
A description of the client session scene in which you implement the GIM step and practice skills you have selected for working with this client system.

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Project: Draft of Client System Role Play Script
So far in this course, you have examined the three levels of social work practice: micro, mezzo and macro. You also have explored how the GIM steps and specific practice skills apply to each level of practice. In order to demonstrate your understanding of these concepts, you will develop a script of a client session that represents the techniques you might use to implement the GIM steps and practice skills. This script may depict a client interaction that represents any step in the GIM. For example, you might choose to show an initial encounter where you exhibit engagement and assessment skills. Maybe you might choose to show a glimpse into a session where intervention has become necessary for a client you have seen several times. Or you might plan and then execute a meeting to either evaluate a client’s treatment or terminate the relationship with a client. Later in this course, you will record a video of a role play based on this script.
For this assignment, use the Role Play Script Template provided in this week’s Resources, to draft and submit your role play script for Instructor approval and feedback.
Role Play Script (2–5 pages):
Your role play script should include:
A description of the client system (depending on the client level you selected—micro, mezzo or macro).
An explanation of the presenting concern
A description of the client session scene in which you implement the GIM step and practice skills you have selected for working with this client system.
A detailed description of the actual dialogue that takes place between you, as the social worker, and the client(s). Note that the dialogue should depict the techniques you would use to implement the GIM step and the practice skills you selected for the client interaction.
A description of the visual cues that both the social worker and the client might exhibit during the interaction that support the GIM step and practice skills you selected.
An explanation of the techniques you might use to implement the GIM step and practice skills you selected and why.

What is the difference between general, cultural, and cross-cultural psychology?

Psychology homework help
I need 4 different answers/responses to the following discussion questions at least 100 word for each response/asnwer.
DQ1 ) What is the difference between general, cultural, and cross-cultural psychology?
1. One answer in at least 100 word
2. Second answer at least100 word
3. Third answer at least 100 word
4. Fourth answer at least 100 word
DQ 2) This chapter discusses cross-cultural methodology and research. One of the most basic foundations needed in research methodology in cross-cultural psychology is critical thinking. Without critical thinking, research methodology would not be able to be used. What is critical thinking and why is this so important in the field of cross-cultural psychology?
1. One answer in at least 100 word
2. Second answer at least100 word
3. Third answer at least 100 word
4. Fourth answer at least 100 word
Please use resources to help support answers. thanks

Describe the interventions that you would implement if you confirm that domestic violence is occurring.

Due May 17 , 2018 ….,,You are conducting an initial family counseling session with the Robertsons. The family includes Dan Robertson (the father), Marie Robertson (the mother), and Peter Robinson (

Due  May 17 , 2018 ….,,You are conducting an initial family counseling session with the Robertsons. The family includes Dan Robertson (the father), Marie Robertson (the mother), and Peter Robinson (the 10-year-old son). The family has been referred to you for counseling. Dan is an alcoholic as well as a drug addict. His substance abuse has contributed to many family problems. You notice in the session that the only person talking is Dan. You also notice that when you encourage Peter and Marie to speak, they look at Dan prior to responding. Dan often interrupts and speaks for them.
Answer the following questions in 3–4 paragraphs:

  • Can you identify any possible signs of domestic violence from this initial session?
  • What subjective and objective measures would you take to identify whether domestic violence is occurring?
  • Describe the prevention methods that you would implement if domestic violence is not occurring, although you suspect that it could be.
  • Describe the interventions that you would implement if you confirm that domestic violence is occurring.

Briefly describe each of the three leadership styles.

Psychology homework help
Briefly describe each of the three leadership styles. If you could choose the leadership style of your next or current supervisor, which style would you choose? Explain why you prefer that leadership style. Describe a work situation when you worked under a leadership style that did not work well for you. How would you describe your own leadership style? Give an example of a time when you acted in this leadership style, and explain the outcome of the group’s efforts.
It should be at least 200–300 words in length.
You may use the following reference: Macionis, John J. Sociology, 15th Edition. Pearson Learning Solutions, 10/2013. VitalSource Bookshelf Online.