
Which is the in-group, and what are the unifying values or the ascribed status that provides its solidarity?

The purpose of this assignment is to demonstrate the power of stereotypes as a shorthand communication tool. With great economy of words, each speaker uses stereotypes to frame the audience into an in

The purpose of this assignment is to demonstrate the power of stereotypes as a shorthand communication tool. With great economy of words, each speaker uses stereotypes to frame the audience into an in-group of which he or she is the leader and the out-group on the opposing side.
Part 1: Read transcripts of famous speeches 
Access the following speeches located in the AUO Library:

  • King, M. (2004). ‘I have a dream’.New African,(435), 67-67.
  • Cullis-Suzuki, S. (1994). An appeal for future generations.Earth Island Journal,9(3), 14-14.

Part 2: Research other famous speeches
Explore various resources to research other famous speeches related to stereotyping and prejudice. Some suggestions are below. You may be able to find these speeches in video, audio, or text format. Try using a variety of search methods including visiting your local library, using Netflix or your local video store, or searching on YouTube. (You might also try locating the videos for the two famous speeches listed in Part 1 of this assignment.)

  • Malcolm X: By Any Means Necessary
  • Mahatma Gandhi: Nonviolence speech from the film Gandhi
  • Gandhi’s definition on Satyagraha

Part 3: Write a Paper
For this assignment, select one of the above speakers/speech and prepare a 1200- to 1500-word paper that answers the following questions:

  • Why did you select this particular speaker? Explain in around 300 words.
  • Which is the in-group, and what are the unifying values or the ascribed status that provides its solidarity? Explain in around 300 words.
  • What stereotype—prejudice, subordination, or discrimination—is the in-group challenging? Provide specific examples and explain in around 300 words.
  • In your view, did members of the in-group conspire to subordinate the out-group, or was the in-group merely operating within the social structure of its time? Explain in around 300 words.
  • How have your attitudes toward prejudice, subordination, or discrimination been influenced by the agents of socialization, such as family, peer groups, schools, and the media? Explain in around 300 words.

Provide a minimum of 3 references and apply the correct APA standards in the formatting of text, citations, and references.

In what situation are you most likely to use impression management?

Impression management is something that we all employ from time to time to achieve certain goals in our life. Sometimes we want to appear likable. Other times we want to appear competent, and yet othe

Impression management is something that we all employ from time to time to achieve certain goals in our life. Sometimes we want to appear likable. Other times we want to appear competent, and yet other times we desire to gain control or power over a situation, all of which can yield positive outcomes. Yet, at other times we self-handicap in order to appear like we have not been incompetent or failed, which we often perceive as a positive outcome because we have protected the way others see us (or at least we feel we have).
Use your course readings and the Argosy University online library to research impression management. In a Microsoft Word document of at least 500 words, address the following.

  • In what situation are you most likely to use impression management?
  • What situation are you most likely not going to work to use impression management?
  • What is the typical difference between these two situations?
  • Provide an example of when you used impression management successfully. What was the outcome and why?
  • Now provide an example in which you attempted to use impression management and it failed. Why did it fail, and what was that outcome?
  • In this last situation would the outcome have felt better if you had used a self-handicapping strategy? What type of self-handicapping strategy could you have used?
  • Finally, what are the dangers of turning to this kind of strategy on a regular basis?

Submission Details

  • Save your Microsoft Word document as LastnameFirstInitial_M2_A2.
  • Be sure to follow APA rules for attributing sources. Use this APA Citation Helper as a convenient reference for properly citing resources.

Evaluate the predominant theory or theories regarding the biological basis of the disorder

The final assignment for this class will be a 10-page critical review of the drug treatment for a psychiatric disorder (broadly defined to include psychological and neurological disorders as well). Th

The final assignment for this class will be a 10-page critical review of the drug treatment for a psychiatric disorder (broadly defined to include psychological and neurological disorders as well). The review will use peer-reviewed sources to evaluate the current drug treatment modalities for the selected disorder and determine the adequacy of those treatments. The paper will be evaluated on the inclusion of the following information:
Introduction  Evaluate the disorder in terms of symptomatic and behavioral presentation. Include the time, course, and progression of the disorder. Evaluate and explain special features of the disease epidemiology.
Theory Evaluate the predominant theory or theories regarding the biological basis of the disorder. Explain the disorder in terms of pertinent neurotransmitter and receptor theories and describe the pertinent evidence of their involvement.  Analyze the neurotransmitter systems in terms of the involved receptors and the use receptor agonists and antagonists in the treatment of the disorder receptor. Include information on the anatomic changes to the central nervous system as appropriate to the topic.
Treatment  Evaluate drug therapies for treating the disorder based on the current understanding of the biological basis of the disorder and the corresponding behavioral effects of the disorder. Explain pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics in relation to the disorder and corresponding drug treatment. Describe any side effects and adverse effects of the drug treatment and their biological basis, including issues related to contraindications, interactions, drug metabolism, and elimination. In addition, explain risks, benefits, and ethical implications for high-risk and exceptional treatment conditions.
Conclusion  Summarize theories of psychiatric disease as they relate to principles of drug action within the chosen topic. Evaluate advantages and disadvantages of the current theory of the disorder and its treatment and evaluate any controversies regarding ethical and/or risk-benefits perspectives associated with the current treatment. Describe possible areas for future research.

  • Must be 10 to 12 double-spaced pages in length (not including title and reference pages) and formatted according to APA style
  • Must include a separate title page with the following:
    • Title of paper
    • Student’s name
    • Course name and number
    • Instructor’s name
    • Date submitted
  • Must use at least five peer-reviewed sources in addition to the course text.
  • Must include a separate reference page that is formatted according to APA style

References are provided, 7 Attached articles and week one critical review on borderline personality to add on too. Several of the articles focus on drug Lamotrigine(Lamictal).

how cultural bias can impact teaching and learning in the classroom as it relates to Multiple Intelligences.

For this assignment, you will be creating a dynamic, 10-12 slide PowerPoint presentation with the use of speaker notes to establish your comprehension of Multiple Intelligences Theory and the role it

For this assignment, you will be creating a dynamic, 10-12 slide PowerPoint presentation with the use of speaker notes to establish your comprehension of Multiple Intelligences Theory and the role it plays in education.  Your presentation must be creative and engaging and adhere to the grading criteria. While constructing your presentation, keep in mind strategies for advanced students, as well as students with special learning needs. Additionally, do not forget to look for ways to engage those learners who may be twice exceptional, having high intellect, but who are also challenged in other areas.Your presentation must include the following:

  • A definition of intelligence.
  • An overview and analysis of Multiple Intelligences Theory.
  • An evaluation of implications of Multiple Intelligence Theory for classroom instruction.
  • Clear descriptions of each of Gardner’s 8 Multiple Intelligences (new research suggests a possible 9th intelligence – you may or may not include this – your choice).
  • A discussion of how intelligence tests do or do not align with and/or effectively measure each of the intelligences contained in Multiple Intelligences Theory.
  • An analysis of how Multiple Intelligences Theory can help teachers to create and implement appropriate strategies to better meet the learning needs of diverse students.
  • Specific examples of instructional and assessment strategies that address Multiple Intelligences.
  • A discussion of how cultural bias can impact teaching and learning in the classroom as it relates to Multiple Intelligences.

In addition, you must use research to support your presentation content (at least five sources, at least three of which must be from the last five – ten years). Your presentation must demonstrate an attention to addressing Multiple Intelligences in the delivery of your information (examples might be including graphics for visual learners, musical themes, activities or demonstrations via video, or asking participants to explore a tool or website, etc.).  In addition to the 10 – 12 content slides, you must also include a title slide and reference slide.