
Discuss how the policymaking of one other country aligns with or differs from the United States due to its cultural history.

In this assignment, you will examine the ideological struggles that underlie policymaking in the United States. This includes the following:The historical legacy of fear of a strong central government

In this assignment, you will examine the ideological struggles that underlie policymaking in the United States. This includes the following:

  • The historical legacy of fear of a strong central government and how this fear has influenced the development of the US Constitution.
  • The ideological divisions in the United States’ politics which fall primarily along a Conservative–Liberal continuum.

Research areas of social welfare policy using your textbook, the Argosy University online library resources, and the Internet.
Select an area of social welfare policy in which you are interested. Respond to the following:

  • Identify the aspects of the policy that reflect a conservative perspective and the aspects that reflect a liberal perspective.
  • Explain the impact of the mixed ideological foundation on the focus and structure of the policy.

The political ideologies of a country are very specific to its cultural history. Keeping this in mind, respond to the following:

  • Discuss how the policymaking of one other country aligns with or differs from the United States due to its cultural history.
  • Provide examples to explain why the policymaking is similar or different.

Write your initial response in 300–400 words. Apply APA standards to citation of sources.
By the due date assigned, post your response to the appropriate Discussion AreaThrough the end of the module, review and comment on at least two peers’ responses. Cover the following items in your posts:

  • Provide a statement of clarification.
  • Provide a point of view with rationale.
  • Challenge a point of discussion, or draw a relationship between one or more points of the discussion.

Concisely describe a research-based paradigm for ministerial (e.g., pastoral counselor) identity and ethical boundaries.

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Crossroad A story about forgiveness, my Identity and Ethics paper is on Melissa
Identity and Ethics Paper Instructions
The Pastoral Counselor’s Identity and Ethics learning activity is experimental rather than authoritative in nature. In other words, you should develop this paper with the assumption that any future application will be the result of a collaborative effort (e.g., organization’s leadership). Professional or vocational identity and ethical boundaries are developed and maintained through meaningful connection with others. You will use course resources and search engines to complete the following:
Concisely describe a research-based paradigm for ministerial (e.g., pastoral counselor) identity and ethical boundaries. The Identity and Ethics handout will be helpful in establishing professional boundaries for a biblically responsible vocational paradigm. If using cited material from the Identity and Ethics Handout (e.g., Trull & Carter), then use APA Manual/resources to create a citation from a secondary source. Do realize best research practice is to review originating source as it validates one’s veracity in research. Cite accordingly.
Identify potential professional partnerships that would support your professional growth and development. Consideration should be given to a support group(s), local association of peers, referral network, and credible certification, licensure, agencies, and organizations. Concise partnership details should be given (i.e., What is the partnership? Where is the partnership located? What is required to be a member in good standing of the professional partnership?). The Identity and Ethics handout provides possible considerations for this expectation. Cite accordingly.
Build a concise synthesis of issues to be addressed by an organization’s ethical guidelines. Kollar (2011, ch. 20), Johnson & Johnson (201400, ch. 89), [DrD1] and the Identity and Ethics handout provides resources to meet this expectation. Cite accordingly.
Propose a pre-counseling package to collect pertinent care-seeker information and convey professional identity and ethical boundaries to care-seeker; place it in the appendix of the paper. The pre-session material will be branded according to a student’s actual or anticipated soul-care context and include the following non-clinical/church counseling forms: intake; informed consent including brief description of length/number of sessions, note-taking strategy, referral process, and confidentiality covenant; and ethical guidelines. See student sample in “Pastoral Counselor’s Identity and Ethics Handout.” Do not copy material from student sample, especially the pre-session package. Conduct original research to create your pastoral counselor’s identity and ethics material and the corresponding pre-session forms suitable for a church/ministry non-licensure context. Forms should identify your ministry site and be suitably prepared for immediate careseeker use. Cite accordingly.
5. As an example of an ethical procedure, a background check will be conducted on the student before being approved to register for the new MA PACO program’s internship (PACO 699). A MAPC student should plan to engage the background check process at least one semester before PACO 699 is needed. Thus, as part of this paper, each student is required to acknowledge notification of this policy in the conclusion, even if he/she is not enrolled in the MA PACO degree.
With the exception of the pre-counseling package, an annotated outline may be used for items 1, 2, and 3. In addition to the 4–6-page annotated outline and appendix, a cover sheet, abstract, table of contents, introduction, conclusion, references, and required grading rubric are to be included. The paper should be submitted with the correct word file name (i.e., PACO500_CIEP_[StudentInitials]).
The Identity and Ethics Paper is due by 11:59 p.m. (ET) on Sunday of Module/Week

Explain the positions a conservative politician or commentator, and a liberal politician would take on the policy

In this assignment, you must examine the philosophical underpinnings of the economic system and its relationship to ethics and social justice by examining income support policies. You will also view t

In this assignment, you must examine the philosophical underpinnings of the economic system and its relationship to ethics and social justice by examining income support policies. You will also view the socially constructed ways of developing and distributing resources and implementing societal values. You will examine the “problem of justice” by considering the following:

  • The distribution of goods and services
  • An individual’s share in goods and services
  • The allocation of rights and duties

Research income support policies using your textbook, the Argosy University online library resources, and the Internet.
Select two policies for examination from the list that follows. You can select from other types of income support policies; however, be sure to submit your choices to the facilitator for validation before continuing with this assignment.

  • Social Security
  • Supplemental Security Income (SSI)
  • Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF)

Then, compare and contrast the selected income support policies. Address the following:

  • List and describe each income support policy’s target population, means of funding, and intended outcomes.
  • Explain the positions a conservative politician or commentator, and a liberal politician would take on the policy. Address anything they might have in common ideologically and also describe their differences.
  • Give reasons and examples in support of your analysis.

Write a 2–3-page paper in Word format. Apply APA standards to citation of sources.

Do you think there is any merit in the study (Rauscher, Shaw, & Ky, 1993)?

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Read the following article:
Rauscher, F. H., Shaw, G. L., & Ky, K. N. (1993). Music and spatial task performance. Nature, 365. 6447: 611. (October 14, 1993). (ProQuest Document ID 76004658).
In your article summary, respond to the following questions:
State the research hypothesis in your own words. Identify the independent and dependent variables.
What were some variables the researchers controlled in their study? Why was this necessary?
What evidence do the researchers offer as a test of their hypothesis? Is this evidence empirical (observable)? Is it valid?
What explanation do the researchers offer for their findings? Does the evidence justify this explanation?
Read the following article:
Jenkins, J.S. (2001). The Mozart effect. Journal of the Royal Society of Medicine, 94, 170-172.
Based on your readings, respond to the following:
Do you think there is any merit in the study (Rauscher, Shaw, & Ky, 1993)? Give three reasons for your position.
Does the study take individual differences in spatial ability into account? Explain your answer.
What are two ways in which the experiment could be modified to make the results more generalizable?
Write a 5–6-page paper in Word format. Apply APA standards to citation of sources. Use the following file naming convention: LastnameFirstInitial_M1_A3.doc.