
Describe the plan you will implement to begin working more effectively with Lisa’s three children while in foster care.

You work for county social services, child welfare division, and you are working with Lisa, who recently had her three young children (April is 5, Joshua is 6 and Justine is 9 years of age) removed fr

You work for county social services, child welfare division, and you are working with Lisa, who recently had her three young children (April is 5, Joshua is 6 and Justine is 9 years of age) removed from her home for physical and emotional neglect. You arranged for Lisa to have parenting classes and individual counseling so that she can learn how to better manage her frustration with her children. You also arrange to have her admitted to a drug rehabilitation program to help her with her addictions to alcohol and cocaine. You meet with Lisa once a week to discuss her progress and you also monitor her weekly visitation with her children. Successful completion of Lisa’s parenting plan will enable her to regain custody of her children. You will continue to monitor Lisa’s progress and her children’s progress who are in a foster care placement.
Address the following:
Part A

  • Determine what issues were addressed from a counseling perspective for Lisa.
  • Describe the plan you will implement to begin working more effectively with Lisa’s three children while in foster care.

This section should be written as a formal paper 2-3 pages. You should cite sources using APA format, and include a reference section at the end of your submission.
Part B
Address the following:
Psychologists, Social Workers, and other Clinicians conduct an initial meeting with their potential clients to assess what types of problems the client is dealing with. They also use this interview as a way to gather information to help determine the appropriate course of treatment.

  • Prepare an intake form to use during your initial meeting with the children to access what types of problems each child is dealing with. Intake forms range from 5-20 or more pages. For this assignment the form should be at least 2-4 pages. Make sure the form captures relevant information for you to implement an effective treatment plan.
  • Provide a summary of the information gained from the initial meeting with Lisa’s three children and develop a diagnosis, intervention, and treatment plan for the three children while in foster care. This should be 3-4 pages.

Identify several interventions used in the treatment of sex offenders from psychological, medical, and physical perspectives

Development of PTSD Assume that as a forensic psychologist, you have been asked to evaluate and submit a narrative report. You have now submitted your sentencing report to the Judge. Let’s evaluate h

Development of PTSD
Assume that as a forensic psychologist, you have been asked to evaluate and submit a narrative report. You have now submitted your sentencing report to the Judge. Let’s evaluate how as experts, you need to understand certain guidelines and resources in your communities to assist you in making clinical recommendations.
Treatment Programs for Violent Offenders
Society is significantly concerned about the likelihood of violent offenders repeating their crimes. Although a great number of offenders in the United States are sentenced to prison, prison overcrowding has created a need and demand for alternative sentencing programs.
To prepare for this assignment, conduct Internet research to find out what types of treatment programs are available in your state for violent offenders. In addition, review the US Sentencing Guidelines (Ruback&Wroblewski, 2001).
Based on your research, address the following:

  • Describe some of the treatment programs available in your area. Identify the types of services they offer and how these programs relate to psychology.
  • Identify several interventions used in the treatment of sex offenders from psychological, medical, and physical perspectives.
  • Assume you are working in the criminal justice field as a forensic medical health specialist. Describe some of the key aspects of your job responsibilities. Support your responses through Internet research and your textbook readings.

Ruback, R. B. &Wroblewski, J. (2001). The Federal sentencing guidelines:           Psychological and policy reasons for simplification. Psychology,           Public Policy and Law7(4), 739–775.
Submission Details:

  • Cite all sources in APA format.
  • Support reasoning with research and examples.

The major theories associated with psychology and law.

Final Position PaperIn Week 3 you conducted an annotated bibliography using the course competencies as a guide in choosing the articles. For this week you will take that information and incorporate it

Final Position Paper
In Week 3 you conducted an annotated bibliography using the course competencies as a guide in choosing the articles. For this week you will take that information and incorporate it into a final paper. The paper is not just the literature review of the articles you found, it is a culmination of what you have learned over the course. As in Week 3, use the course competencies as a guide to developing your paper.

  1. The major theories associated with psychology and law.
  2. The major principles related to psychology and law.
  3. The role of psychology in the legal system from a historical perspective.
  4. The historical and contemporary roles of psychology and the legal system.
  5. Major influences on the field of psychology and law.
  6. Multifaceted nature of psychology in law and recognize evolving trends.
  7. The changes in the legal system that may pose ethical dilemmas for psychology

Your paper should adhere to the following guidelines:
For the main sections, it should have:

  • A title page
  • An abstract (not more than 250 words)
  • An introduction
  • A literature review
  • Discussion or conclusions
  • References

Introduction: This should be one to two pages in length. The introduction provides a brief overview of what will be covered and the purpose of the paper.
Literature review: The literature review is taken from what you wrote in Week 3. The literature review is not a copy of that material. Rather, it is a synthesis of the material you found into a cohesive review of the literature on your chosen topic.
Discussion and conclusions: The difference between a great paper and a marginal one is the depth and originality of the discussion and conclusions section. This is where you bring together what you learned from the literature review (as well as through the course) in your concluding remarks regarding your topic. The discussion and conclusions section should be one to two pages in length.
Reference page: Remember to follow the APA format and style.
Submission Details:

  • Cite all sources in APA format.
  • Attach a Report.
  • Support reasoning with examples and research.

Why is the literature review so important?

Using the Internet, research literature reviews and writing research proposals.To design a credible study, a research proposal needs to be developed.Develop a research proposal by completing the follo

Using the Internet, research literature reviews and writing research proposals.
To design a credible study, a research proposal needs to be developed.
Develop a research proposal by completing the following tasks:

  • Decide on a topic and form a hypothesis.
  • Test that hypothesis through data analysis—your hypothesis may or may not be correct, but you will not know that before you complete your data analysis.
  • Identify the independent and dependent variables of the hypothesis.
  • Determine the unit of analysis for your study.

Design the first part of a study using quantitative data on a topic of interest to you. Complete each of the following parts of the design:

  • Topic
  • Research question
  • Hypothesis
  • Independent variable for the hypothesis
  • Dependent variables for the hypothesis
  • The unit of analysis for your study

Provide substantial feedback to your classmates about their topic and approach.
Answer the following questions using your experience in designing a study’s proposal:

  • How do you conduct a proper literature review?
  • What is the process, from beginning to end?
  • Why is the literature review so important?

Part 2
Locate and read two articles of original research from at least two different sources mentioned in the text, such as journal articles, monographs, a reader, or a dissertation. Each article should be from a different source.

  • Post your research articles. Based on your readings, answer the following questions:
    • What are the differences in the structures of the articles?
    • How do you evaluate a source of reliability?
    • Which resources do you like the most?
    • Which resources do you like the least? Make sure you explain your reasoning.
    • What are the steps involved in the literature review process?
  • Choose two topics that are not researchable. Explain why they are not researchable.