
What are some reasons for using a case study approach?

Case Study Paper Instructions
There are many methods available for conducting research, one of which is a case study. The purpose of this assignment is for you to learn how to conduct and complete a case study.
Instructions: Answer the following 4 questions using current APA format throughout. This includes your title page, running head, author note, appropriate vocabulary and sentence structure, introductory statement, citations, page numbers, levels of headings throughout the document, and consistency between your citations and references. Use your course textbooks and at least 2 additional scholarly references. This assignment must have a title page, 2–4 pages of content, and a reference page. Give the answers to these questions in your own words and with your own explanation. Cite and list your various sources as references. Create your own phrase for a properly-formatted level one heading for each question so as to be clear about which item you are answering. Your headings must not be simply copied/pasted from the questions. An acceptable heading must clearly capture the essence of each question.
1.      What is a case study?
2.      What are some reasons for using a case study approach?
3.      What are advantages and disadvantages of this approach?
4.      Where, or in what ways, can a researcher acquire information/data that can be used for a case study? In other words, what are some various sources for information that a researcher can use in a case study? Note: For question 4, these are 2 ways of stating the same question; these are not 2 separate questions.
Case Study Paper Grading Rubric
Points Possible
Points Earned
Criteria #1
0 to 50 points
Current APA format is used throughout the document. The paper must also include the following:
·         Properly-formatted title page and references (the course textbooks and at least 2 additional scholarly references);
·         The required length (2–4 pages);
·         Proper citations;
·         Introductory statement;
·         Levels of headings;
·         Consistency between citations and references;
·         Appropriate vocabulary and sentence structure; and
·         Proper structure for a case study approach.
Criteria #2
0 to 25 points
·        All 4 assigned questions are addressed.
·        Sufficient explanation for each question is provided.
·        A properly-formatted level one heading with your own phrase is present for each question.

Identify three major ethical issues relevant to working with individuals in a crisis or when responding to a major disaster


Assignment 2: Ethical Issues in Nontraditional Counseling Settings
Crisis counseling service delivery, because of its demanding nature and unique challenges, is different from any other kind of counseling. In fact, these settings may require more intimate knowledge of professional standards and relevant laws because extreme situations, such as those following a disaster or during a crisis, can produce more ethical uncertainties and require more diligent observance of guidelines than traditional counseling settings. This assignment will help counselors think through these unique circumstances and the challenges counselors working in these settings may face.
In a 3page paper, respond to the following:

  • Identify three major ethical issues relevant to working with individuals in a crisis or when responding to a major disaster.
    • Explain how you would navigate these issues to ensure ethical practice.
    • Include strategies for how you would address interagency or interorganization collaboration and communications in a crisis or disaster scenario.
  • Determine and explain self-care strategies for counselors working in these settings (e.g., vicarious traumatization or preventing burnout). Include a few personalized strategies for self-care while working in a crisis or disaster situation. .
  • Evaluate the role and the process of the professional counselor advocating on behalf of survivors.

Your final product will be in a Microsoft Word document, be approximately 3pages in length. Utilize two to three scholarly sources from professional literature in your research. Professional literature may include the Argosy University online library resources; relevant textbooks; peer-reviewed journal articles; and websites created by professional organizations, agencies, or institutions (.edu or .gov.). Your focus should be on crisis or disaster mental health. Your paper should be written in a clear, concise, and organized manner; demonstrate ethical scholarship in accurate representation and attribution of sources; and display accurate spelling, grammar, and punctuation.

Discuss the ethical and cultural strategies for promoting resilience, optimum development, and wellness in older adults.

750 paper

Part 1: Older Adult Development Interview
Review the various theories of Aging in Chapters 14 and 15 of the text.
Interview a person of your choice (they may be your parents, relatives, or friends). These questions must address the following:

  1. Cognitive, physical, and psychosocial development during the interviewee’s Maturity stage of adulthood (age 65 or older).
  2. How peers influenced the interviewee during his or her lifetime.
  3. What people and/or events influenced the interviewee’s development of morals?
  4. How the interviewee’s experiences have formulated who he or she is as a mature adult.

Note: American Psychological Association (APA) ethical guidelines indicate that interviewees have the right to refuse to answer any question posed to them by an interviewer. Please ensure that your interviewees are aware of this, and do not force them to answer where the opportunity to reply has been refused.
Pick one of the theories reviewed in Chapters 14 and 15 of the text.
Part 2: Reflection
Write a paper of 750 words, discussing the selected theory and how it relates to your interview. Include the following in your paper:

  1. A description of the selected theory.
  2. A description of your interviewee (gender, age, ethnicity, etc.)
  3. How the interviewee’s responses illustrate the selected theory. Support your response with examples.
  4. Discuss the ethical and cultural strategies for promoting resilience, optimum development, and wellness in older adults.
  5. Include at least three scholarly references in addition to the text in your paper.

Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. An abstract is required.
This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.
You are required to submit this assignment to Turnitin. Please refer to the directions in the Student Success Center.
This assignment meets the following CACREP Standards:
2.F.3.f: Systemic and environmental factors that affect human development, functioning, and behavior.
2.F.3.h: A general framework for understanding differing abilities and strategies for differentiated intervention.
2.F.3.i: Ethical and culturally relevant strategies for promoting resilience and optimum development and wellness across the lifespan.

Explain how addressing the question or controversy might be an area for social change.

Discussion 3: Questions and Controversies for Social Change
Professionals often find it hard to think beyond the daily challenges of any field. Immediate demands prevent opportunities to reflect on ideas for change that might benefit people and communities. However, the need for social change permeates the work that mental health professionals do on a daily basis. How important is it for mental health professionals to find the time to advocate for social change? How can mental health professionals make a difference in the lives of people beyond their own clients?
For this Discussion, reflect on the question or controversy you selected for your final paper. Consider how this may present an opportunity for social change.
o   Post an explanation of how the question or controversy intersects clinical psychopharmacology and the mental health profession.
o   Explain how addressing the question or controversy might be an area for social change.
o   If possible, integrate lessons learned from the “Scholars of Change” videos into your reflection.
References (use 2 or more)
Preston, J. D., O’Neal, J. H., & Talaga, M. C. (2017). Handbook of clinical psychopharmacology for therapists (8th ed.). Oakland, CA: New Harbinger.
Walden University (n.d.). Social change. Retrieved June 3, 2014, from
Discussion 4: Cultural and Contextual Considerations
Mental health professional’s appreciation for culture and context extend beyond general understandings of people grouped by factors like ethnicity and sexual orientation. Mental health professionals invest in understanding the deep, underlying components of all the things that come together to make our clients who they are.
When culture and context are at odds with societal norms and hegemonic expectations, mental health professionals may need to work with clients to help instill and utilize resources to cope with the possibility of negative messages from society. In addition, mental health professionals work together with clients, for clients, and with other professionals to make changes. Consider how collaborating with others promotes positive changes in client well-being. How might collaboration through advocacy result in alternative approaches for addressing cultural or contextual considerations in treatment recommendations?
For this Discussion, view the media “Multicultural and Contextual Considerations Case Study: Marisol”in the Learning Resources. Consider new and alternative methods that mental health professionals could use to advocate for Marisol. (Transcript attached)
o   Postan explanation of how you would advocate for clients like Marisol.
o   Explain at least one strategy as a mental health professional you could facilitate culturally and contextually ethical treatment of clients.
References (use 3 or more)
Laureate Education (Producer). (2012e). Multicultural and contextual considerations case study: Marisol[Video file]. Baltimore, MD: Autho