
Compare and contrast knowledge-based versus person-based questionnaires.

Questionnaire Design In the development of questionnaires, test constructors make choices based on the construct, or trait under investigation. Further, in the overall planning process, the choice of o

Questionnaire Design
In the development of questionnaires, test constructors make choices based on the construct, or trait under investigation. Further, in the overall planning process, the choice of online surveys offers many advantages.
In a minimum of 200 words, respond to the following:

  • Compare and contrast knowledge-based versus person-based questionnaires.
  • Conduct a cost-benefit analysis of the use of objective tests in comparison to open-ended tests for collecting data from a sample of individuals who best represent the population of interest. Use an example to illustrate your answer.
  • Visit the Internet to locate websites for online surveys and choose one to highlight. In general, what are some of the strengths and limitations of using online surveys versus other types of surveys (e.g., face-to-face interviews, pencil-and-paper questionnaires, etc.)?

Submission Details:
1. Cite all sources in APA format.
2. Attach a Report.
3. Support Reasoning with Examples and Research.

Decide whether you will use objective or open-ended tests and justify your choice

Questionnaire Design For the past several weeks you have been researching the various methods used to assess PTSD in Women. To that end, you have described the measuring tools used previously to assess

Questionnaire Design
For the past several weeks you have been researching the various methods used to assess PTSD in Women. To that end, you have described the measuring tools used previously to assess this topic. Additionally, you have identified other ways in which you believe the properties of your topic/construct can be measured. For this assignment, you will select test items based on their appropriateness in testing the objectives of your study. It is noteworthy that not all items will be used in the final revision of your questionnaire. Thus, it is important to write many more items that will eventually be used in your final draft.
Continue to use your work on the previous final project tasks (attached) and address the following:

  • Select your test items based on their goodness-of-fit with your testing objectives.
  • Decide whether you will use objective or open-ended tests and justify your choice.

Submission Details:

  • Present the assignment in a 5- to 6-page Microsoft Word document.
  • Attach a Report.

Analyze what is meant by religion.

Choose ONE (1) category (origin of all things, nature of god, view of human nature, view of good and evil, etc.) from the chart to focus on for this assignment. Consider how the selected category rela

Choose ONE (1) category (origin of all things, nature of god, view of human nature, view of good and evil, etc.) from the chart to focus on for this assignment. Consider how the selected category relates to all of the religions covered and to your own social or work experiences.
Write a two to three (2-3) page paper in which you:

  1. Select ONE (1) category from the completed World View Chart. Provide a rationale for choosing this category. What is compelling about this category? Why is it important in the study of religion?
  2. Describe the selected content and explain the significance of the selected category across all of the religions studied. Show in what ways the category is significant for each religion.
  3. Give an example of how you have noticed this category in your life, town or country. What impact does this category have in the everyday lives of people who practice religion in your area? (You do not have to give examples of all the religions in your area, just one you have noticed besides any you practice). For example, in Cincinnati, Ohio we have Hindu, Greek Orthodox, Catholic festivals in the summer. So if my category were “Festivals and Celebrations” I could use those events as my example.
  4. Use at least three (3) quality resources as references for the assignment and document your sources using APA Style for in-text citations and references. Note: Wikipedia and similar Websites do not qualify as quality resources.
  5. Write clearly and coherently using correct grammar, punctuation, spelling, and mechanics.

Your assignment must:

  • Be typed, double spaced, using Times New Roman font (size 12), with one-inch margins on all sides; citations and references must follow APA or school-specific format. Check with your professor for any additional instructions.
  • Include a cover page containing the title of the assignment, the student’s name, the professor’s name, the course title, and the date. The cover page and the reference page are not included in the required assignment page length.

The specific course learning outcomes associated with this assignment are:

  • Analyze what is meant by religion.
  • Analyze the similarities and differences in the primary beliefs held by major religious traditions and the cultures in which these religions evolved.
  • Describe the varieties of religious experience and practice in a wide range of cultures.
  • Recognize how daily life within various religions and current affairs are influenced by religion.
  • Develop written pieces that demonstrate an analysis of a topic relevant to the course.
  • Use technology and information resources to research issues in religion.
  • Write clearly and concisely about world religions using proper writing mechanics.

Compare the assessments currently in use by clinical and counseling psychologists.

03/12/18 Literature ReviewPrior to beginning work on this assignment, read the Ryder, Ban, & Chentsova-Dutton (2011) “Towards a Cultural-Clinical Psychology,” American Psychological Associatio

Literature Review
Prior to beginning work on this assignment, read the Ryder, Ban, & Chentsova-Dutton (2011) “Towards a Cultural-Clinical Psychology,” American Psychological Association (2014) “Guidelines for Prevention in Psychology,” Hage, et al. (2007) “Walking the Talk: Implementing the Prevention Guidelines and Transforming the Profession of Psychology,” and Rivera-Mosquera, et al. (2007) “Prevention Activities in Professional Psychology: A Reaction to the Prevention Guidelines” articles.
Clinical and counseling psychology is a dynamic field that is constantly evolving and striving toward better treatment options and modalities. In this literature review, you will explore and integrate psychological research into a literature review, addressing current trends in three major areas of clinical and counseling psychology: assessment, clinical work, and prevention.
In your review, include the following headings, and address the required content.
AssessmentSupport this section with information from the Ryder et al. (2011) article “Towards a Cultural-Clinical Psychology” and at least one additional peer-reviewed article from the Ashford University Library.

  • Compare the assessments currently in use by clinical and counseling psychologists.
  • Explain the trend towards cultural-clinical psychology and the suitability of clinical assessments with diverse clients.

Clinical workSupport this section using a minimum of three peer-reviewed articles from the Ashford University Library. The recommended articles for this week may be useful in generating your response.

  • Compare and contrast technical eclecticism, assimilative integration and theoretical integration.
  • Provide a historical context and identify the major theorists for each perspective.
  • Assess the trends in psychotherapy integration.
  • List three pros and cons for each perspective, sharing which perspective most closely aligns with your own.
  • Analyze the major trends in psychology and explain the connection between evidenced-based practices and psychotherapy integration.

PreventionReview the “Guidelines for Prevention in Psychology” (American Psychological Association, 2014), and support this section with information from the Hage, et al. (2007) “Walking the Talk: Implementing the Prevention Guidelines and Transforming the Profession of Psychology,” and Rivera-Mosquera, et al. (2007) “Prevention Activities in Professional Psychology: A Reaction to the Prevention Guidelines” articles.

  • Describe general prevention strategies implemented by clinical and counseling psychologists at the micro, meso, exo, and macro levels.

The Literature Review

  • Must be 7 to 10 double-spaced pages in length (not including title and references pages) and formatted according to APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site..
  • Must include a separate title page with the following:
    • Title of paper
    • Student’s name
    • Course name and number
    • Instructor’s name
    • Date submitted