
Discuss the role of social relationships in childhood

This Assignment addresses the following course outcomes:PS420-3: Discuss the role of social relationships in childhood.PS420-4: Describe the implications of cultural diversity in social relationships.

This Assignment addresses the following course outcomes:
PS420-3: Discuss the role of social relationships in childhood.
PS420-4: Describe the implications of cultural diversity in social relationships.
PS420-5: Create strategies to promote the social relationships of young children with disabilities and their nondisabled peers.
Present your analysis of the case study below in a 2–3-page paper (approximately 1,000 words) that answers the following questions:

  1. What factors in Alana’s life are affecting her social relationships?
  2. What strategies could be implemented within her family, teachers, and community that would better promote Alana’s social interaction with her peers?
  3. How will Alana’s current socialization influence her perception of adult roles in the school and community?

Ensure you cite your answers with peer-reviewed academic sources such as your text or a peer-reviewed journal article from PsycARTICLES in the University Library. Attach a cover page to your essay analyzing the case study.
Case Study: Alana
Alana is a 10-year-old female and is in the 4th grade. Before this school year began, you heard about Alana in the staff lounge from teachers who had worked with the child and her family previously. You read Alana’s file and learned that her parents divorced 3 years ago. Alana has attended and left your school and now is back for the third time. The school nurse shared with you that Alana was born premature, weighing 4 pounds, and was diagnosed with fetal alcohol syndrome disorder. Alana suffers from occasional petit mal seizures, for which she is on medication. She is still small for her age, has a low second grade vocabulary, and minimal math skills. A resource aide spends 2 hours each day in the classroom assisting her.
During the first few weeks of the school year, the teacher attempted to phone the house to speak with Alana’s mom and the phone calls were not returned. The resource aide went to the home one time and said that although loud music was playing inside and there were “young hoodlums” on the steps of the home, the mother did not answer the door. The boys said she is sleeping and will not come to the door. The aide reported that the boys said Alana is the only child, they are cousins, and they go to school when they want to because there is no adult around during the day to make them do differently. The boys said they sometimes watch Alana at night when the mom has to go out.

Distinguish between short-range (less than five years) and long-range (over five years) effects of the policy

In this course, you have learned that social policies are formulated to solve social problems considered important by a mass of voters, media, and political actors. Social policy is but one solution t

In this course, you have learned that social policies are formulated to solve social problems considered important by a mass of voters, media, and political actors. Social policy is but one solution to the problem—not necessarily the most rational, effective, or socially just. Social policies are human creations and, as such, can be changed. In this paper you will analyze a social policy as a tool for social justice.
Research one social welfare policy using your textbook, the Argosy University online library resources, and the Internet.
Analyze the policy and address the following:
The social problem addressed by the policy

  1. What is/are the problem/s to be solved in the most fundamental terms?
  2. What is the history of the problem/s in the United States?
  3. What are the various theories about the causes of the problem/s? Based on this, what do you think is/are the most important causes/s of the problem/s?

The policy objectives, value premises, expectation, and target populations

  1. Policy objectives—overt and covert objectives: What are the stated objectives of the policy? In your judgment, what are the covert objectives of the policy?
  2. What are the values underlying the policy objectives? What values are revealed by the overt and covert objectives?
  3. What did the policymakers expect would be the result of the policy?
  4. Target segments of the population at whom policy is aimed: Discuss the direct target of the policy in terms of size and other demographic characteristics. Who are the indirect targets of the policy?

Effects of the policy

  1. Intended effects: What effects did the lawmakers intend?
  2. Unintended effects: What effects did the lawmakers not foresee?
  3. Distinguish between short-range (less than five years) and long-range (over five years) effects of the policy.

Implications of the Policy

  1. Changes in the distribution of material resources: Are there any changes to the distribution of material resources, including income and other tangible benefits, as a result of the policy for direct or indirect target groups?
  2. Changes in distribution of services, rights, and statuses: Are there any changes in services, rights, or statuses as a result of the policy?

Alternative Policies

  1. What alternative policy/policies would more effectively address the social problem discussed in the policy analysis while advancing social justice?

Write a 4–6-page paper in Word format. Apply APA standards to citation of sources. Make sure to include research in addition to the textbook from credible, scholarly sources.

Describe at least two potential causes of suicide among teens according to the scientific literature

Before completing this discussion, be sure to review Chapter 13 in your text, the “Suicide Prevention (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.” article, and the Final Chapter video.

Before completing this discussion, be sure to review Chapter 13 in your text, the “Suicide Prevention (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.” article, and the Final Chapter video. After examining the research in human development presented in your required resources, complete the following discussion:   The number of deaths officially designated as suicide among young adults (15-24 years of age) has increased considerably (see the “Suicide Prevention (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.” article).  Interpret the available statistics and describe the influences of family, culture, and environment as it pertains to the data.  Be sure to distinguish between suicide attempts and deaths attributed to suicide, and to report gender differences. Your initial post should address the following:
•Discuss whether the available statistics accurately represent the evidence (e.g., can these statistics underreport the actual rates?).
•Describe at least two potential causes of suicide among teens according to the scientific literature.
•Examine at least one feasible solution to the issue of suicide and discuss its effectiveness.      Your initial post must be at least 300 words and use a minimum of one scholarly source located in the Ashford University Library or on Google Scholar that is cited and referenced according to APA style, as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center to support your argument.
Guided Response: Review several of your classmates’ posts. Provide a substantive response to at least two of your peers in a minimum of 200 words. Discuss the extent to which you agree or disagree with the content of each post. Be sure that you cite scientific evidence to support your views.

Role of testing and assessment in the diagnostic process

Week 6 – Final Assignment Assessment Guide Psychological assessment guides are created by psychology professionals to provide the public with accurate and authoritative information appropriate for thei

Week 6 – Final Assignment
Assessment Guide Psychological assessment guides are created by psychology professionals to provide the public with accurate and authoritative information appropriate for their current needs. Information available to the public about psychological testing and assessment varies widely depending on the professional creating it, the purpose of the assessment, and the intended audience. When professionals effectively educate the public on the howwhat, and why behind assessments and the strengths and limitations of commonly used instruments, potential clients are in a better position to be informed users of assessment products and services. The Assessment Guides developed in this course will be designed to provide the lay public with accurate and culturally relevant information to aid them in making informed decisions about psychological testing. Students will develop their Guides with the goal of educating readers to be informed participants in the assessment process.
There is no required template for the development of the Assessment Guide. Students are encouraged to be creative while maintaining the professional appearance of their work. The Guide must be reader-friendly (sixth- to ninth-grade reading level) and easy to navigate, and it must include a combination of text, images, and graphics to engage readers in the information provided. Throughout their Guides, students will provide useful examples and definitions as well as questions readers should ask their practitioners. To ensure accuracy, students are expected to use only scholarly and peer-reviewed sources for the information in the development of their Guides.
Students will begin their Guides with a general overview of assessment, reasons for assessment referrals, and the importance of the role of each individual in the process. Within each of the remaining sections, students will describe the types of assessments that their readers may encounter, the purposes of each type of assessment, the different skills and abilities the instruments measure, the most valid and reliable uses of the measures, and limitations of the measures. A brief section will be included to describe the assessment process, the types of professionals who conduct the assessments, and what to expect during the assessment meetings.
The Assessment Guide must include the following sections:
Table of Contents (Portrait orientation must be used for the page layout of this section.)In this one-page section, students must list the following subsections and categories of assessments.

  • Introduction and Overview
  • Tests of Intelligence
  • Tests of Achievement
  • Tests of Ability
  • Neuropsychological Testing
  • Personality Testing
  • Industrial, Occupational, and Career Assessment
  • Forensic Assessment
  • Special Topics (student’s choice)
  • References

Section 1: Introduction and Overview (Portrait or landscape orientation may be used for the page layout of this section.)Students will begin their Guides with a general overview of assessment. In this two-page section, students will briefly address the major aspects of the assessment process. Students are encouraged to develop creative titles for these topics that effectively communicate the meanings to the intended audience.

  • Definition of a Test (e.g., What is a Test?)
  • Briefly define psychological assessment.
  • Types of Tests
  • Identify the major categories of psychological assessment.
  • Reliability and Validity
  • Briefly define the concepts of reliability and validity as they apply to psychological assessment.
  • Role of testing and assessment in the diagnostic process
  • Briefly explain role of assessment in diagnosis.
  • Professionals Who Administer Tests
  • Briefly describe the types of professionals involved in various assessment processes.
  • Culture and Testing
  • Briefly describe issues of cultural diversity as it applies to psychological assessment.

Categories of Assessment (Portrait or landscape orientation may be used for the page layout of this section.)For each of the following, students will create a two-page information sheet or pamphlet to be included in the Assessment Guide. For each category of assessment, students will include the required content listed in the PSY640 Content for Testing Pamphlets and Information Sheets (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.. Be sure to reference the content requirements (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. prior to completing each of the information sheets on the following categories of assessment.

  • Tests of Intelligence
  • Tests of Achievement
  • Tests of Ability
  • Neuropsychological Testing
  • Personality Testing
  • Industrial, Occupational, and Career Assessment
  • Forensic Assessment
  • Special Topics (Students will specify which topic they selected for this pamphlet or information sheet. Additional instructions are noted below.)

Special Topics (Student’s Choice)In addition to the required seven categories of assessment listed above, students will develop an eighth information sheet or pamphlet that includes information targeted either at a specific population or about a specific issue related to psychological assessment not covered in one of the previous sections. The three options I chose for you to choose from for the eighth pamphlet is as follows

  • Testing Individuals Who Are Incarcerated
  • Testing for Competency to Stand Trial
  • Testing in Child Custody Cases

References (Portrait orientation must be used for the page layout of this section.)Include a separate reference section that is formatted according to APA style.The reference list must consist entirely of scholarly sources. For the purposes of this assignment, assessment manuals, the course textbook, chapters from graduate-level textbooks, chapters from professional books, and peer-reviewed journal articles may be used as resource material. A minimum of 16 unique scholarly sources including a minimum of 12 peer-reviewed articles published within the last 10 years must be used within the Assessment Guide. The bulleted list of credible professional and/or educational online resources required for each assessment area will not count toward these totals.
The Assessment Guide

  • Must be 18 pages in length (not including title and reference pages) and formatted according to APA style
  • Must include a separate title page with the following:
    • Title of guide
    • Student’s name
    • Course name and number
    • Instructor’s name
    • Date submitted
  • Must use at least 16 scholarly sources, including a minimum of 12 peer-reviewed articles.
  • Must document all sources in APA style.
  • Must include a separate reference page that is formatted according to APA style.
  • Must incorporate at least three different methods of presenting information (e.g., text, graphics, images, original cartoons).