
Explain the principles of, and barriers to, effective interpersonal communications.

Psychology homework help
The second is the final paper 9 page paper that is due 4/7/2016. Same APA format. I have attached new items that you dont have . Please let me know if you have any questions.
Below is more instruction from the teacher she just posted. let me know if you need anything
As the prompt says, you will be writing a hypothetical letter to an engaged couple about how to communicate to build a strong relationship. Again, I repeat that I don’t care if your couple or group of co-workers are hypothetical or not. The point is to show you can apply what you’ve learned to some potentially real-world experience.
You must use the following FIVE learning outcomes:
1. Explain the principles of, and barriers to, effective interpersonal communications.
2. Analyze the role of communication in developing and maintaining one’s self-concept, self-image, and self-esteem.
3. Illustrate the importance of self-disclosure and emotional intelligence in various relationships.
4. Evaluate strategies for using communication techniques to resolve interpersonal conflicts.
5. Analyze the impact of gender and culture on interpersonal communications.
When you go to write your paper, you MUST use the five learning outcomes you’ve identified as headers for different sections. Headers means you will create clear titles that separate each segment of your paper and you spend a significant amount of time with EACH of these learning outcomes. When you go to address each point, be sure to draw on Bevan and Sole, other readings and/or the guidance to help you make your points. Aim for two to three points from Bevan and Sole and/or others for each section. Try use a combination of paraphrasing and/or quoting. And remember, when you use quotes, be careful to explain what the quote means or why it is so significant. This allows you to hammer in the point and it shows that you are processing and actively engaging with the reading. Doing this makes the quote more of your own.
You will be writing 8 to 10 pages, with a clear introduction and conclusion. I know that’s a long letter! But don’t get too carried away with that concept. I would anticipate that you will need to spend about 1 to 2 paragraphs for the introduction, 1 ½ pages for each of your five objectives, and then at least a one-paragraph conclusion. You will still need to use APA style and ensure that you are writing to an academic crowd – your instructor! If you need help with APA style, please email me as soon as possible and I will assist you.
I can’t emphasize enough that you will not do well on the paper if you do not use references (e.g. academic articles) to support you in all of the claims you make. In fact, the paper requires that you use at least FIVE SOURCES, and Bevan and Sole only counts as one. And remember that two of the sources must come from the Ashford Library. Please do not just re-use articles from class to meet this requirement. Go to an Ashford database and do some research! For some advice about researching communication topics specifically, select the “Research Guides” icon on the library’s landing page and then select “Communication.”

Does one have an obligation to report wrong doings by one's employer, even when doing so will result in the loss of one's job?

Psychology homework help
Final Argument Paper
I am doing on “Does one have an obligation to report wrong doings by one’s employer, even when doing so will result in the loss of one’s job? Are whistle-blower laws effective and necessary?”
This may be my first paragraph start
As society moves forward, we endure many problems in the life. We are in a continual battle with life’s obstacles that come our way. Most of the society try to ignore their problems or turn a blind eye. We accept life for what it is, and we choose to follow blindly it. Any career/job should be a professional and safe environment for all employees and have mandated reporting procedure for those who violate policy. We should fight against it or fight for something more. So my question is, Does one have an obligation to report wrongdoing by one’s employer, even when doing so will result in the loss of one’s job? Are whistleblower laws valid and necessary?
This final assignment is designed to involve all of the main skills that you have learned during this course. In particular, your paper should demonstrate the ability to construct a deductively valid or inductively strong argument, clearly and accurately explain your reasoning, use high-quality academic sources to support the premises of your argument, fairly and honestly evaluate contrary arguments and objections, and identify fallacies and biases that occur within the arguments or objections presented.
You will continue to build on the arguments that you are presented in your previous two papers. In particular, you will present an improved final version of your argument for your thesis that you begin for the Week One Assignment and adequately address the objection that you developed for your Week Three Assignment. You will need to research a minimum of three scholarly sources from the Ashford University Library. (For further information about discovering and including academic research, take a look at the FindIt@AU Tutorial instructional resource.)
Write: in your paper
Explain the topic you are addressing and your position on it. Provide a preview of your document and a statement of your thesis in your opening paragraph. [Approximately 100 words]
For help crafting a good thesis statement, go to the Ashford Writing Center.
Present your main argument for your thesis in standard form, with each premise and the conclusion on a separate line. Clearly indicate whether your argument is intended to be inductive or deductive. Follow up the presentation of your argument by clarifying the meaning of any premises that could use some explanation. [About 150 words]
If your argument is deductive, then it should be valid (in the strict logical sense of the word); if it is inductive, then it should be strong. Make sure to avoid committing logical fallacies within your argument (e.g., begging the question). Additionally, the premises should be true, to the best of your knowledge. If one of your premises has a pretty obvious counter-example, then you should either fix the argument so that it does not have this flaw, or later, in your paper (steps three through five) you should address the apparent counter-example (showing that it does not really refute the truth of your premise). Arguments that are not valid, not very strong, commit fallacies, or that have counter-examples that are not adequately addressed will not receive full credit.
Provide supporting evidence for the premises of your argument. [Approximately 350 words]
Pay special attention to those premises that could be seen as controversial. Evidence may include academic research sources, supporting arguments (arguments whose conclusions are premises of the main argument), or other ways of demonstrating the truth of those premises. This section should include at least one scholarly research source.
Explain a strong objection to your argument. [Approximately 250 words]
Study what people on the other side of this question think about your reasoning and present the best possible objection that someone could have to your argument. Do not commit the straw man fallacy here. Reference at least one scholarlyresearch source. See the “Practicing Effective Criticism” section of Chapter 9 of the course text for more information.
Defend your argument against the objection. [Approximately 200 words]
Once you have presented the objection, indicate clearly how you might respond to it. It is acceptable to admit that reasonable people might disagree with you or that there might be an area in which your argument could be further strengthened, but you should do your best to explain why your argument is sound or cogent despite the objections.
Provide an appropriate conclusion. [Approximately 75 words]
For guidance about how to develop a conclusion see the Introductions and Conclusion resource from the Ashford Writing Center.
For further instruction on how to create arguments, see the How to Construct a Valid DeductiveArgument and Tips for Creating an Inductively Strong Argument documents as well as the Contructing Valid Arguments Video. For an example of a completed Final Paper, see the Annotated Example The Ethics of Elephants in Circuses. Let your instructor know if you have questions about how to complete this paper.

Eyewitness testimony and the misinformation effect

This is the subject that I am working on for this paper:Eyewitness testimony and the misinformation effectIn your final paper for this course, you will need to write a Methods section that is about 4

This is the subject that I am working on for this paper:

  • Eyewitness testimony and the misinformation effect

In your final paper for this course, you will need to write a Methods section that is about 4 pages long where you will assess and evaluate the methods of research.
In preparation for this particular section, answer the following questions thoroughly and provide justification/support. The more complete and detailed your answers for these questions, the better prepared you are to successfully write your final paper.
Please submit your answers as a single 4- to 6-page document as a numbered list; this will ensure you do not inadvertently miss a question.
Additionally, please submit a title page and a reference page in proper APA format.

  1. What is your research question?
  2. What is your hypothesis or hypotheses? What is the null hypothesis?
  3. How many participants would you like to use and why? What are the inclusion characteristics, i.e., what must they have in order to be included in your study (for example, gender, diagnosis, age, personality traits, etc.)? Are there any exclusion characteristics, i.e. are there certain characteristics that would exclude them from being in your study? Does the sample need to be diverse? Why or why not?
  4. What sampling technique will be used to collect your sample? What population does your sample generalize to?
  5. What are the variables in your study? HINT: Refer back to your hypothesis or hypotheses.
  6. Provide operational definitions for each variable.
  7. How will you measure each variable? Discuss the reliability and validity of these measures in general terms.
  8. What technique will be used for data collection (e.g., observation, survey, interview, archival, etc.)?
  9. What type of research design is being used?
  10. Briefly discuss the procedure that would be followed when conducting the research.
  11. What are some POTENTIAL ethical issues? How might they be addressed?

Engagement and Assessment of Communities

Psychology homework help
Assignment: Assessment Application
Engagement and Assessment of Communities
Working with entire communities and organizations might seem overwhelming, due to the large number of people involved. Where do you begin? It might be a relief to know that the GIM is just as useful to social workers practicing at the macro level as it is for those practicing at the micro and mezzo levels. In fact, you begin the process in the same way with proper engagement and the appropriate form of assessment before enacting an intervention. Successful engagement and assessment depends on strong interpersonal skills, regardless of the level of intervention. In some respects, skills such as empathy, warmth, genuineness, and general rapport-building are the same for macro work as they are for micro and mezzo work—they just may be applied in a different way. In other respects, this level of intervention depends on additional skills not often identified as social work-related, including negotiating, mediating, assessing, and budgeting. How might you utilize these skills when engaging and assessing communities? A competent and successful social work policy practitioner is able to meld these skills. This is of particular necessity when the goal is social change.
For this Assignment, review this week’s Resources. Refer to the community you selected for this week’s Discussion. Then imagine that you have been assigned to complete a needs assessment and identify potential resources for this community. You elected to interview key informants as one form of assessing this community. Consider who you would contact as a key informant for this community. Finally, think about how you might engage the informant to obtain the community details to complete your needs assessment.
Assignment: (2- to 4-page paper in APA format). Do not use “I” statements.
Your paper should include the following:
A description of the community you selected
A description of the key informants you would contact within that community
An explanation of why you would contact the key informants you selected
An explanation of the skills you might use to engage these informants to obtain the community details to complete your needs assessment and explain why you chose those skills.
Support your Assignment with specific references to the Resources. Be sure to provide full APA citations for your references.