PowerPoint presentation that corresponds to your paper
  • OR upload a 10-15 minute audio or video presentation that corresponds to your paper, edit if needed.

Answer the following questions:

  • Evaluate New London’s reasoning about being “too bright.”
  • Critique the judge’s decision that it was not discriminatory to not hire people who are highly intelligent.
  • How would an ethical leader have determined the cognitive ability requirements for this job?

Adhere to the following standards:

  • Your paper should be two to four pages in length, not including the title or reference pages.
  • Review the grading rubric, which can be accessed on the Materials link for each week.
  • Be sure to follow the CSU-Global Guide to Writing and APA.
  • Your paper should include an introduction, a body with at least two fully developed paragraphs, and a conclusion.
  • Support your interpretation with evidence from the book and at least two peer-reviewed journal articles from the library.
  • Your PowerPoint presentation should be 5-7 slides and include a reference list and citations. See the Example PPT Presentation in the Online Research and Writing Lab OR
  • Your audio or video presentation should be 10-15 minutes in length and be accompanied by speaker notes and a reference list of citations. Record your presentation with audio or video and upload to Schoology.

Explain the process of measurement you will use to analyze your case study

Measurement, Data Display, and Data-Based Decisions This assignment is the second component of your Assessment, Intervention Support, and Related Systems project. Before proceeding with the assignment

Measurement, Data Display, and Data-Based Decisions This assignment is the second component of your Assessment, Intervention Support, and Related Systems project.
Before proceeding with the assignment, please review the activities in the Unit 1 studies to refresh your memory on the functions, dimensions, and procedures of measurement and graphic display of behavioral data in applied behavior analysis. For this assignment, you will be assessed on your understanding of the following course competency: Apply measurement, data display, and data-based decisions to effectively change human behavior.
In your second project component: Explain the process of measurement you will use to analyze your case study. In your explanation, take into consideration environmental variables, available resources, and behavior of interest relevant to your case study. Remember, applied behavior analysts measure behavior to answer questions about the existence and nature of functional relations between socially significant behavior and environmental variables.
Select an appropriate form of visual display of behavioral data (choose from line graphs, bar graphs, cumulative records, semilogarithmic charts, or scatterplots) from which valid and reliable decisions are best analyzed in your case study. Remember, the visual format you select should depend on the type of raw data you collect from your case study and the primary purpose of its evaluation. Justify how the selected form of data display will best allow you to make data-based decisions for your case study. Remember, the primary function of graphic displays of behavioral data is to communicate quantitative relations. Take into consideration validity, accuracy, and reliability of data.

Describe how a counselor’s knowledge of the abuse cycle would assist in detecting partner abuse.

Conduct an internet search about the murder of Yeardley Love. After researching the story, write a 500­-750-word essay addressing the following. Assuming there was abuse occurring prior to the death

Conduct an internet search about the murder of Yeardley Love. After researching the story, write a 500­-750-word essay addressing the following.

  1. Assuming there was abuse occurring prior to the death of Yeardley Love, hypothesize how it may have been difficult for a counselor to assess and identify this abuse.
  2. Describe how a counselor’s knowledge of the abuse cycle would assist in detecting partner abuse.

Include a minimum of two scholarly references in addition to the textbook.
Prepare this assignment according to the APA guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. An abstract is not required.
It is important that you use proper APA citation in response and cite responses within the body of the essay.
The textbook has been provided as a referencing source.

Conduct an internet search about the murder of Yeardley Love. After researching the story, write a 500­-750-word essay addressing the following.

  1. Assuming there was abuse occurring prior to the death of Yeardley Love, hypothesize how it may have been difficult for a counselor to assess and identify this abuse.
  2. Describe how a counselor’s knowledge of the abuse cycle would assist in detecting partner abuse.

Include a minimum of two scholarly references in addition to the textbook.
Prepare this assignment according to the APA guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. An abstract is not required.
It is important that you use proper APA citation in response and cite responses within the body of the essay.
The textbook has been provided as a referencing source.

Discuss the pros and cons of using each method of data collection

Based on the lectures from this week, answer the following questions regarding your research. For each, explain: My research is Helping behavior , what motivates a person to helpWhich methodology (whi

Based on the lectures from this week, answer the following questions regarding your research. For each, explain: My research is Helping behavior , what motivates a person to help

  • Which methodology (which means approach or methods you will use to conduct your study) are you using? I’m using Qualitative Resarch
  • Why you chose this approach and why it is the most logical, given your research topic?

Data Collection
Discuss the pros and cons of using each method of data collection (e.g., self-reports, observational, or physiological measures). Provide one example of when each would be useful and explain your reasoning. In addition, select a peer reviewed article for each method of data collection (e.g. 3 total), summarize the articles and how each research method was used. Make sure that the example you gave for the second part of the assignment (e.g. about when the research method would be useful) is different from the examples used in the peer reviewed journal articles.
Submission Details

  • Please provide your answers in a 2 page Microsoft Word document.
  • Support your responses with examples.
  • Cite any sources in APA format.
  • I am doing helping behavior , what motivates an indivdual to help and I am using qualitative research method