
How do you feel that the media perpetuates discrimination and/or stratification based on race, gender, and class?

The purpose of this assignment is to explore stratification and prejudice in current events. Despite great advances towards equality between the races and genders, racial and gender discrimination, as

The purpose of this assignment is to explore stratification and prejudice in current events. Despite great advances towards equality between the races and genders, racial and gender discrimination, as well as class stratification remain serious social problems. To conclude this course, you will use the news media to discover current social issues with regards to race and gender.
To complete this assignment, perform the following tasks:

  • Using newspapers, news websites, or news magazines, select three current events (within the last six months) that reflect our studies on stratification.  One event should represent racial issues, one gender issues, and one class issues.  All three should demonstrate discrimination and/or stratification in American society.
  • Using your research, describe the current events and how they are reflective of your studies on racial, gender, and class discrimination and/or stratification.
  • Analyze the events and apply the lecture and text to the news articles. What theories of stratification apply?  Are the current events representative of the historical trends of racial, gender, and class discrimination and or/stratification? What solutions, if any, should be applied to these current events?
  • In your discussion, apply your personal experiences and observations to the current events.
  • How do you feel that the media perpetuates discrimination and/or stratification based on race, gender, and class?  Support your ideas with concepts from the text and/or appropriate outside resources.

Provide a minimum of three references and apply the correct APA standards in the format of text, citations, and references.  Your paper should include a title page and reference. Your paper should be at least five pages in length, not including the title and reference pages.

Based on Rust and Golombok's grid structure, explain how to construct a blueprint, or framework, for developing a questionnaire

Questionnaire DevelopmentTo create psychological measuring tools, test developers initially write as many as twice the number of items that will appear in the final draft of their questionnaires. They

Questionnaire Development
To create psychological measuring tools, test developers initially write as many as twice the number of items that will appear in the final draft of their questionnaires. They must plan the questions.
Demographic Variables
Gathering background information, or demographic data, about respondents, is an essential step in the pilot study of a questionnaire or survey. This information can be embedded in the survey or presented as a separate document. In both cases, the information gathered is about the respondent’s age, gender, educational level, employment status, income, and other personal variables. This information shows how closely the pilot sample matches the population for which the survey is intended. Further, it is a good idea to test people of varying characteristics so that the test generates an array of data that can be used to sort and compare group responses (Sue & Ritter, 2013).
In designing demographically related items, it is a good idea to only request information that is relevant to the testing objectives. A test developer should avoid asking overly personal questions that could spark negative reactions and even cause respondents to abandon the test. Placing demographic items at the end of a survey may be one way of preventing such a result (Sue & Ritter, 2013). As with all items, providing clear instructions for entering responses is vital as is including an affirmation of confidentiality and anonymity.
Sue, M., & Ritter, L. (2013). Conducting online surveys (2nd ed.). Los Angeles, CA: Sage.
In a minimum of 200 words, respond to the following:

  • Based on Rust and Golombok’s grid structure, explain how to construct a blueprint, or framework, for developing a questionnaire. Identify and label both content and manifestations areas of your grid including the percentages attached to each cell.
  • Discuss how you would obtain demographic information from the respondents of your survey. Detail the steps you would take to mock-pilot your survey.
  1. Cite all sources in APA format.
  2. Submit a Microsoft Word Document
  3. Used attached sources and additional journal articles if necessary.

Course Project: Pilot Survey

Course Project: Pilot SurveyFor the past six weeks, you have been actively planning the construction of a survey containing good-fit items that efficiently tap the construct under investigation (attac

Course Project: Pilot Survey
For the past six weeks, you have been actively planning the construction of a survey containing good-fit items that efficiently tap the construct under investigation (attached). You have created items followed by appropriate response choices and ones that can be quantified as part of an objective scoring strategy. This week, you learned how to gather demographic data from a representative sample of the population of interest.
In this week’s project task, you will select and use your tryout sample to mock-pilot your survey. Your tryout sample should be a close approximation of each subsequent sample that will be used in the process of validating your survey. After creating mock data from the tryout sample, you will conduct an item analysis to evaluate each item of your survey. Accordingly, you will decide which items to retain versus those to be discarded.
Complete the following:

  • Pilot your survey as you would if using real participants. Accordingly, create mock data that would approximate what you would expect to find participants in a real-world setting.
  • Conduct item analysis using the data from your pilot study.
  • Based on this, determine which items should be retained and which ones should be discarded.
  • Justify your decisions for maintaining or eliminating specific items.

Submission Details:

  • Present your assignment in a 5- to 6-page Microsoft Word document.
  • Attach a Report.
  • Cite all sources in APA format.

Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT)

counsel an adult client who has Bipolar Disorder. He is a 48-year-old who also has addiction issues. He is starting to decompensate and beginning to go into a manic phase of his illness. He sleeps les

counsel an adult client who has Bipolar Disorder. He is a 48-year-old who also has addiction issues. He is starting to decompensate and beginning to go into a manic phase of his illness. He sleeps less than 2-3 hours per night, engages in risky sexual behaviors, and decreased self-care. He states that he is starting to have auditory hallucinations consistent with Bipolar Disorder with Psychotic Features. He also reports that he has started using drugs again to calm himself down because he couldn’t afford the psychotropic medication due to losing his job and insurance 3 months ago. He further tells you that years ago he managed his symptoms the best when he was in group therapy but could not remember the type of group he was in.
After referring this client to the psychiatrist for an urgent medication evaluation due to decompensation, bring this case to the next staff meeting to discuss with the team, explaining your initial counseling plan, initial concerns, and back up plans for this patient. Include a 1-3 sentence response to all of the following:

  • 1-2 initial concerns for this patient
  • 1 initial goal and objective to plan for this patient
  • 1 goal and objective as a back-up plan for this patient
  • Include 1-3 sentence responses to all of the following:

Which 1 of the following group therapies would you start with to assist this client most effectively?

  • Dual Diagnosis Group
  • Psycho-educational Groups
  • Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT)
    • Give 1-2 reasons why you would utilize your chosen group.
    • Provide a description of at least 2 benefits and 1 drawback that therapy provides