
Discuss how you would react on finding out that your sex is opposite

We are socialized at every stage in life to conform to our gender identity. Societal reinforcement of tendencies of gender identity is relentless. For example, in hospitals, little girls are wrapped i

We are socialized at every stage in life to conform to our gender identity. Societal reinforcement of tendencies of gender identity is relentless. For example, in hospitals, little girls are wrapped in pink and little boys in blue. This difference in colors influences how we learn and how we internalize our role in our society.
Girls tend to grow up to play feminine roles and boys tend to grow up to play masculine roles. This differentiation of gender identity has implications in social stratification. The videos given below will provide you with a better understanding of the differentiation of sexual identity from an earlier generation.
Search for and watch an episode of at least one of the following shows. You may find these videos using a variety of search methods including visiting your local library, using Netflix or your local video store, or searching on YouTube. If you have difficulty locating an episode of one of the following shows, contact your instructor for assistance in finding an alternative.

  • I Love Lucy
  • All in the Family
  • The Mickey Mouse Club
  • The Honeymooners
  • Leave it to Beaver
  • Father Knows Best
  • Gilligan’s Island
  • The Brady Bunch
  • I Dream of Jeannie

As you watch the video, ask yourself the following questions:

  • To what extent have things changed and to what extent have they remained the same in regards to gender roles, expectations, division, and identity from the time this show was originally popular and today?
  • How conscious and sensitive are the characters regarding gender prejudice, power inequality, and subordination?
  • Did they take inequality of the sexes for granted?

Based on your readings and understanding that you have gathered after watching the above-noted video, write a short biographical description of your life if you were to wake up tomorrow morning in the time period of the video you watched and find you have a different gender identity. Write a description of how you lived your life a day after your hypothetical change in gender as you answer the following questions:

  • Discuss how you would react on finding out that your sex is opposite. Would you feel a sense of relief, indifference, or elation? Why?
  • Discuss three ways your attitude towards the opposite sex was enlightened or would change as a result of what you learned from this project.  If you would not change your attitude, why?
  • Write down the ideas and attitudes you have taken for granted a member of your actual gender. Consider how your roles at home and in the office would change if you were a member of the opposite gender.
  • Relate the ideas of sexism and racism to the videos.  How do you think sexism and racism have changed since the 1950s?

Describe the ways culture influences aggressive behavior.

Sources must be cited in APA format. Your response should be four (4) double-spaced pages; refer to the “Format Requirementsʺ page for specific format requirements.

Sources must be cited in APA format. Your response should be four (4) double-spaced pages; refer to the “Format Requirementsʺ page for specific format requirements.
Part A
Objective: Describe the ways culture influences aggressive behavior.
Sandy’s college friend, Matt, is a biology major. He’s convinced that human aggression is innate. It’s woven into our DNA. Sandy, who’s majoring in sociology, is absorbed in completing a course in social psychology. If you’re Sandy, how might you rebut Matt’s position if you’re aware that aggression is greatly influenced by culture? Provide evidence for your understandings based on Chapter 12 in your textbook.
Part B
Objective: Explain the concept of social identity and describe its components.
Karen, a student of social psychology, wants to explain social identity theory to Molly, a fellow student majoring in math. Karen realizes she’ll need to enumerate the pros and cons of (1) social identity, (2) ethnocentrism, (3) in-group bias, and (4) out-group homogeneity.  Imagine you’re Karen, and based on what you’ve learned from Chapter 13, write an essay in which you explain social identity theory to Molly.
Part C
Objective: Briefly describe five aspects and components of prejudice using examples.
Based on Chapter 13 of your textbook, write an essay that addresses the following topics: (1) The definition of prejudice; (2) the affect component of prejudice; (3) the cognitive component of prejudice; (4) the nature of stereotypes, and (5) the behavioral component of prejudice. You should provide examples of each concept based on your text and/or on your personal experience.

how to train the assistants so that they have high inter-rater reliability

Inter-Rater ReliabilityReliability is very important to consider in research studies. There are many different types of reliability and one type is called inter-rater reliability. Inter-rater reliabil

Inter-Rater ReliabilityReliability is very important to consider in research studies. There are many different types of reliability and one type is called inter-rater reliability. Inter-rater reliabil
Inter-Rater Reliability
Reliability is very important to consider in research studies. There are many different types of reliability and one type is called inter-rater reliability. Inter-rater reliability studies are often conducted when you have more than one person who will be evaluating and scoring data. If inter-rater reliability is high, then different people are recording approximately the same values for the behavior they are evaluating.
Many of you are familiar with Albert Bandura’s Bobo doll experiment in 1961. Bandura was a proponent of the social learning theory. In his experiment, he attempted to determine if children would model aggressive behavior.
Let’s say you are planning to conduct a modern-day social learning study and plan to record and rate the aggressive interactions after children have watched acts of violence on television. The potential acts of aggression will be rated from video tapes of the children as they play with a life-sized, blow-up toy. Before you conduct your study, you must train your four research assistants to make sure that they are identifying the same behaviors and end up with the same scores.
Create a report in a 2-3 -page Microsoft Word document with a detailed description explaining how to train the assistants so that they have high inter-rater reliability. Search the South University Online Library to find some inter-rater reliability studies and see if you can get any ideas. Make sure you operationalize aggression before you start to explain your training plan. Be specific about what your research assistants should do to increase the similarity of their rating scores. Submit the reliability training plan for your research assistants.
Submission Details:

  • Support your responses with examples.
  • Cite any sources in APA format.

Who Moved My Cheese? by Spencer Johnson MD

Read the book ( it is a quick read) Who Moved My Cheese? by Spencer Johnson MD. Publisher is GP Putnam’s Sons, NY 1998In a 2-3 page double spaced paper, include the following answers to these question

Read the book ( it is a quick read) Who Moved My Cheese? by Spencer Johnson MD. Publisher is GP Putnam’s Sons, NY 1998In a 2-3 page double spaced paper, include the following answers to these questions in the paper.
1. Which character do you most closely indentify to? Sniff, Scurry, Ham or Haw. Why do you feel you are like them, and which traits do you see within yourself that compates you to this character?Then ask one person who knows you and list a few character traits of yourself. Are there any that are similar to your chosen character?
2. List your cheese Station C. What aspects of this “comfort zone” do you find most appealing? What aspects may need rejuvenation and why?
3. Put on those running shoes. Where do you want them to take you? Discuss the steps of paths you see yourself taking to get there. Be sure to take into account these goals and how you plan to accomplish them.4. Who will you pass this book on to?
Why do you feel this individual will benefit from this book? What aspect of this book made and impact on you so that when you pass it along, you can encourage the next person to read it.Please have an APA title page, no abstract needed for this, make a reference page (yes even though it may only be the “Cheese Book”). Please do not give me a “book report” of this book, I have read it numerous times, your paper is to be reflective of you. Thanks.