
Think about Roger's view of human nature and how it influences the practice of counseling. Specifically, how do you think the actualization tendency influences the practice of Peron-Centered Therapy?

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Please read this in it’s entirety. I will not have any miscommunication. Either you can have this assignment completed by the specified date AND TIME or you cannot. NO EXCUSES!!!
Assignment is due Saturday APRIL 2nd at 8:00 PM EASTERN TIME!!! If you are unable to have this assignment completed by the specified date AND TIME please do not sign a handshake! I WILL NOT TOLERATE UNPROFESSIONALISM DISPLAYED THROUGH TARDINESS. With that being said, I have been instructed BY HOMEWORK MARKET ADMINISTRATORS to sign mulitple agreements with multiple tutors and whoever completes the assignment first will have their answer purchased on a first posted basis. Your fault for biting off more than you could chew. I was told by Homework Market that full refunds will be issued for down payments that are not able to complete this assignment in a timley manner. Homework Market has instructed me to conduct business this way and so I will. If you have a problem with any of this please DO NOT ATTEMPT TO DO THIS ASSIGNMENT. I will not have my time wasted.
Respond to BOTH questions below. Be sure to consult and list AT LEAST ONE outside resource and ABSOLUTELY MUST refer to the textbook readings. Pictures of the assigned chapters (7 & 9) are attatched below.
Question # 1: Person-Centered Chapter 7 (answer all parts of the question)
Think about Roger’s view of human nature and how it influences the practice of counseling. Specifically, how do you think the actualization tendency influences the practice of Peron-Centered Therapy? Make sure to make reference to the text to support your points.
Question # 2: Behavioral Therapy Chapter 9 (answer all parts of the question)
Put yourself in the place of a client and think of a particular problem you might have that involves some form of fear or avoidance.
As the client, would you want your therapist to use in vivo desensitization or flooding to treat the fear?
Identify the fear
Select a treatment (desensitization or flooding)
Explain how you would apply the treatment
Explain why you selected the particular method of treatment.

Explain the four different types of replications and the purpose of each.

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Assignment: Replication, Generalization, and External Validity
In the Discussion for this week, you addressed one of the threats to the internal validity of a study, that is, confounding variables. This Application Assignment will challenge you to consider possible threats to external validity. Generalization is the extent to which relations among variables in research studies can be demonstrated among a wide variety of people and across different settings. When the results of a research study are generalizable to additional populations and settings, the study demonstrates external validity. However, if a research study is only valid for the particular sample used in the study, then it is not very helpful to the study of psychology.
In the example provided in the Discussion introduction, two online student groups used different study strategies. Now imagine a human resource (HR) manager at a corporation, struggling with the concept of reading comprehension among employees in the workplace setting, wanted to try the new study strategy that the online course instructor had researched. Assume that the online college course instructor had resolved possible issues relating to internal validity and found that the new study strategy was effective at improving reading comprehension. The HR manager presumes that the results of the study with online college students will generalize to her training course at work. However, the replication of the study revealed that, although the new strategy was found to work well for online students, the results did not generalize to the training course in the work setting. Therefore, the original study lacks external validity.
Replications of studies, such as the one in this example, are essential to demonstrate generalization and external validity. This week, you will learn about four types of replication procedures, and you will develop original examples of each procedure with the goal of demonstrating generalization and external validity.
To prepare:
Review Chapter 13 from the course text.
The Assignment (1–2 pages):
Explain the four different types of replications and the purpose of each. Include for each type of replication a brief original psychological study example (i.e., make up your own) that is different for each type of replication (i.e., do not build on the same example). Plan to devote a short paragraph for each.

Consider the importance of meaningful learning in human learning and development

Psychology homework help
The topic.
#The research paper is going to be about : Consider the importance of meaningful learning in human learning and development. In your discussion include the significance of meaningful learning and prior knowledge based on information processing theory and discuss how we can use meaningful learning to solve a real-life education problem. Be sure to discuss specific meaningful learning strategies (elaboration, visual imagery, internal organizational structure)
***********Important points:
# It should be 6 full pages for this paper.
# The due date is on 03/04/2016.
# Please write this paper as simple as you can because english is my second language.
# I need at least 4 sources for this paper.
# APA format

discuss and evaluate your experiences in life as they relate to Erikson’s 8-Stage Life Span Theory and provide examples for each stage

In writing, discuss and evaluate your experiences in life as they relate to Erikson’s 8-Stage Life Span Theory and provide examples for each stage. There should be at least ten paragraphs including

In writing, discuss and evaluate your experiences in life as they relate to Erikson’s 8-Stage Life Span Theory and provide examples for each stage.  
There should be at least ten paragraphs including; an opening paragraph, one paragraph for each of the eight crises in Erikson’s theory as it applies to your life, and a conclusion paragraph.
You may have to talk with family members to help you understand the earlier stages and how you interacted with others as an infant and child to incorporate into your paper. Because you have not experienced all of the crises as of yet, you will have to predict how you will be affected through the later stages, or you can ask others (relatives, older friends, neighbors, etc.) their examples and incorporate into your essay.
You must use APA format in typing your paper (title page, running head, page numbers, reference page and within work citations). Please use Times New Roman 12pt font, with one inch margins and double spaced. Remember, paragraphs are a minimum of 4-5 sentences.