
What is your opinion about using animals for research?

Psychology homework help
Click belowto access the website, which explains the goal of the APA’s Committee on Animal Research and Ethics.
Click below to access the website, examine the guidelines developed by the American Psychological Association’s Committee on Animal Research and Ethics (CARE).
Then, click below to read an alternative point of view from the animal rights perspective. Answer the following questions:
What is your opinion about using animals for research?
Was your opinion affected by the readings for this assignment?
Under what circumstances, or for which types of research projects, would you advocate the use of animals in research?
Do you think the use of advanced technology, such as fMRI, will eventually make animal testing obsolete?
What safeguards do you think would be needed in order to protect participants in studies using neuroimaging methods?
Your response should be at least 2 pages long and should include at least
two scholarly references.

identify common themes or patterns that emerge based on the interviews and observations.

Psychology homework help
In preparing for the written part of the case study, you should carefully review your transcript and field notes. Then, identify common themes or patterns that emerge based on the interviews and observations.
In the paper, the student must discuss the characteristics and behaviors exhibited by this child, focusing upon social, emotional, behavioral, and academic strengths and concerns as gathered from direct observations and the information provided by parents, caregivers, and child. Describe the similarities and differences of this child’s growth and development in relation to the information provided in the course text. Crucially, the case study needs to include an analysis of the child grounded by at least two different theories of child development as presented or learned during the course. The case study requires a minimum of two research articles connecting the chosen theories of child development in relation to the child. An annotated reference list should include these two research articles. Field notes (typed, rather than raw notes) should be included as an appendix. The student’s confidentiality is essential. A pseudonym must be used in place of the child’s first and last names.
This case study assignment will be a minimum of seven pages. This assignment will be rubric scored based on the elements identified above

The Pros and Cons of Addiction

My last name begins with M-Z so the topic of discussion will be on the specific behavior down below!The Pros and Cons of AddictionPrior to beginning work on this discussion, be sure to read the requir

My last name begins with M-Z so the topic of discussion will be on the specific behavior down below!
The Pros and Cons of Addiction
Prior to beginning work on this discussion, be sure to read the required articles for this week.
Addictions come in many forms and almost always involve a complex three-way interaction between the person, the object of the addiction (e.g., drugs, gambling, chocolate), and the societal context of the addiction. This complex interaction raises a controversial social question: Is addiction always a bad thing? Although there is often a significant amount of social stigma attached to addictions, and popular media often focuses on the treatment and prevention of addiction, there may also be associated positive qualities of addictive substances and behaviors.
For your initial post, the class will be split into two groups. Please see below for your assigned topic group.
Last name begins with:
A through L: Initial post will be written on a specific substance that has addictive potential (e.g., alcohol, cocaine, ibogaine, marijuana, ayahuasca, MDMA) of your choice.
M through Z: Initial post will be written on a specific behavior that has addictive potential (e.g., sex, gambling, shopping, social media, pornography, gaming) of your choice.
Begin your initial post by choosing either a substance or a behavior with addictive potential based on your assigned group. To create a meaningful and interesting discussion, it would behoove you to choose a substance or behavior that has not already been addressed in the discussion board. For this discussion, you must explain both the positive and negative potential of addiction to your chosen substance or behavior. Therefore, you must choose a substance or behavior that presents both positive and negative potential outcomes.
Research your substance or behavior providing at least two peer-reviewed resources to support any claims made. In your post, construct clear and concise arguments using evidence-based psychological concepts and theories to create a brief scenario or example of a situation in which your chosen addiction provides both positive and negative potential outcomes for a subject. Integrate concepts developed from different content domains to support your arguments. Evaluate and comment on the reliability and generalizability of the specific articles and research findings you have chosen to support your arguments. Explain how the APA’s Ethical Principles and Code of Conduct might be used to guide your decisions as a psychology professional if you were assigned to consult with the subject in the situation you have created.

Describe in detail the importance of this organ to the function of the body as a whole. What are the functions of this organ and how is it critical for survival?

Psychology homework help
In this Assignment, you will research the HEART and its complexity. Your APA-formatted essay minimum words 750 should include:
A general description of The HEART in the introduction. In the general description, you will include the following: a brief description of the primary functions of this organ, its general shape, and the location of this organ in the human body.
Describe in detail the importance of this organ to the function of the body as a whole. What are the functions of this organ and how is it critical for survival?
Identify and describe which of the four tissue types (epithelial, connective, muscle, and/or nervous tissues) are present in the organ.
Describe any organ-specific cell types that are present and if these cell types have any special structures (e.g., presence of microvilli and/or abundance of particular organelle such as mitochondria).
Discuss in detail how these different cell-types work together to provide the overall function of the organ.
Include a discussion of why each organ requires the different tissue types as well as unique cell types to function. Why can the organs not be comprised of just one cell type? What is the advantage of having so many different types of cells?
The essay should be a minimum of 750 words in length not counting the cover page and reference list. Introduction and conclusion required.