
How do you conduct a proper literature review?

Using the Internet, research literature reviews and writing research proposals.To design a credible study, a research proposal needs to be developed.Develop a research proposal by completing the follo

Using the Internet, research literature reviews and writing research proposals.
To design a credible study, a research proposal needs to be developed.
Develop a research proposal by completing the following tasks:

  • Decide on a topic and form a hypothesis.
  • Test that hypothesis through data analysis—your hypothesis may or may not be correct, but you will not know that before you complete your data analysis.
  • Identify the independent and dependent variables of the hypothesis.
  • Determine the unit of analysis for your study.

Design the first part of a study using quantitative data on a topic of interest to you. Complete each of the following parts of the design:

  • Topic
  • Research question
  • Hypothesis
  • Independent variable for the hypothesis
  • Dependent variables for the hypothesis
  • The unit of analysis for your study

Provide substantial feedback to your classmates about their topic and approach.
Answer the following questions using your experience in designing a study’s proposal:

  • How do you conduct a proper literature review?
  • What is the process, from beginning to end?
  • Why is the literature review so important?

Part 2
Locate and read two articles of original research from at least two different sources mentioned in the text, such as journal articles, monographs, a reader, or a dissertation. Each article should be from a different source.

  • Post your research articles. Based on your readings, answer the following questions:
    • What are the differences in the structures of the articles?
    • How do you evaluate a source of reliability?
    • Which resources do you like the most?
    • Which resources do you like the least? Make sure you explain your reasoning.
    • What are the steps involved in the literature review process?
  • Choose two topics that are not researchable. Explain why they are not researchable.

1. Cite all sources in APA format.2. Support reasoning with research and examples.

Consider the key classes of drugs used to treat Borderline Personality and explain their action at the neurotransmitter system involved in the disease process

Elaborate on the Topic for Your Critical Review Borderline PersonalityThis assignment will be a continuation of the written assignment from Week One. Research a minimum of three peer-reviewed articles

Elaborate on the Topic for Your Critical Review Borderline Personality
This assignment will be a continuation of the written assignment from Week One. Research a minimum of three peer-reviewed articles  Consider the key classes of drugs used to treat Borderline Personality and explain their action at the neurotransmitter system involved in the disease process. Analyze and describe the agonist-antagonist activity of the drugs and the receptor types and subtypes involved in the disorder. Elaborate on the receptor agonist-antagonist actions of the drugs and describe the most common side effects seen with these drugs. Evaluate the risk-benefits of drug use for this disorder.
The paper:

  • Must be four to five double-spaced pages in length, excluding title page and references page, and it must be formatted according to APA style.
  • Must address the topic of the paper with critical thought.
  • Must use at least three peer-reviewed sources.
  • Must document all sources in APA style.
  • Must include a separate references page that is formatted according to APA style

What are other ethical dilemmas in the at-will doctrine?

ORG 303 CT 4Option #1: Ethics of At-Will DoctrineAs mentioned in this chapter, the employment-at-will doctrine has been around for a very long time. It is based on English Common law of the eightteent

ORG 303 CT 4
Option #1: Ethics of At-Will Doctrine
As mentioned in this chapter, the employment-at-will doctrine has been around for a very long time. It is based on English Common law of the eightteenth century, which said that the length of employment was resumed to be for one yaer when there is work to be done and when there is not. A New York State tratise wirte, Horace Gay Wood, in his book Mater and Servant  (1877), expanded on the doctrine, stating that a hiring with no definitie ending date is a hiring at will. That is, unless both master and servant agree that service was to extend for a specified time, it should be considered an indefinite hiring, and it is up to the servant, should he be terminated, to prove otherwise. From what was then called “Wood’s Rule” came the U.S. interpretation of employment law: an employer is free to discharge individuals at any time for cause or for no cause at all, and the employee is equally free to quit at any time for any reason.
Many debates have arisen over the years as to the fairness or ethics of such a doctrine. Critics have long featred that it gives to much power to businesses over the lives of their employees. To have such a rule that allows a company to fire even good employees whenever and for whatever reason is unfair and unethical. The doctrine provides little protection to employees who work hard and who work well. And there is little job security in an at-will company. Theretically, employees can be fired just because the supervisor may not like them or because of how they dress or look. An excuse often given to employees who are terminated “at-will” is, ” You just aren’t the right fit for this company.” Then there was a case where an armored truck driver was fired for leaving his post even though he only did so to save someone’s life (Gardner v. Loomis Armored, Inc., April 4,1996).
Opponents say that from a business perspective, the doctrine provides little incentive for people to work hard, because, if employees can be terminated no matter how hard they work, what’s the benefit of putting in the extra effort? Motivation can even suffer if employees are working under “fear” of their jobs. Finally, because at-will employees are treated differently than “for just cause” employees, critics state taht it is unfair and unequal tremenat under the law, which violates the Fourteenth Amendment. Also, motivation can suffer when employees fear that they can beterminated at any time.
Supporters state that the doctrine provides equal fairness to both the employer and employee when it comes to terminiation of employement. They say it is only fair that if an employee can terminate employment at any time, then the employer should have the same right. They cite the limiations to the doctrine, outlined in this chapter, provide further protection to employees. Supporters further state that the doctrine is not totally free from lawsuits, as evidenced by the lawsuit filed and won by the defendata in the Gardner case cited here. Addtionally, applicants dont have to work for or sign an employment at-will statement at the at-will company if they think the doctrine is unfair. They have the right to seek employment elsewhere.
Read the Focus on Ethics: The Ethics of the At-Will Doctrine in Chapter 7 of Industrial/Organizational Psychology.
Then, write a 2-4-page paper and select one of the two assignment options to accompany your paper:

  • Develop a 5-7 slide PowerPoint presentation that corresponds to your pape/  I will handle the slides I just need assistance with the written paper portion.

Answer the following questions:

  • What are other ethical dilemmas in the at-will doctrine?
  • Which argument is credible: that of the doctrine’s critics or its supporters?
  • What limitations other than those outlined in the textbook should be imposed on the doctrine to make it more ethical and, therefore, fairer?
  • Evaluate the fairness of different laws for public and private sector employees (at-will employment versus just cause standards of employment).

Adhere to the following standards:

  • Your paper should be two to four pages in length, not including the title or reference pages.
  • Review the grading rubric, which can be accessed on the Materials link for each week.
  • Be sure to follow the CSU-Global Guide to Writing and APA.
  • Your paper should include an introduction, a body with at least two fully developed paragraphs, and a conclusion.
  • Support your interpretation with evidence from the book and at least two peer-reviewed journal articles from the library.
  • Your PowerPoint presentation should be 5-7 slides and include a reference list and citations. See the Example PPT Presentation in the Online Research and Writing Lab OR
  • Your audio or video presentation should be 10-15 minutes in length and be accompanied by speaker notes and a reference list of citations. Record your presentation with audio or video and upload to Schoology.

How is it ethical to promise money or other compensation to students for studying hard?

ORG 303 CT 5Read the Focus on Ethics: Ethics of Motivation and Strategies in Chapter 9 of Industrial/Organizational Psychology.In 2001, a Hooters chain in Panama City Beach, Florida, came up with the

ORG 303 CT 5
Read the Focus on Ethics: Ethics of Motivation and Strategies in Chapter 9 of Industrial/Organizational Psychology.
In 2001, a Hooters chain in Panama City Beach, Florida, came up with the idea of having a beer-selling contest to motivate its servers to sell as much beer as possible in the month of April. The top-selling waitress from each Hooters in the area had her name entered into a drawing. The waitress whose name was drawn would win the prize. Based on what the managers at each Hooters told their staff, the competing waitresses though they would be winning a new Toyota automobile. The competition was a success: Most of the Hoosters in the area seemed to have increased their sales of beer.
Jodee Berry was the winning waitress. On the day she was told she was the winner, she was blindfolded and led to the restaruant parking lot. However, instead of recieving a new Toyota car, she was presented with a Star Wars toy Yoda doll. Inside the restaurant, th emanager and other staff were laughing.
Ms. Berry didn’t think it was so funny. She worked hard to win this content. Her motivation level was high because of th thought of winning a Toyota, not a toy Yoda. So, she sued Gulf Coast Wings, Inc., owners of the restaurant, alleging breach of contract and fraudulent misrepresentation. She was seeking as compensation the cost of a new Toyota car. The case was settled out of court for an undiclosed amount.
As you read in this chapter, organizations come up with creative ways to try to motivate employees to work harder, work safer, or to cut costs. But the question is: Should there be any limits on the type of motivator that is used? Is it okay to use any motivational strategy just as long as it has the desired results?
Another example of creative motivation is the one employed by a manager of one corporation who bought 10 golden bonsai trees and held a “save a Tree” competition. Each month, the 10 lowest users of paper would recieve one of the bonsai trees, which would be displayed for the coming month. It did the trick! Employees were motivated to save paper. Apparently, the bonsai tree had a certain appeal to these employees. Everyone wanted one!
In another company, the motivator for working harder was a nice steak dinner at a nice restaurant; the losers of the competition also got to go to the restraurant, but they had to sit at a lousy table and wat beans. After dinner, the winnders got to rip the shirts off the back of the loswers! This type of motivator, like the Hooters and “Save a Tree” competitions, was also successful. It did what it set out to do: increase sales for the department.
A professor at a small collage motivates his students by promising $100 to the student who makes the highest test grade. If more than one student has the same grade, they split the $100 between them. There are three tests per semester. So, theoretically, a studen could end the semster $300 richer! Another professor at a different college offers gift cards to various stores and restaurants to the top classroom performers. The thinking behind these motivators is that it will encourage students to study harder.
Proponents of such motivation techniques say that competition increases motivation, which leads to desired results. Critics say that these types of competitions are unethical because they pit employee against employee, encourage cheating or unsafe  shortcuts, and can often lead to bullying and use the fear tactics by some employees against others as a form of intimidating them into losing the competition. They also say that it rewards people for using bad behavior in order to achieve a goal set by the company. It doesn’t motivate them to do better at their job. And finally, it treats people differently and unfairly.
Then, write a 2-4-page paper and select one of the two assignment options to accompany your paper: I will handle the slides I just need assistance with the written paper portion.

  • Develop a 5-7 slide PowerPoint presentation that corresponds to your paper

Answer the following questions:

  • Although there were some legal ramifications for what Hooters did, were the actions toward the waitresses also unethical?
  • Were the waitresses lied to? If so, is lying to employees unethical?
  • What about the motivating strategy of allowing employees to rip the shirts of other employees off? Is humiliating employees ethical?
  • How is it ethical to promise money or other compensation to students for studying hard? What if the losing students actually studied harder than the winner, but the winner only did well because he/she happened to be brighter? How would giving that student the money be fair to the students who studied harder?
  • The motivation techniques had the desired results by increasing sales or decreasing the use of paper, but how does that outweigh any negative consequences of such motivators?

Adhere to the following standards:

  • Your paper should be two to four pages in length, not including the title or reference pages.
  • Review the grading rubric, which can be accessed on the Materials link for each week.
  • Be sure to follow the CSU-Global Guide to Writing and APA.
  • Your paper should include an introduction, a body with at least two fully developed paragraphs, and a conclusion.
  • Support your interpretation with evidence from the book and at least two peer-reviewed journal articles from the library.
  • Your PowerPoint presentation should be 5-7 slides and include a reference list and citations. See the Example PPT Presentation in the Online Research and Writing Lab OR
  • Your audio or video presentation should be 10-15 minutes in length and be accompanied by speaker notes and a reference list of citations. Record your presentation with audio or video and upload to Schoology.