
consider the personal and social implications of Gene X Environment interactions

Psychology homework help
Questions to be answered
See attached article to help in answering questions
Read about gene-by-environment effects (also called Gene X Environment or G X E) in the Champagne & Mashoodh (2009) article. The particular example you will examine is epigenetic programming due to variations in maternal care. Specifically, in rodent models, it was found that maternal behavior such as carefully licking and grooming the pups was tied to a decreased stress response and lower levels of exploration fear in the pups. Mothers that displayed low levels of pup licking and grooming had adult offspring with a heightened stress response. This study provided evidence that epigenetic changes can underlie the long-term impact of early-life experiences.
For this Discussion, consider the personal and social implications of Gene X Environment interactions. Also consider other gene x environment interactions future research will be most likely to discover based on your introduction to this new topic.
With these thoughts in mind:
Then your response to the following: Explain how epigenetics provides a new perspective on the nature vs. nurture debate. Also, reference the Champagne & Mashoodh article and provide an explanation of how the rat nurturing example can shed light on human parental behavior. Also discuss the broader social implications of this type of research. Finally, share your prediction of and rationale for what other Gene X Environment interactions future research may discover.

Did the translation of the original claims reveal the statement was a different kind of statement than you originally believed?

Psychology homework help
This exercise will help you become more proficient at recognizing, translating, and evaluating if and and statements. In this assignment, find two examples for the exercise; translate the claims of the example into symbolic form; identify an if or an and statement; then assess it.
Note: Translation and assessment are tools we use to categorize statements. Therefore, you will not be penalized if, through translation and assessment, you learn a statement that appeared to be an if or an and statement is a statement of another type.
The completed assignment must contain the original claims, your translation of the claims into logical form, and your assessment of the statement in logical form. The original examples should be three to five sentences in length.
Your assessment should include answers to the following questions:
Is the set of claims an argument?
Is the original claim (when translated) an if . . . then or and statement?
Did the translation of the original claims reveal the statement was a different kind of statement than you originally believed?
Remember, you will also need to provide a translation key to explain the symbols you use.

describe the biological theories of aging

For this assignment, describe the biological theories of aging. How are these theories different from those we discussed in Week One? What do they tell us about the normal process of aging vs. the

For this assignment, describe the biological theories of aging.   How are these theories different from those we discussed in Week One?  What do they tell us about the normal process of aging vs. the pathological process of aging?  Using the outline below, examine aging from a biological perspective. In your paper, be sure to focus on the specific impact on cognitive functioning.

  • Random Damage Theories of Aging
    • DNA Damage
    • Free Radical Damage
  • Programmed Aging Theories
    • The Hypothalamus as an Aging Clock
    • The Immune System as an Aging Clock
  • Extending the Maximum Life Span
    • Minimizing Your Calorie Intake
    • Moving to Shangri-La?

Your assignment should be three- to four-pages in length (excluding title and reference pages), and should include a minimum of three scholarly sources that were published within the past five years and that are cited according to APA format as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center.

Describe your future career aspirations.

Psychology homework help
Compose a reflection paper about your chosen career path (Human Resource and Leadership) and how psychology can benefit your career. The directions for this assignment will vary depending on whether or not you aspire to be a social psychologist.
If you are planning a career as something other than a social psychologist, you will address the following:
· Describe your future career aspirations.
· Describe the educational requirements of your future career.
· Describe the history of social psychology.
· Explain how the history of social psychology and the field in its current state can help inform your career of choice. Support your answer by using information from the textbook or another resource.
If you have already decided that you want to be social psychologist, you will address the following:
· Describe the history of social psychology.
· Describe your interest in social psychology.
· Identify how the history of social psychology and a social psychology theory will inform your interest in social psychology. Support your answer by using information from the textbook or another resource.
Your response should be at least three pages in length. All sources used, including the textbook, must be referenced; paraphrased and quoted material must have accompanying citations.