
examine the contributions of a theorist who was instrumental in developing the psychoanalytic theoretical approach based on the first letter of your last name

Psychology homework help
For your initial post, you will examine the contributions of a theorist who was instrumental in developing the psychoanalytic theoretical approach based on the first letter of your last name. Please see below for your assigned theorist.
Jones, R. A. (2013). Jung’s “Psychology with the Psyche” and the behavioral sciences. Behavioral Sciences (2076-328X), 3(3), 408-417. doi:10.3390/bs3030408
Mcmillan, F. N., Iii, & Rosen, D. H. (2012). Synchronicity at the crossroads: Frank McMillan Jr., Forrest Bess, and Carl Jung. Jung Journal, 6(2), 86-102. doi:
In addition to the required articles for your assigned theorist, research a minimum of one peer-reviewed article from the Library on your theorist’s research and work within the field of psychology. Examine and describe your theorist’s contribution(s) to psychodynamic theory. Examine the major theoretical approaches proposed by your theorist including any related research methods and/or assessment instruments associated with him or her. Evaluate any issues and cultural considerations associated with your assigned theorist. Analyze and describe how the APA’s Ethical Principles and Code of Conduct might affect the implementation of your theorist’s personality assessments. Assess the types of personality measurements and research designs associated with your assigned theorist and describe how they have evolved. Your initial post should be a minimum of 400 words.

Discuss how the impact of culture affects interpretations of symptoms and recommendations of services for that organization.

Select a psychological disorder and a local organization that provides mental health services. Obtain faculty approval of your selected disorder before beginning this assignment.Research the organi

Select a psychological disorder and a local organization that provides mental health services.  Obtainfaculty approval of your selected disorder before beginning this assignment.
Research the organization’s website or speak to someone in the organization.
Write a 700- to 1,050-word paper in which you examine your selected psychological disorder in the context of the chosen organization’s goals. Include the following in your paper:

  • Identify multiple cultures the organization serves.
  • Identify symptoms of your selected disorder and describe how the interpretation of the symptoms varies across cultures.
  • Discuss how the impact of culture affects interpretations of symptoms and recommendations of services for that organization.
  • Discuss how the impact of culture affects interpretations of symptoms and recommendations of services for that organization.

Include a minimum of three credible, peer-reviewed references.
Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines.
I chose Subtance Abuse Disorder, and the link for the organization is

examine at least two substance abuse prevention programs in the United States.

Psychology homework help
In a 500-750 word paper, examine at least two substance abuse prevention programs in the United States.
Refer to the National Registry of Evidence-based Programs and Practices website to help you successfully complete your paper. Make sure you choose prevention programs and not intervention programs.
Your paper must include the following for each program:
Description of the program
The goals of the program
How it is funded
How it is marketed
Research that indicates the effectiveness of each program
An analysis of how government policy may enhance or hinder the program’s effectiveness
Include at least four scholarly resources in addition to the textbook in your paper. Out of the four, a minimum of one scholarly resource should be referenced for each prevention program.
Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. An abstract is not required.
This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.
You are required to submit this assignment to Turnitin. Please refer to the directions in the Student Success Center.

Develop a relapse prevention plan based upon the “Jed Assessment Case Study” provided.

Psychology homework help
Develop a relapse prevention plan based upon the “Jed Assessment Case Study” provided. The plan should be in a format that might be given to the client to use as a guide. The plan must address the following:
Client name and age
Client’s family situation
What is the client’s agreement to stop using drugs/alcohol? Be specific. For example: Does the client commit to attending AA meetings? If so, how many?
If the client relapses, what is the client’s plan to get help?
What high-risk situations could trigger a relapse for the client?
What high-risk behaviors or irrational thoughts could lead to relapse?
What coping skills may help the client remain sober?
What new activities could the client participate in to help replace old behaviors such as going out with his friends, for a drink, etc. after work? How many? How often?
How would Jed’s family be involved in his relapse prevention plan?
How would Jed’s family and ethnic culture impact his relapse prevention plan?
What resources are available in the community to help Jed prevent relapse? (use resources that are available in your community/area)
Develop a sobriety card that contains people and resources the client (Jed) could call if he felt he was were at risk to relapse. (e.g., sponsor, family members, crisis hotline) Include why that person/resource should be included.
APA format is not required but solid academic writing is expected.
This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.
You are required to submit this assignment to Turnitin. Please refer to the directions in the Student Success Center.