
What implications does the statement “Know thyself” have, along with other ideas of Socrates and Plato, for the process of human change?

Psychology homework help
Greek Influences
When early Greek philosophers developed theories in the premodern period, they challenged many dominant assumptions of this period. Socrates and Plato were two of the most influential early philosophers who addressed the issue of the good life. For these two philosophers, the good life was an ethical life.
Socrates was famous for his statement “Know thyself.” Psychologists throughout history have echoed this. Plato had some revolutionary ideas on what it means to be human. He was responsible for bringing dualism into popular thought. This had a profound influence on religion, philosophy, and Western thought as a whole.
What implications does the statement “Know thyself” have, along with other ideas of Socrates and Plato, for the process of human change?
How is this related to achieving the good life?
How will this impact the evaluation of a person’s degree of living the good life?
What was Plato’s understanding of human nature?
How did dualism influence this understanding?
Be sure to support your conclusions with information drawn from the online content, the textbook, and other credible, scholarly sources to substantiate the points you are making. Apply APA standards to for writing and citations to your work.
The paper should be 3-5 pages, double-spaced 12-point typescript, Times Roman font, with 1-inch margins all around, and free from grammatical errors. This page count includes the title page, text, and references. Name your assignment as follows:

Explain the effects of sexual trauma on Sandra

The assignment: (2–3 pages)Explain the effects of sexual trauma on Sandra.Describe two specific interventions you might use to help Sandra deal with those effects.Explain any cultural, ethical, andT

The assignment: (2–3 pages)Explain the effects of sexual trauma on Sandra.Describe two specific interventions you might use to help Sandra deal with those effects.Explain any cultural, ethical, and
The assignment: (23 pages)

  • Explain the effects of sexual trauma on Sandra.
  • Describe two specific interventions you might use to help Sandra deal with those effects.
  • Explain any cultural, ethical, and legal issues related to Sandra’s treatment.
  • Explain what might be different in the effects of the trauma and the interventions you might select if Sandra had been a male.
  • “Sandra”
    Sandra, a 28-year-old female, seeks counseling for issues of depression. After three sessions, she reports that she was sexually abused from ages 4 to 9 by an uncle, after which she experienced two date/acquaintance rapes her senior year in high school. Sandra states that she told her mother, who accused her of making up stories and demanded she not say another word. She also reported an older female cousin had “played doctor” with her on several occasions, including examining her private partswith a “tube” and checking her tonsils with her tongue.
    Sandra states she spent most of her time drunk from ages 18–22 and slept with at least 70 men during this time period. She reports she would pick up these men at bars with the intent of engaging in sexual activity, often not even knowing their names. She states she often thought of suicide during this time period, although only had one real attempt in which she tried to drive her car into a lake but blew out a tire before reaching the water.
    Sandra states she has very few friends and no longer talks with her anyone in her family. She reports not being able to keep a boyfriend and believes that the few friends she does have talk about her behind her back.
    Sandra reports not drinking for the last few years and is determined not to drink again due to her raising her 2-year-old child. She states she wants to be a good mother. The father is out of the picture and Sandra is raising the child on her own.

Assess the steps you need to take, personally and professionally, to be successful in the particular career.

Psychology homework help
In 250-500-words, explore various careers in psychology, then choose one you are interested in (choose one that is closely related to your major or future career path).
In your reflection:
Describe a psychology career
Provide a summary of education and skills necessary for that career
Assess the steps you need to take, personally and professionally, to be successful in the particular career.
If you are not a psychology major, explain how the career you chose above complements your selected major or future career field
Two references should be used to support this assignment. One of the references can be the textbook.
Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the GCU Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center.
This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.
You are required to submit this assignment to Turnitin. Please refer to the directions in the Student Success Center.
This benchmark assignment assesses the following programmatic competencies: 4.2: Compare career trajectories and roles in psychology-related professions.

Determine your population, and describe which sampling method you would use to generate your sample.

Psychology homework help
A positive spin on video games.
I use gamification in teaching. I love mine craft. Especially for autism spectrum or Aspergers kids. I hope you can find some cool articles supporting your argument. Not all video games are harmful. Its all in how you apply it.
Prepare a 1,050- to 1,400-word paper in which you formulate a hypothesis based on your selected research issue, problem, or opportunity. Address the following:
Describe your selected research issue, problem, or opportunity.
Formulate a hypothesis statement concerning your selected research issue, problem, or opportunity.
Determine your population, and describe which sampling method you would use to generate your sample.
Describe how you would collect your data, the level of measurement of your data, and which statistical technique you would use to analyze the data. Explain why you chose that statistical technique.
Include a conclusion of your anticipated findings.
Be sure to bullet each section.
Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines.