
Evaluate at least two theories of leadership and the role that leaders utilizing these theories play in facilitating this program

CRM Project

Must use citation and references
No Plagiarism
CRM Project
Based on the CRM work you have done throughout this course, you are now called on to act as a consultant to apply your knowledge to other industries that have an existing CRM program that would be beneficial to employees and organizations to reduce human error and improve employee efficiency.
Select one agency that employs a CRM program.
Research how this agency employed a CRM program in a similar or different way than was identified in the aviation article from Week 2.
Write a 1,400- to 1,750-word paper in which you provide evidence of how this CRM program was implemented. Include the following in your response:

  • Distinguish between various team concepts as they relate to performance during and after this training program.
  • Explain the difference between leaders and managers, as well as the influence and power they may have on the success of this program.
  • Evaluate at least two theories of leadership and the role that leaders utilizing these theories play in facilitating this program.
  • Analyze the general effects on the organization that may result from this program, referencing the concepts of organizational development and various organizational theories.

Explain how you might direct your staff or helping professionals at the addiction treatment center to contribute to the community's recovery


Discussion 1: Contributing to Community Recovery
The damaging effects of disaster on mental health and the increased vulnerability to addiction of survivors are well documented. The most common conditions that follow a disaster are post-traumatic stress disorder, anxiety, depression, grief, and an increase in substance abuse and addictive behaviors (Beaudoin, 2011; Cepeda, Valdez, Kaplan, & Hill, 2010; Johnson & Fendrich, 2009).
As a helping professional, it is essential that you become familiar with federal and local regulations that can impact your role in community recovery.
For this Discussion, review the two scenarios below. Choose one of the scenarios and reflect on the ways in which government and community organizations might contribute to the treatment of addiction.
Scenario A: You are the director of a local addiction treatment center in a West Coast metropolitan area that has experienced an earthquake of major magnitude. The earthquake has caused a large loss of life and destruction of property. The entire metropolitan infrastructure is disrupted, including transportation, sanitation, emergency medical care, and power. People are unable to get to work, children are unable to attend school, and people are confused and frightened. Many mental health and substance abuse facilities have been destroyed, so their services will be interrupted for a long time. A large number of citizens are left homeless, without jobs, and are dealing with the trauma of the event and loss of family and friends. The level of destruction is so vast and far reaching that it will be several months to a year before life returns to what the community could consider normal.
Scenario B: You are the director of a local addiction treatment center in a small Midwestern town of 20,000. A tornado has struck the community, cutting a path of destruction through the entire town and causing hundreds of thousands of dollars in property damage. More devastating, the tornado has resulted in a huge loss of life, including the deaths of over 100 children who were in the local elementary school. Many families are left homeless and grieving over the loss of their property, businesses, friends, and loved ones. The loss of such a large number of children has a particularly serious impact on the emotional well-being of the town’s citizens.
·       Post a response to the scenario that you selected.
·       Explain how you might direct your staff or helping professionals at the addiction treatment center to contribute to the community’s recovery.
·       Explain what your goals would be in the community recovery effort.
·       Then, explain how federal and local government regulations might impact an addiction counselor’s ability to contribute to this community’s recovery.
Support your response using the Resources and the current literature.  Needs to be at least 1 page in length.
References (use at least 2)
Johnson, T. P., & Fendrich, M. (2009). Substance use under conditions of uncertainty and trauma: An introduction. Substance Use and Misuse, 44(12), 1661–1664.
Wiley Periodicals, Inc. (2006). Substance abuse counseling written into federal disaster response bill. Alcoholism & Drug Abuse Weekly, 18(33), 5–6.
Discussion 2: Perceived Crisis Influencing Addiction
Personal crises and increased vulnerability to addictive chemicals and behaviors can stem from any event or situation that a person perceives as intolerable, the key word being perceives.
In your role as a helping professional, remember that events that seem benign to you may constitute a crisis in a client’s life. If a client perceives himself or herself to be in a crisis, whether you agree or not, the client is probably in a crisis and needs your professional assistance. There are a number of crisis intervention models available, and you should choose the model that seems to be most effective.
·       Post a description of at least two factors outside an individual’s control that could result in a perceived crisis and explain how that perception may affect propensity toward addiction.

Describe two social work skills you might use with Paula Cortez to overcome the presenting concerns she is facing in light of her current hospitalization and the professionals involved

SOCW-6060 & 6443-WK4-Discussions

Discussion 1: Client Empowerment
The concept of empowerment has meaning and relevance in these times of growing inequality, diminishing resources, and increasing intergroup conflict. These problems might seem too large and pervasive, yet social workers effect social change in these areas one client at a time. Sometimes that “client” is an entire community or population in need of empowering support and advocacy. The alleviation of oppression and discrimination for one client can change the experience for many others who are faced with the same plight. Social workers examine a client’s identity characteristics or factors, in terms of social class, race, ethnicity, gender, age, sexual orientation, religion, ability, and education. Based on theories of empowerment, what influence might these characteristics or factors have on clients’ senses of empowerment? Are there times when a social worker or the system might work against client empowerment? How might you assist your clients in recognizing their strengths, in order to empower them against the oppression and discrimination they might be facing?
For this Discussion, review this week’s resources, including the Cortez case study. Consider Paula’s situation. Consider the ways each professional may be supporting or stifling her empowerment. Select two of the professionals involved and consider how their approach compares or contrasts with social work values and ethics related to empowerment. Then, consider how Paula’s situation and the professionals involved might affect her personal empowerment. Finally, think about Paula’s strengths and how you might help her to recognize and build them to improve her sense of empowerment.
·       Post a brief description of the approach each of the professionals involved are using that may support or limit Paula’s personal empowerment.
·       Choose two professionals and explain how their approach either may or may not reflect social work values. Then, explain how Paula’s personal empowerment might be impacted by the approaches chosen.
·       Describe two social work skills you might use with Paula Cortez to overcome the presenting concerns she is facing in light of her current hospitalization and the professionals involved.
·       Finally, identify the social work skills you would use with the rest of the treatment team.
The Cortez Family
Paula is a 43-year-old HIV-positive Latina woman originally from Colombia. She is bilingual, fluent in both Spanish and English. Paula lives alone in an apartment in Queens, NY. She is divorced and has one son, Miguel, who is 20 years old. Paula maintains a relationship with her son and her ex-husband, David (46). Paula raised Miguel until he was 8 years old, at which time she was forced to relinquish custody due to her medical condition. Paula is severely socially isolated as she has limited contact with her family in Colombia and lacks a peer network of any kind in her neighborhood. Paula identifies as Catholic, but she does not consider religion to be a big part of her life.
Paula came from a moderately well-to-do family. She reports suffering physical and emotional abuse at the hands of both her parents, who are alive and reside in Colombia with Paula’s two siblings. Paula completed high school in Colombia, but ran away when she was 17 years old because she could no longer tolerate the abuse at home. Paula became an intravenous drug user (IVDU), particularly of cocaine and heroin. David, who was originally from New York City, was one of Paula’s “drug buddies.” The two eloped, and Paula followed David to the United States. Paula continued to use drugs in the United States for several years; however, she stopped when she got pregnant with Miguel. David continued to use drugs, which led to the failure of their marriage.
Once she stopped using drugs, Paula attended the Fashion Institute of Technology (FIT) in New York City. Upon completing her BA, Paula worked for a clothing designer, but realized her true passion was painting. She has a collection of more than 100 drawings and paintings, many of which track the course of her personal and emotional journey. Paula held a full-time job for a number of years before her health prevented her from working. She is now unemployed and receives Supplemental Security Insurance (SSI) and Medicaid.
Paula was diagnosed with bipolar disorder. She experiences rapid cycles of mania and depression when not properly medicated, and she also has a tendency toward paranoia. Paula has a history of not complying with her psychiatric medication treatment because she does not like the way it makes her feel. She often discontinues it without telling her psychiatrist. Paula has had multiple psychiatric hospitalizations but has remained out of the hospital for at least five years. Paula accepts her bipolar diagnosis, but demonstrates limited insight into the relationship between her symptoms and her medication.

Women’sRoles, Feminist Theory, and Social Work Practice

SOCW-6060 & 6443-WK5-Discussions

Discussion 1: Women’sRoles, Feminist Theory, and Social Work Practice
Feminism contributed to a vast number of changes in women’s lives over several decades. From the kitchen to the boardroom and back again if women choose, feminism has empowered women to examine how they want to live in this world and encouraged them to seek that life. Despite this progress, there are frequent events that still challenge women’s roles in society. What is your understanding of women’s roles in society? How might your biases and your research into feminist theory influence your work as a social worker?
For the Discussion, review this week’s resources. Search reputable sources, including the Walden Library and the Internet, in order to select an article that focuses on a current event involving the role of women in society. Then, select a feminist theory from this week’s reading and reflect on how it relates to social work practice. Think about how that has influenced your understanding of women’s roles in society and whether your understanding has changed as a result of your research. Finally, think about how the selected feminist theory and your understanding of women’s roles might inform your work with Tiffani in the Bradley Family video case.
Note to Students: Reputable sources include scholarly peer-reviewed journals, other scholarly texts, and websites hosted by educational institutions (.edu) and reputable organizations (.org).
·       Post abrief of the article you selected that focuses on a current event involving the role of women in society.
·       Then, provide a brief description of the feminist theory you selected and how it relates to social work practice and an explanation of how that feminist theory has influenced your understanding of women’s roles in society. 
·       Finally, explain how feminist theory and views of women’s roles inform your next steps with Tiffani.
Bradley Family Episode 6
Program Transcript
FEMALE SPEAKER: How long have you been a lawyer?
MALE SPEAKER: 10 years. I’ve been representing young women at Teens First
about the last two years.