
Select and research an issue in human services history that has impacted the delivery of services

Assignment 2: (RA): Research Report on Issue in Human Services HistoryIn this assignment, you will explore the field of human services with emphasis on its history and the effects, both positive and n

Assignment 2: (RA): Research Report on Issue in Human Services History
In this assignment, you will explore the field of human services with emphasis on its history and the effects, both positive and negative, it has had on people. This assignment allows you to identify and follow the evolution of the influence of social policy, theory, and outcomes of practices on human services delivery. The activities in this assignment will introduce students to the types of activities that have influenced real-world administrative roles. At the end of the assignment, you will be able to conceptualize how the policy and practice issues influence the operation of human services agencies.
Select and research an issue in human services history that has impacted the delivery of services. In a 6- to 7-page report, complete the following:

  • Describe the issue, its background, and the key people who were involved.
  • Explain how the issue or these key people have changed or defined human services.
  • Discuss the issue and the key people’s impact on theory, practices, and ethics, and how these issues have changed service delivery systems.
  • Evaluate and discuss if the changes are still evident today or have become extinct.

Examples of issues may include, but are not limited to, the Civil Rights Movement, Family Medical Leave Act, GI Bill, work/life balance, and childhood vaccinations

Based on your own views of psychology, how does the author's viewpoint fit into your current understanding of psychology?

Psychology homework help
The history of psychology is built upon understanding the work of particular individuals throughout history. Your textbook mentions several major and minor contributors to the understanding of psychology’s history. However, the textbook is one interpretation of the writings and thoughts of these historical figures. To have a better understanding of those thoughts, you need to read samples of the original works.
For this assignment, you will research something that has been written by an individual from the time period(s) being studied (choose a name from the textbook readings) this week.
Your work need only be a sample of the chosen historical work and involve only a few pages of writing. Make sure the writing deals with the topics being covered this week.
There are several sources to use to obtain the works; the best place to start is to search for the person’s name on the Internet using Google but you can only utilize this to find information about the person. Use an original work by an author of your choice, but keep in mind that you should use peer-reviewed, academic sources for the analysis of this work. You can most easily find these in the South University Online Library.
You can use the textbook to support your work, but do not use it as the primary source. This is an outside reading assignment.
After reading the material, answer these questions:
What were the main points of the writing?
What were the differences and similarities between what you read and what was written about the individual in the textbook?
Based on your own views of psychology, how does the author’s viewpoint fit into your current understanding of psychology?
Submit your report in a Microsoft Word document, that includes an APA cover page, reference page, and in text citations throughout the document.
APA Format

Briefly summarize Alvin Plantinga's Free Will Defense argument, making sure to outline Plantinga's argument in detail.

Psychology homework help
INSTRUCTIONS: Please choose one of the following questions and post an answer/response by Thursday 11:59pm ET. Also please make sure to respond to at least two posts of your classmates and/or the instructor by Sunday 11:59pm ET. To earn full credit for this discussion assignment you need to make three substantive posts (see Discussion Guidelines under Course Home). Make sure to include references to the course materials in your responses.
(1) The philosophical problem of evil basically involves three claims which seem to be mutually incompatible: (1) God is all-powerful and all-knowing. (2) God is perfectly good. (3) Evil exists. The reason that these claims are considered to be incompatible is that if God is all good and all-knowing, then it seems likely He would not allow evil to exist, if He could help it. Thus, if God is all-powerful and all-knowing, then God should be able to prevent evil. Yet evil exists. Thus, the existence of evil seems to imply that God does not exist, or He is either not all-powerful or not all-knowing. This argument, in short, is the problem of evil. Do you find this argument convincing or is the problem of evil similar to asking whether God could create a rock so large that He cannot move it? Why or why not? When answering this question make sure to include references to the assigned readings in your response.
(2) Briefly summarize Alvin Plantinga’s Free Will Defense argument, making sure to outline Plantinga’s argument in detail. Did you find Plantinga’s argument confusing or convincing? How does Plantinga’s argument relate to the problem of evil? Do you think Plantinga’s argument has solved the problem of evil? Why or why not? When answering this question make sure to include references to the assigned readings in your response.

Discuss how the concept of intelligence is different from academic achievement

 Use the Electronic Reserve Readings, the University Library, or other resources to locate at least three articles concerning intelligence testing. Create a brochure for a local elementary school. Co

Use the Electronic Reserve Readings, the University Library, or other resources to locate at least three articles concerning intelligence testing.
Create a brochure for a local elementary school. Consider your audience, as this information would likely be distributed during meetings where a child might have received an intelligence test. Your brochure would be given to parents, guardians, and others to help them better understand the purpose of intelligence testing.
Include the following in your brochure:

  • Provide a brief overview of at least two theories of intelligence related to the content of your selected articles to help your audience understand what intelligence testing accomplishes.
  • Discuss methods of measuring intellectual functioning.
  • Discuss how the concept of intelligence is different from academic achievement.
  • Include three credible, peer-reviewed references.Create a brochure for a local elementary school. Consider your audience, as this information would likely be distributed during meetings where a child might have received an intelligence test. Your brochure would be given to parents, guardians, and others to help them better understand the purpose of intelligence testing