

Research Methods Literature ReviewPrior to beginning work on this assignment, review the qualitative and quantitative research designs encountered so far in this course.For your literature review, you

Research Methods Literature Review
Prior to beginning work on this assignment, review the qualitative and quantitative research designs encountered so far in this course.
For your literature review, you will select one design from each of the following categories.
DescriptiveArchivalObservationalCorrelationalSurvey research
Quantitative experimental
Pretest-posttest control groupPosttest-only control groupSolomon four-group
EthnographyPhenomenologyGrounded theoryNarrativeParticipatory action research (PAR)
Mixed methods
Visit the Research Methods research guide in the Ashford University Library and search the databases for a minimum of one peer-reviewed journal article published within the last 10 years about each of the research designs you selected. The articles must not be research studies using the designs. Instead, they must be about how to conduct a study using the design. Examples of acceptable articles for this assignment are listed at the Suggested Articles tab in the Research Methods research guide.
In your paper, briefly outline the topic you selected for your Final Research Proposal in Week One and apply the scientific method by suggesting both a specific research question and a hypothesis for the topic. Evaluate your chosen peer-reviewed articles summarizing each and explaining how the research design described could be useful for designing original research on your topic. Compare and contrast the paradigms or worldviews inherent in the methodology associated with each research design. Apply professional standards and situate yourself as a researcher by identifying which of these approaches best fits with your worldview.
I am totally lost on this one I did find articles that might me useful if not if you find ones that may work better please use. I found 10 I hope this is what I was suppose to look.
The Research Methods Literature Review

  • Must be four to six double-spaced pages in length formatted to APA style
  • Must include a separate title page with the following:
    • Title of paper
    • Student’s name
    • Course name and number
    • Instructor’s name
    • Date submitted
  • Must use at least four peer-reviewed sources published within the last 10 years.
  • Must document all sources in APA style
  • Must include a separate reference page

Cultural Influences in Development

Assignment 2 (RA 2): Cultural Influences in DevelopmentIn this assignment, you will apply your knowledge of cultural influences on development to create psychosocial workshops for a specific populatio

Assignment 2 (RA 2): Cultural Influences in Development
In this assignment, you will apply your knowledge of cultural influences on development to create psychosocial workshops for a specific population.
As a human services administrator at a local agency, one of your duties is to write descriptions of the agency’s community workshops to publish in the community’s resource guide delivered free of charge to all residents. These are the titles of the workshops:

  • Single Moms: A workshop for working mothers to help them balance work and home
  • Community Living: A workshop for those transitioning from incarceration to society
  • Caregiver Parents: A workshop for those taking care of aging parents, while also raising a young family
  • Parenting Teens: A workshop to enable parents to help their teenage children transition to young adulthood

Your community largely comprises blue-collar workers, many of whom are working on either visas or green cards; thus, there are pockets of immigrant communities. Some of the workers are those who were reintegrated into society after prolonged incarceration (more than three years). The median age of the area is thirty-five years, and multigenerational households are commonplace. The public school system is underresourced, and truancy is a big problem. Many students do not complete high school, and standardized test scores are well below what is federally mandated for funding.

  1. For each of the four workshops, write a 100- to 200-word description on the basis of the following:
    • Utilize what you have learned throughout the course to describe specific services that each workshop will include.
    • Tailor each description to the community and the target audience for the workshop.
    • Apply cultural and multicultural sensitivity within and across all descriptions. Remember, a single mother may also read the description for community living. Craft your descriptions to be readable and sensitive to all.
    • Account for individual differences and environmental contexts that will influence developmental changes.
    • Account for the role of culture in shaping attitudes, values, and behaviors.
  2. For each description, write a two-page rationale. Use at least three references from scholarly sources to demonstrate how you determined which services to offer for each workshop.

Life Expectancy Questionnaire and Death and Dying—Customs and Beliefs

Assignment 2: Life Expectancy Questionnaire and Death and Dying—Customs and BeliefsThe first part of the assignment includes an informal assessment of your personal protective and risk factors assoc

Assignment 2: Life Expectancy Questionnaire and Death and Dying—Customs and Beliefs
The first part of the assignment includes an informal assessment of your personal protective and risk factors associated with aging. This type of assessment could also be useful for your future client populations. In addition, you will look at how the response to death and dying varies widely among individuals and cultural groups. This second part of the assignment provides additional awareness and insight into these beliefs and practices.
Part A
Click here to download and complete the life expectancy questionnaire.
Write a 2- to 3-page response paper to your self-assessment. Address the following questions:

  • What is your reaction to your estimated life expectancy?
  • What lifestyle factors positively and negatively contributed to your estimate?
  • How do your personal cultural variables contribute to your estimate?

In addition, specify any modifications you plan to make in response to your estimated life expectancy.
Part B
Conduct research to find cultures different from your own in terms of beliefs and practices related to death and dying.
In a 2- to 3-page paper, describe your personal cultural beliefs and practices related to death and dying. Choose a culture different from your own and describe the beliefs and practices related to death and dying in that culture. In addition, describe how these beliefs and practices differ from your own. Include two or three peer-reviewed journal articles to support your opinion.

What are the psychological costs and benefits of behaving compassionately?

For this assignment your challenge will be to live each minute of one day in as compassionate a way as possible. In other words, for a full day you should do your best to help other people in need, to

For this assignment your challenge will be to live each minute of one day in as compassionate a way as possible. In other words, for a full day you should do your best to help other people in need, to be considerate and respectful, and to avoid causing harm to any living being.
When carrying out this assignment, leave no behavior unexamined — from watching TV to eating lunch to decisions about giving time or money to others. That is, don’t limit yourself to simply holding the door open for a stranger or petting a lonely dog; think about all the unnecessary suffering in the world, and strive for the greatest impact and deepest level of compassion without being phony or insincere. It is up to you to define what compassion is and to decide how best to realize it.
If you are already quite compassionate, try being compassionate toward groups you don’t often focus on, and even if your actions don’t differ much from how you normally behave, be sure to carefully observe and analyze what transpires during the experience. If outside events make it difficult for you to participate on the designated day, or if you feel dissatisfied with your performance of the assignment, feel free to repeat the exercise on a later day.
Note: To minimize any bias in social reactions, it is best if you do not tell others about the class assignment.
You must turn in a social psychological analysis of what the day was like. Some sample questions to address include: How did you define compassion, and who were the recipients of your efforts? What are the psychological costs and benefits of behaving compassionately? In your view, do the benefits outweigh the costs? How did others respond to your compassion? Do you think they noticed a difference in your behavior? What attributions did people make for your behavior, and why?
This essay should be 3-4 pages of text, plus a title page and reference page.  All papers should be in proper APA format. Please remember proper in-text citations.