
Discuss how Gary’s environment has influenced his behavior and decision-making during his adolescence.

Psychology homework help
Need this done by 27 March 2016 2300EST in APA format. Ensure that you read the direction to their entirety.
For this assignment you will be reading a case scenario in your text and responding to some questions related to the impact of the environment on behavior and choices, the impact of the client-human services professional relationship, and how identifying potential ethical issues and the National Organization for Human Services (NOHS) Ethical Standards can help guide you in working with clients.
Teen pregnancy affects millions of adolescent clients and their families every year. As a human service professional working with adolescents and families you will build reciprocal relationships that make a lasting impact on both the client and yourself. Understanding how the environment is impacting the client and their family helps build the trust required to better understand what interventions and resources may be available to empower the client and their family. In the field of human services you will be interacting with individuals with a variety of needs within many systems, especially when working with families. Due to the span of diversity among individuals it is important for you to become familiar with the ethical standards as set forth for human service professionals. The following Assignment will require you to find and discuss the importance of the ethical standards as developed by the National Organization for Human Services (NOHS). A code of ethics is “an explicit statement of the values, principles, and rules of a profession, regulating the conduct of its members” (Barker, 2001, p. 84). Understanding how to consider ethical issues and how we may resolve them using ethical standards is critical to successful and ethical client outcomes and ensuring both the human service professional and the client are protected from potential conflicts.
Go to page 290 in your text and read the case study in Spotlight 6.2 titled Portrait of a Single Father. Next go to website and review the NOHS Ethical Standards for Human Service Professionals.
After reading the case study and NOHS Ethical Standards, reflect on the situation Gary finds himself in, his environment, and possible ethical considerations in the case and that the worker may need to consider as part of an ethical approach to the client and his family. Answer the following:
Discuss how Gary’s environment has influenced his behavior and decision-making during his adolescence.
Discuss how working with a Human Service Professional (HSP) in a reciprocal relationship may help Gary change his behavior and decision-making to address his current life challenges.
Considering the case study details and the NOHS Ethical Standards, identify one ethical concern you would have when working with Gary and/or his family. Provide one NOHS Ethical Standard that you believe would be important to apply in this case to ensure this ethical issue is addressed within the client and HSP relationship. Refer to the specific NOHS Ethical Standard in your response.
Discuss one specific way using ethical standards impacts the behavior of a HSP when working with clients such as Gary.
Provide the name and contact information for one human service agency you believe a HSP could refer Gary to in order to provide assistance with his current issues. Explain how you believe this agency could specifically assist Gary.
Considering your responses to the assignment questions, explain how Gary’s case outcome might change from the ending offered in the case study epilogue. Discuss how familiarity with ethical standards and available resources strengthened the relationship between the Human Service Professional and Gary in your response.
The paper should be 6 complete paragraphs, resulting in approximately 2 pages of text in addition to the cover page and the final reference page. It also should be free of spelling and grammatical errors. The Assignment should be double-spaced, using a 12 point Times New Roman font.
The Assignment should include a cover page and a final reference page where you cite your course text and any other sources you choose to include in the paper. The only required sources are your text and NOHS Ethical Standards of Human Service Professionals.
You can explore the Kaplan Library or credible Internet sites for additional sources, but the text and NOHS Ethical Standards are your primary sources of support. Your opinions also are valued, but it is important to keep in mind that your main objective in completing this project is to illustrate your knowledge of the course material.
Citing Sources:
It is important to always attribute credit to the proper sources when relying on the text, articles, websites, or other sources. You must credit your work when you:
Summarize concepts and theories that you learned in the text, articles, or internet sources.
Use others’ ideas, theories, and concepts in constructing Discussion topic responses or completing Assignments.
Use direct quotes in the context of your paper (when quoting directly, you must use quotation marks).
Your Assignment must be your original work; plagiarism will not be tolerated. Be sure to review the Syllabus in terms of what constitutes plagiarism.
Reference: Zastrow, Charles, Karen Kirst-Ashman. Brooks/Cole Empowerment Series: Understanding Human Behavior and the Social Environment. Cengage Learning, 02/2012. VitalSource Bookshelf Online.

Thesis Statement for the Integrative Literature Review Paper on the lines of psychology

THESIS STATEMENT (3 TO 5 DOUBLE SPACED PAGES) Thesis generator toward the end to help find your statementRead Final assignment at end to get an idea what the literature pertains to.Thesis Statement f

THESIS STATEMENT (3 TO 5 DOUBLE SPACED PAGES)  Thesis generator toward the end to help find your statement
Read Final assignment at end to get an idea what the literature pertains to.
Thesis Statement for the Integrative Literature Review Paper on the lines of psychology
In this assignment, you will create the thesis statement for your Final Assignment. The thesis is the statement of your perspectives on the literature. It should also include the rationale and relevant empirical and theoretical background supporting your perspectives. The primary objective of this assignment is to outline specific areas of inquiry you intend to answer in the course of the Integrative Literature Review. Although they may change during the course of the review, articulating these areas of inquiry early will help provide focus and direction for your research.
Begin by introducing the areas of inquiry to be included in your Integrative Literature Review. Explain your perspective on the literature and include how you arrived at this viewpoint, how the literature you have chosen to include supports this viewpoint, and why this perspective is relevant to the field of psychology.
Based on your introduction, briefly discuss the literature you have chosen by integrating concepts developed from your four different content domains. Be sure to utilize at least one peer-reviewed source per domain. Construct clear and concise arguments using evidence-based psychological concepts and theories to support your perspectives regarding the literature.
To conclude your assignment, identify any overarching implications shown in the studies and describe how these influenced your perspectives on the literature.
The Integrative Literature Review: Thesis Statement

  • Must be two to three double-spaced pages in length (not including title and reference pages) and formatted according to APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center.
  • Must include a separate title page with the following:
    • Title of paper
    • Student’s name
    • Course name and number
    • Instructor’s name
    • Date submitted
  • Must begin with an introductory paragraph that has a succinct thesis statement.
  • Must address the topic of the paper with critical thought.
  • Must end with a conclusion that reaffirms your thesis.
  • Must use at least four peer-reviewed sources (one source per domain).
  • Must document all sources in APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center.
  • Must include a separate reference list that is formatted according to APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center.

In Week 4 the focus will be will be on issues related to disclosure. Ethical issues concerning boundaries and disclosure are among the most complex and difficult for the psychology professional. In dealing with these issues, it is important to be able to identify ethical dilemmas and articulate relevant related ethical principles in order to arrive at the best course of action.
Your assignment this week is the second step in the process of preparing for your Week Six Integrative Literature Review. You will need to reference the instructions for the Final Paper in Week Six as you prepare this week’s assignment.
Assignment – I’ve Attached This Material So You Can Download It
Thesis Statement for Integrative Literature Review
APA Title Page Requirements
Running head with page number
Title of paper
Student’s name
Course name and number
Instructor’s name
Date submitted

Identify two research articles published in the last 5 years: one that investigates a psychoanalytic or Freudian construct and one that investigates a client-centered, humanistic, or Rogerian construct.

Psychology homework help
Consider the eras, life histories, and personalities of Freud and Rogers.
Identify two research articles published in the last 5 years: one that investigates a psychoanalytic or Freudian construct and one that investigates a client-centered, humanistic, or Rogerian construct.
Write a 1,050- to 1,100-word paper about Freud and Rogers that addresses the following:
Provide a summary of each article, highlighting the processes that contemporary psychologists use to develop the theories of Freud and Rogers.
Explain their views of human nature and their worldviews as expressed in their respective theories.
Which aspect of their theory do you think would be different if they were alive and working today?
Explain how social and cultural factors influenced the development of Freud’s and Rogers’ respective theories of personality.
Format your paper according to APA guidelines CItes also APA format please

Explain whether any motor tasks or skills can be accomplished via observational learning.

Psychology homework help
Assignment 1: LASA 2—Observational and Motor Learning
During the period of early childhood, mastering fine motor skills is a very important process needed for physical and cognitive development. However, for a number of different reasons, there are some children who do not develop at the same pace as an average child. It is important for parents and physicians to recognize children who are not on track developmentally because the earlier the cause of the delay can be determined, the earlier parents can start working with the child to correct or minimize these deficits. Often, the earlier the children begins to work on their developmental deficits, the greater the advancements they can make.
By the age of three, a child should be able to do the following:
Use a spoon by themselves
Draw a vertical and horizontal line
String large beads
Snip paper with scissors
Roll clay or play dough into a “snake”
Conduct an Internet search using the two phrases listed below. Your results will help you better understand the kind of milestones that are used to assess the development of fine motor skills in young children.
Fine motor skills milestones
Child development milestones
Using the module readings, the Argosy University online library resources, and the Internet, research observational and motor learning and activities that can be used to help develop motor skills. Then, address the following:
Describe in detail how a young child’s fine motor skills are developed—making sure to include the theory of motor-skill learning that best fits this situation.
Explain whether any motor tasks or skills can be accomplished via observational learning. Justify your response.
Now, consider a situation in which a young child (3–4 years old) is developmentally delayed in fine motor skill development. Create a strategy which would help the child strengthen his or her fine motor skills.
You can find a number of activities online which purport to help develop these skills. From a theoretical viewpoint, be sure to explain how these activities will aid a child’s fine motor skill development. Make sure that you reference at least one peer-reviewed article in addition to any Web sites you find and describe these activities as part of your development strategy.