
If Aiden was your child, what would persuade you to allow the evaluation?

Psychology homework help
Review the following scenario:
Aiden Keller is a fourth grader. Since he enrolled in kindergarten, teachers have been concerned that Aiden seems to struggle more than the other children do, academically and behaviorally. Despite his teacher’s academic and behavioral interventions, Aiden continues to be easily frustrated, talks out of turn, and often refuses to work in class. In addition to falling behind academically, Aiden’s behavior is beginning to affect his relationships with peers.
Aiden’s parents were invited to attend a meeting with his teacher, school counselor, and assistant principal. The school professionals expressed their desire to make a referral for an evaluation to determine whether Aiden has a disability that requires special education support. Although the Kellers have known about Aiden’s problems and experience similar challenges at home, they are worried about their son being “labeled” and placed in special classes.
The Kellers’ concerns are valid and certainly not uncommon.
Using the module readings, the Argosy University online library resources, and the Internet, research evaluation-related issues.
Then, imagine you are sitting with Aiden’s parents to discuss their concerns about evaluating their son. Incorporate what you learned in your readings and respond to the following:
Explain how you would address the following to help the parents make an educated decision by describing the following:
The benefits of evaluation
The long-term impact on their son of not performing the evaluation
The legal and ethical issues
If Aiden was your child, what would persuade you to allow the evaluation?
Write your initial response in 300–500 words. Apply APA standards to citation of sources.

describe basic information on your patient, including the person’s name, sex, gender, sexual orientation, age, race, occupation, and location of residence

Psychology homework help
Assignment 2: Patient History
Patient: Mom from the movie Mommy Dearest.
One of the first steps in any clinical assessment is to gather a thorough history from the patient. This history includes, at minimum, the patient’s identifying information, presenting problem, and relevant personal history relating to their presenting problem.
Identifying Information
Within this section, you will describe basic information on your patient, including the person’s name, sex, gender, sexual orientation, age, race, occupation, and location of residence (country, state, and region).
Chief Complaint/Presenting Problem
Within this section, you will include the patient’s primary complaint verbatim to identify and describe the main source of his or her distress and/or concerns. If there is no verbatim complaint, include observable information to create an overall picture of the presenting problem.
Typically, this section within a psychological report seeks to answer the following question (further elaboration within this section is encouraged where possible):
What are the patient’s complaints? (e.g., the patient might complain about “feeling on edge” or experiencing stress)
You will not be completing section III of the Final Paper for this week’s assignment.
Personal History
Within this section, you will describe your patient’s personal background and history of abnormal behavior(s) that inform your diagnostic impression. You will also gather information about the patient’s cultural background and cultural norms.
Typically, this section within a psychological report seeks to answer the following questions (further elaboration within this section is encouraged where possible):
Where did the patient grow up?
What cultures did the patient experience throughout life?
What was the patient’s school life like?
What were his or her grades? What is his or her highest level of education?
What is the patient’s interpersonal relationship history?
What was/is the patient’s romantic relationship history?
What was/is the patient’s friendship history?
Family History
Within this section, you will describe the patient’s familial relationship(s) and identify any abnormalities that might affect future treatment. You will also integrate information about the patient’s family and cultural background to identify any maladaptive behaviors and relational patterns.
Typically, this section within a psychological report seeks to answer the following questions (further elaboration within this section is encouraged where possible):
How old were the patient’s parents when the patient was born?
Who were the patient’s primary caregivers?
What was/is family life like? (Include any information relevant to your diagnostic impression.)
Did the family move often?
What was/is the patient’s relationship with their siblings (if applicable)?
What culture did/does the family come from?
What belief systems are attached to that culture?
Therapy History
Within this section, you will describe the patient’s therapy history to inform your diagnostic impression. Analyze the patient’s therapy history to identify the effectiveness of previous treatment(s). Evaluate previous treatment interventions based on information and knowledge of the patient’s cultural background.
Typically, this section within a psychological report seeks to answer the following questions (further elaboration within this section is encouraged where possible):
Who was the previous therapist (if any)?
How long did the previous therapy/therapies last?
What was the patient’s diagnosis?
What interventions did the therapist(s) use?
Were those interventions appropriate for the patient’s culture?
Was treatment successful?
Assignment should include both a title page and reference page, and be of sufficient depth and detail to support and inform your diagnostic impression, with an absolute minimum of four pages (not including the title and reference pages). A cursory or surface level review of the patient’s presenting problem and history will unlikely provide enough information for your diagnostic impression.

Explain potential vicarious trauma and countertransference that might occur between you and the people you might counsel from this crisis

For your Final Project, you apply concepts, theories, and approaches presented in the course to a Crisis, Trauma, and Disaster Response Project. The project must be presented as a 13- to 15-page (not

For your Final Project, you apply concepts, theories, and approaches presented in the course to a Crisis, Trauma, and Disaster Response Project. The project must be presented as a 13- to 15-page (not including references, title page, or abstract), double-spaced, APA-formatted project in the form of a paper. The Final Project must be submitted by Day 4 of Week 11. See Week 11 for specific instructions for submission.For your Final Project:

  • Select one crisis type from each of the following categories (totaling three crises):
    • a crisis with an individual, couple, or family
    • a crisis in the community
    • a crisis in the nation or in the world
  • The crises you select may be crises you personally experienced, learned about through this course, or heard about on the news, past or present.

Then, for each:

  • Describe the crisis including: the event/situation, implications, responders, victims, survivors, and perpetrators.
  • Describe the forms of critical incident assessment you might use.
  • Explain the potential short-term and long-term effects that might be experienced by the people impacted by the crisis.
  • Describe the particular competencies you would need to counsel people impacted by the crisis.
  • Explain the anticipated outcomes for immediate, short-term, and long-term interventions used.
  • Explain the cultural, ethical, and legal implications that need to be considered.
  • Explain potential vicarious trauma and countertransference that might occur between you and the people you might counsel from this crisis.

As a final point, explain what insights you had or conclusions you drew from completing this assignment.
I have place the template that the assignment have to follow.

How do smell and taste affect each other?

Psychology homework help
Week 5 Chemical Senses Paper
Resource: The “Chef’s Tools: Nose and Tongue” section of the “Smell and Taste: Science of the Senses” video, located in this week’s Electronic Reserve Readings.
Write a 1,250- to 1,500-word paper that addresses the following:
How do smell and taste affect each other?
Which would you change to make a meal taste better?
If you created the most memorable meal of your life, what sensory elements must be present to emphasize the connection between the chemical senses, emotional memories, and the brain?
Describe the connection created between the chemical senses, emotional memories, and the brain.
Include at least two to four peer-reviewed sources.
Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines.