
How is the linkage between poverty and discrimination reflected in the conditions of racial and ethnic minority populations?

Poverty and discrimination are linked as one often leads to the other and vice versa. The poor are a target for discrimination due to their circumstances, while discrimination due to ethnicity, race,

Poverty and discrimination are linked as one often leads to the other and vice versa. The poor are a target for discrimination due to their circumstances, while discrimination due to ethnicity, race, or gender reduces the number of economic opportunities an individual might get. In this module, you explore the segments of the population that are more likely to be poor. You also examine the reasons for the poverty of these segments and its implications for social policy development.
Research the link between poverty and discrimination using your textbook, the Argosy University online library resources, and the Internet.

  • Select two journal articles that address the linkage between poverty and discrimination reflected in the conditions of racial and ethnic minority populations.
    • Be sure to select one article that addresses poverty and discrimination in the United States and one in any other country.
    • Make sure the articles include examples of social policies that have attempted to address these issues.

Respond to the following:

  • How is the linkage between poverty and discrimination reflected in the conditions of racial and ethnic minority populations?
  • Identify two examples of social policies that have attempted to address these issues and discuss their effectiveness.
  • Support your positions with material from your library research.

Write your initial response in a minimum of 200–300 words. Apply APA standards to citation of sources.

Explain how the piece of current legislation relates to the social problem or issue

In this course, you have been introduced to ethics, social problems, and social policy. This assignment will prompt action from you to help resolve a social issue. You must learn about a problem, find

In this course, you have been introduced to ethics, social problems, and social policy. This assignment will prompt action from you to help resolve a social issue. You must learn about a problem, find a piece of legislation addressing your concern, and act to help solve the problem.
Using the textbook, the Argosy University online library resources, and the Internet, do the following:
1. Identify the Problem
Select and research a social issue based on the course readings or personal interest.
Then, address the following:

  • Define and describe the social issue in detail using a variety of relevant outside sources.
  • Explain the social context of the social issue.
  • Identify and describe ethical concerns related to the social issue.
  • Determine what population is most impacted by the social issue.

2. Find the Legislation
Use credible government sources to find and learn about a piece of legislation related to your chosen social problem or issue.
Then, address the following:

  • Explain how the piece of current legislation relates to the social problem or issue. Make sure you provide a description of the piece of legislation.

3. Write an Advocacy Letter
In order to help resolve the social issue, you must take action. Identify your elected representative(s) and find their contact and e-mail addresses.
Write an advocacy letter regarding the piece of legislation and your support of or opposition to it.
The purpose of an advocacy letter is to support or oppose the legislation that affects a social issue of concern to you. This letter is a way for representatives to stay in touch with the constituents they represent. The letter consists of a brief introduction identifying and addressing the social issue of concern (through personal experience, if applicable), an identification of the piece of current legislation that addresses your chosen issue, and your request advocating your representative to support or oppose the legislation.
Be sure to address the following in your letter:

  • Identify the purpose of your letter.
  • Identify House bill (HR) or Senate bill (S) number of the legislation.
  • Briefly summarize the social problem or issue.
  • Explain the importance of the legislation as it relates to your issue.
  • Advocate for or against the legislation in a knowledgeable and respectful tone. This includes the following:
    • Evaluating the proposed impact of the legislation on target population
    • Proposing possible ways the legislation can influence the social problem or issue

Download and review samples of advocacy letters. Use either of the sample letters as a template for your own letter.
Write a 3–5-page report in Word format that begins with an Advocacy Letter followed by a supporting report of 3–5-pages. Apply APA standards to citation of sources. Use the following file naming convention: LastnameFirstInitial_M3_A2.doc.
By the due date assigned, deliver your assignment to the Submissions Area.

evolving workplace technologies

Annitated Bibliography on one ofthese topics: Choose one that you are very familiar with! A sample of how an annotated bibliography is shown toward the end. Must be two to three pages double space

Annitated Bibliography on one ofthese topics: Choose one that you are very familiar with! A sample of how an
     annotated bibliography is shown toward the end. Must be two to three pages double spaced!

  • diversity
  • globalization and outsourcing
  • pace of life and work
  • evolving workplace technologies
  • influence of social media
  • ethical challenges

Using APA Style
The purpose of this short research paper is to ensure proper understanding and application of APA style as required in all Ashford courses.
Using the Ashford Online Library, develop an annotated bibliography on one of the following factors that has had a significant impact on business and management communication in the past decade:

  • diversity
  • globalization and outsourcing
  • pace of life and work
  • evolving workplace technologies
  • influence of social media
  • ethical challenges

Your annotated bibliography requires at least six (6) peer-reviewed articles, full reference information, and a short paragraph description of the main findings.  You can visit the Ashford Writing Center for help with writing an Annotated Bibliography by clicking here (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site..
To receive maximum points, all of the following elements must be included in your paper:
The paper

  • Must be two to three double-spaced pages in length (not including the title), and formatted according to APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center.
  • Must include a title page (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. with the following:
  • Title of paper
  • Student’s name
  • Course name and number
  • Instructor’s name
  • Date submitted
  • Must address the topic of the paper with critical thought.
  • Must use at least six scholarly sources from the Ashford Online Library. One of the six sources may be the text.
  • Must include at least one direct quote from one of the sources (see Guidelines for Quoting Sources (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.).
  • Must include at least one summarized statement from one of the sources (see Guidelines for Summarizing Sources (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.).
  • Must document all sources in APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center.

Sample of an annotated bibliography!Annotated Bibliography   Best, J. (1998). Too much fun: Toys as social problems and the inte1pretation of culture.      Symbolic Interaction, 21(2), 197-212. Retrieved from
Sociologist Joel Best argues that social anxiety about popular children’s entertainment—especially that they might exert “dark” influence over—are not new. He points to newspaper and book commentaries dating back a century to demonstrate that these kinds of fears have been around for a long time. Back then, people worried about violent imagery in the cheap adventure novels sold to boys. In more recent times, the focus shifted to movies and television, and it now hovers around violent video games.
This article is relevant to my paper because it asserts that violence in terms of children’s playtime and toys has been an on-going issue since before video games were invented, which supports my claim that video games cannot be held responsible for aggressive behaviors in children.  Poiter, G., & Starcevic, V. (2007). Are violent video games harmful? Australasian Psychiatry, 15(5), 422-426. doi:10.1080/10398560701463343.
Psychiatric researchers Guy Poiter and Vladan Starcevic conducted a broad examination of the literature on video games and aggression that was available in 2007 when this article was published. Their analysis includes a study that found that adolescents who play violent video games also exhibit more hostility and aggressive behavior through fights, arguments, and poor school performance. The authors also reviewed studies Annotations are indented half an inch (.5).  Leave a space between your citation and your annotation.  Sources are cited according to APA references list guidelines.  The first paragraph of each annotation summarizes the main points from the source.  The second paragraph of each annotation explains how the source is relevant to the paper or project.
involving individuals playing violent video games in a laboratory setting that demonstrate a connection between the video game play and aggressive feelings and behaviors. They conclude that while available evidence does not demonstrate a direct causal connection between violent play and violent acts, it does suggest that violent play has the potential to worsen “hostile” and “antisocial” personal traits in individuals already possessing violent tendencies.
The research article is crucial to my claim of violet video games not being the cause of violence being made because it presents reasonable and scientifically-founded doubt that video games caused violence.

Children with neurodevelopmental disorders

In this assignment you will choose three general topics of interest to you related to psychological assessment from the list below. I chose seven you can chose thethree you think will be easy to work

In this assignment you will choose three general topics of interest to you related to psychological assessment from the list below. I chose seven you can chose thethree you think will be easy to work with.
Here are th seven listed: Children with neurodevelopmental disorders, Children and adolescents with anxiety disorders, Children with attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder, Individuals with schizophrenia spectrum and other psychotic disorders, Individuals with intellectual disabilities, Individuals with autism spectrum disorders, and Individuals with depressive disorders.
Research five peer-reviewed articles published within the last 15 years, including a minimum of one article for each of your three chosen topics. In your paper, begin with an introduction that describes the role of assessment in diagnosis and treatment. Using your researched articles, compare at least two psychological or educational tests and/or assessment procedures for each of the topics chosen. Analyze and describe the psychometric methodologies employed in the development and/or validation of the tests and/or assessment procedures associated with each of the three topics. Debate any relevant approaches to assessment of the constructs being evaluated by any tests and assessments you described. Include an analysis of any challenges related to assessing individuals from diverse social and cultural backgrounds for each of the three topics. Conclude by evaluating the ethical and professional issues that influence the interpretation of testing and assessment data.
The Literature Review:

  • Must be 6 to 8 double-spaced pages in length (not including title or references pages)APA style as outlined in the.
  • Must include a title page with the following:
    • Title of paper
    • Student’s name
    • Course name and number
    • Instructor’s name
    • Date submitted
  • Must begin with an introduction that describes the role of assessment in diagnosis and treatment.
  • Must address the topic of the paper with critical thought.
  • Must end with a conclusion that summarizes your evaluation addressing the current use of psychological tests and the role of assessment in diagnosis and treatment.
  • Must use at least five peer-reviewed sources published within the last 15 years, more can be added
  •  APA style as outlined