
Post a description of a social or economic justice issue that is evident in the case.

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Discussion 1: Social and Economic Justice
The Center for Economic and Social Justice defines “social justice” as “giving to each what he or she is due.” “Economic justice” is concerned with determining what an individual’s “due” actually encompasses.
For this Discussion, select a case study in this week’s Readings. Review the case study, focusing on the social or economic justice issues at play in the situation described.
***Post a description of a social or economic justice issue that is evident in the case. Suggest two strategies the social worker might employ to address the issue.
Reference: Center for Economic and Social Justice. (n.d.). Defining economic justice and social justice. Retrieved from June 11, 2013, from
Working With Survivors of Sexual Abuse and Trauma: The Case of Brenna
Brenna is an 18-year-old, heterosexual, African American female. She is pregnant, residing in a homeless shelter, and has no income source. Brenna was raised by her biological mother in a one-bedroom apartment in an urban neighborhood. When Brenna was 15 years old, her mother began dating a new man. This man sexually assaulted Brenna while they were home alone one evening. She immediately disclosed the sexual assault to her mother who called her a liar and told her to move out. Brenna then lived in a variety of situations, sometimes residing with friends for short periods and sometimes living in a youth shelter. During this period she attended high school intermittently but did not graduate.
After her 18th birthday, Brenna moved in with her boyfriend, Cameron. Also living in the household were Cameron’s mother, his 16-year-old sister, and a 7-year-old brother. Shortly after moving in with Cameron, Brenna became pregnant with his child. Prior to the pregnancy, Cameron would often abuse her physically, verbally, and emotionally. When Brenna announced the pregnancy, Cameron became even more violent, accused her of sleeping with other men, and denied paternity of the baby. When Brenna was 4 months pregnant, Cameron attempted to strangle her, so Brenna moved to a shelter. Although the shelter was willing to house Brenna and her newborn temporarily, their policy required Brenna to secure new living arrangements prior to giving birth.
I was assigned to be Brenna’s social work case manager at this shelter. Brenna and I worked together to set manageable goals during her stay at the shelter and also developed a plan for ongoing mental health support. Utilizing individual case manage- ment sessions, I worked with Brenna to prioritize goals regarding nancial stability, permanent housing, and medical care. Brenna had dif culty reading and writing, so we worked together to
complete the applications for Medicaid; General Assistance; the Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants, and Chil- dren (WIC); and a local subsidized apartment complex. Brenna often became frustrated throughout this process, struggling to locate all required documents as a result of her frequent moves and changes in residency. I advocated for Brenna to receive medical care at the local hospital’s prenatal clinic while waiting for Medicaid approval, utilizing her completed Medicaid applica- tion to support the request. The hospital also agreed to enroll Brenna in prenatal support and education groups that met on a weekly basis.
Dif culty with reading and writing made it challenging to apply for jobs to list on her application for General Assistance, so I gathered information for Brenna on available educational and self-help centers in the community. She enrolled in a group at a local agency that provided free General Educational Development (GED) training, and she was able to enhance her reading skills during her stay at the shelter. By attending a group at the agency, Brenna met several single mothers in the area and built a new support network in the community.
Throughout this process, Brenna struggled with feelings of inadequacy, low self-esteem, loneliness, and powerlessness. I worked with her to validate and process these feelings and assisted her in contacting a local therapist with experience working with survivors of dating abuse and domestic violence. Although she was initially hesitant to engage in a therapeutic rela- tionship, I assisted Brenna in making an informed decision to do so. She attended weekly therapy sessions throughout the duration of her stay at the shelter.
Brenna’s resiliency, self-suf ciency, and dedication to providing a healthy life for her unborn child gave her the motivation to set dif cult goals, and she used her time at the shelter to attain them. One month prior to giving birth, Brenna’s housing application was accepted and she moved into a small two-bedroom apartment. Working with Social Services, she was granted a voucher and was able to furnish her apartment. I accompanied Brenna to the super- market and assisted her in planning a monthly food budget with
her Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) and WIC funds. Through work with her therapist, Brenna cut off all contact with Cameron, choosing to raise her child on her own. She said she felt like a new person when she established a new phone number and address without informing Cameron, and when she left the shelter, although nervous, she expressed a sense of con – dence in her ability to move forward with her new baby.
clearly been in uenced by the group facilitator, who was incredibly friendly and outgoing. There was no other choice but termination, and the realization that the damage could not be repaired was disappointing. However, had I disclosed “my side” of what was happening, I would have been making the same errors as the group facilitator and involving myself in a dysfunctional and unhealthy dynamic, including crossing boundaries—exactly what survivors do not need. There are times when you must “swallow your pride” to do what is right and best for the client, especially given the different variables and considering the ethical issues at play.
Working With Survivors of Sexual Abuse and Trauma: The Case of Brenna
What speci c intervention strategies (skills, knowledge,
etc.) did you use to address this client situation?
I used re ective listening and reframing to assist Brenna in setting goals and determining her unmet needs. I used knowl- edge of local systems and social service agencies to provide referrals and to secure needed services.
Which theory or theories did you use to guide your practice?
I utilized systems theory.
What were the identi ed strengths of the client(s)?
Brenna’s strengths were her resiliency and self-suf ciency. Brenna viewed her desire to provide a better future for her child as a strong motivating factor for changing her life.
What were the identi ed challenges faced by the client(s)?
Brenna lacked a familial support system and network of friends, and she was socially isolated. Upon entry to the shelter, she lacked medical care, employment, income, and housing. Brenna also strug- gled with dif culty reading and writing. Brenna had experienced trauma and violence in her past and would be raising her child alone.
What were the agreed-upon goals to be met to address the concern?
Brenna and I agreed to secure medical care, a housing plan, and a source of income. Brenna also set goals to improve her mental health.
What local, state, or federal policies could (or did) affect this situation?
State policies regarding photo ID affected Brenna’s ability to apply for various assistance programs through Social Services. Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) policies will also affect her ability to obtain nancial assistance after giving birth. Paternity is required on forms for TANF, and she may need to explore domestic violence waivers when completing TANF applications.
How would you advocate for social change to positively affect this case?
I would advocate for improved assistance to be offered through Social Services. Brenna was often met with anger and frustra- tion at Social Services due to her dif culty reading and writing, so she had given up on trying to secure medical care and nan- cial assistance early in her pregnancy.
Were there any legal or ethical issues present in the case? If so, what were they and how were they addressed?Brenna and I discussed future plans for applying for TANF and the impact the child’s paternity has on approval of the applica- tion. We discussed the parental rights of Cameron and identi- ed resources for legal assistance if needed in the future.
Describe any additional personal re ections about this case.
When working on a strict timeline, it is important to balance client empowerment with health and safety.
Human Behavior and the Social Environment
Working With Children and Adolescents:
The Case of Dalia
1. What speci c intervention strategies (skills, knowledge,
etc.) did you use to address this client situation?
This case required that active and re ective listening, reframing, and validation be employed as part of the assessment, engage- ment, and goal-setting process. In addition, working from the strengths-based perspective and meeting the client system
Plummer, S.-B., Makris, S., & Brocksen S. M. (Eds.). (2014). Working with survivors of sexual abuse and trauma: The case of Brenna. In Social work case studies: Foundation year. Retrieved from

Identify the geographic location where the program will be deployed

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Program Proposal
The final assignment in this course is a written Program Proposal. A program proposal is a document demonstrating an intent to create a clinical, educational, or community project. The Program Proposal will define a contemporary problem or issue and propose a potential solution for a contemporary issue in a manner that will persuade experts and decision makers to support the proposal. Within the proposal, developmental theory and research will be applied to policy, community agency, and major themes of development. A specific program, intended to provide individual or group services to address an identified area of need, will be introduced and outlined.
Beginning the Proposal Process
Choose an area of interest. Teen Pregnancy Students will choose a general track and define a specific issue within the track that is of interest to them and presents a contemporary problem to be solved. Please see the Program Proposal Tracks and Topics in Developmental Psychology document to view the tracks (Community,Clinical/Counseling, and Education) and suggested issues within each track for the proposal. Once the track and issue have been chosen, specific criteria will need to be identified.
Identify the target population. High School Regardless of the track and issue chosen, a target population must be identified for the proposal. Identify the target population associated with the chosen issue. Within the target population, choose the developmental stage that will act as the focus for the proposal. Many programs may directly and/or indirectly influence people in different stages; however, it is important to select the stage that is most applicable to the specific program being proposed. For example, in a program for adults who are caring for their elderly parents, the focus is on the adults (likely in middle adulthood) so a middle adulthood focus would be most appropriate for that program.
Identify the geographic location where the program will be deployed. Programming will be directly influenced by the location in which it will take place. For example, a child safety program in a rural farming community will likely have different objectives and needs than a child safety program in a large metropolitan city.
Research a minimum of five peer-reviewed articles on the chosen. All sources utilized for the Program Proposal must have been published within the last 10 years.
Creating a program proposal
Program proposals take on many forms and styles. Creativity is encouraged because it not only tests the boundaries of what is possible for solutions to various issues, but also typically increases the chances for funding. Regardless of the issue being addressed, the Program Proposal must incorporate the following headings (noted in bold) and include the supporting information that is detailed beneath each heading.
Proposal Summary
Under this heading, provide a summary paragraph that presents the program, its objectives, and how the program will address an area of need in the identified geographic location and issue of interest.
•Identify the target population and developmental stage of the population, as well as the intended program track. (These will be elaborated upon further in the Program Narrative and Procedures section of the proposal.)
•Identify the geographic location for the program and the specific needs within that location. (These will be elaborated upon further in the Program Narrative and Procedures section of the proposal.)
•Create a purpose statement that applies developmental theory and research to policy and community.
•Conclude with a purpose statement in which the need for the program as well as the alignments with the support and findings are stated. (These will be elaborated upon in the Background section of the proposal.)
Organization Description and Qualifications
Under this heading, act as an individual representative and identify the community agency submitting this proposal.
•Explain what qualifies the agency to create this specific program (education, experience, history, etc.).
•Describe how the agency plans to promote the success of this program and what resources the agency has access to or can provide.
While this community agency will be a construct rather than a true community agency, the information and attributes described must align with the qualifications expected of a true agency of that nature and the qualifications should support the goals of the proposal.
Under this heading, explain human development in the context of both historical and current trends by presenting a brief summary of the relevant research published within the last 10 years. Within the summary:
•Identify other active programs in the geographic area to eliminate duplication of current programs.
•Evaluate the unique scholarly perspectives and research in the field of developmental psychology as they relate to the specific program being proposed.
•Address how the scholarly information collected illustrates a clear need for this program.
Program Narrative and Procedures
Under this heading, describe the program in detail. Include the overall vision, the intended target population, and geographical location, and specify how this program will be introduced to the community.
•Provide a step-by-step outline of what will be implemented and detail how each step of the outline will be accomplished.
oWithin the outline, analyze any ethical considerations for the deployment of the program using elements of developmental psychology research and practice to support the suggested implementation.
Program Timeline and Cost/Benefit Assessment
Under this heading, provide a visual timeline for implementation of the program and for meeting expected milestones. How long will planning, preparation, hiring, and commencement of the program take? Once active, how long is the program expected to run, and/or how often?
•Address how the benefits to the target population and organization(s) will outweigh any potential costs to create and implement this program.
•Assess how time, employee experience, volunteer base, and space utilization will figure into the cost/benefit analysis.
Program Evaluation and Expected Outcomes
Under this heading, evaluate the proposal and describe potential outcomes considering what might happen if the program exceeds expectations, meets expectations, or does not meet expectations.
•Address accountability measures including performance reviews and milestones to be met.
•Describe how this program will meet accreditation standards in the short and/or long term.
Writing the Program Proposal
The Program Proposal:
•Must be 12 to 15 double-spaced pages in length and formatted according to APA style as outlined.
•Must include a title page with the following:
oTitle of program
oStudent’s name
oCourse name and number
oInstructor’s name
oDate submitted
•Must begin with an introductory paragraph that has a succinct thesis statement.
•Must address the topic of the paper with critical thought.
•Must end with a conclusion that reaffirms your thesis.
•Must use at least five peer-reviewed sources, including a minimum of five from the University Library.
•Must document all sources in APA style as outlined
•Must include a separate reference page that is formatted according to APA style as outlined
Please answer each bullet and follow instructions on all. Pay close attention to the bold and bullets it has to be in that format. All bullets have to be addressed. The proposal is on Teen Pregnancy for high school kids as outlined above.. also for education and community
Please use attachments as it is needed and use all references..

Couples Counseling is an excellent choice

Please read full assignment before committing to do this 20-30 page paper! My grade depends on this assignment! I have $120 to complete this with! Thank-you!Final Assignment 04/27/18 (Final paper must

Please read full assignment before committing to do this 20-30 page paper! My grade depends on this assignment! I have $120 to complete this with! Thank-you!
Final Assignment 04/27/18 (Final paper must be based 100% on articles from peer-reviewed journals. For more articles on couple counseling make use of the Marriage and Family Journals. Couples Counseling is a good topic but come up with a great title for this report! 20-30 pages no including title page and reference pages.
Very important that all points are addressed in the final
essay! I’ve included the instructions with questions and answers to discuss!
Teacher has provided an outline to follow in order to successfully complete
This assignment! I’ve included 14 peer reviewed articles for this assignment,
You must provide the remaining 10, MUST BE ARTICLES, NOT BOOKS, articles and
journals only. Pick a Topic that corresponds with some of the articles listed (Couples Counseling
is an excellent choice.. Some domains to
Consider would be clinical psychology, cognitive and perceptual psychology.
There needs to be four good domains within the larger field of psychology! (20
To 20 pages double spaced not including title and reference pages)
Integrative Literature Review
Pathbuilder is being used for this assignment. Please be certain to complete the �Survey Acknowledgement Quiz� this week in order to submit the Integrative Literature Review. You will not be allowed to submit your Final Paper until you have completed the quiz this week.

Explain which of your classmates’ ideas for a personal essay seem more intriguing and why.

Psychology homework help
Respond to Peers: Review what your peers have posted, and respond to two classmates on the following:
Explain which of your classmates’ ideas for a personal essay seem more intriguing and why.
Compare the techniques your classmates used to develop their ideas in comparison to the techniques you chose.
Explain why you chose the techniques you did and whether you will try your classmates’ techniques in the future.
Response posts must be 125 to 200 words in length for each. If you have questions about how to participate in discussions, consult “About Discussions” under the Course Home menu. You are not required to support your claims with additional scholarly sources; however, should you decide to use additional sources, make sure you properly cite any references. Refer to the Ashford Writing Center’s Citation and Reference Guidefor guidelines on citing sources in APA style.
Please view the video Accessing Feedback in the Gradebook for guidance on how to review your instructor’s feedback when the post is graded.