
Discuss how puberty affects emotional and social development in boys and girls.

 In this assignment, you will explore an issue that affects development during middle childhood and adolescence. You will apply your knowledge of the topic and create a brochure to aid in understandi

1 In this assignment, you will explore an issue that affects development during middle childhood and adolescence. You will apply your knowledge of the topic and create a brochure to aid in understanding and treatment of the issue.
Resource: Brochure Builder
Choose an issue that affects children in middle childhood or adolescence, such as bullying or eating disorders.
Create a 5-panel brochure for prevention and treatment of that issue targeted at the middle childhood or adolescent population.
Address the following:

  • Description of the issue
  • Statistics about the pervasiveness of this issue
  • How the issue affects physical, cognitive, and socioemotional development
  • Prevention strategies
  • Intervention strategies
  • Specific resources that provide additional information about this issue: names, contact information, and websites

Include a reference panel formatted according to APA guidelines.
Click the Assignment Files tab to submit your assignment.
This assignment as to fit on a brochure make the point to each question.. it is not an essay….
2 In this assignment, you will develop a presentation that explains developmental issues related to puberty and explore gender differences in the puberty experience.
Imagine you have been tasked with creating a presentation for middle school youth discussing puberty.
Create a 8- to 10-slide presentation with speaker notes that includes the following:

  • Discuss physical changes in boys and girls.
  • Discuss how puberty affects emotional and social development in boys and girls.
  • Discuss cultural differences in the views and experience of puberty.

Format any citations in a reference slide according to APA guidelines.
Click the Assignment Files tab to submit your assignment.
This power point must have a small introduction and conclusion with deal speaker notes

Explain the idea of a multi-dimensional approach and how it differs from a single approach to understanding the major causes of mental illness

To prepare for this week’s Assignment, review the following videos in addition to this week’s assigned Reading:Duran, V. M. (2013). Supernatural views- Historic. Retrieved from http://www.cengage.

To prepare for this week’s Assignment, review the following videos in addition to this week’s assigned Reading:

  1. Duran, V. M. (2013). Supernatural views- Historic. Retrieved from
  2. Duran, V. M. (2013). Hippocrates. Retrieved from
  3. Duran, V. M. (2013). Concept Check: Integrative Approach. Retrieved from

In the past, a one-cause approach was more accepted to understanding psychopathological behavior. Today, it is more accepted that there are multiple causes that can explain the development of mental illness.
For this Assignment, you will compare and contrast the early ways of thinking about psychological disorders to today’s current view and explain the multi-dimensional model and the major approaches (theorized causes) of mental illness.

  1. Explain what early thoughts and beliefs existed about what caused mental illness.
  2. Describe one of the psychological traditions and how it furthered the beliefs about what causes mental illness from that of the early beliefs by the Greeks and from Religions. Select from: Freud’s theory of the unconscious, humanism, or behaviorism.
  3. Explain the idea of a multi-dimensional approach and how it differs from a single approach to understanding the major causes of mental illness.
  4. Last, referring directly to the textbook, provide an overview of the major approaches of a multi-dimensional integrated model listed in the textbook. For each major approach, include its central tenant(s) as it relates to the explanation (or cause) of mental illness. The major approaches that provide an explanation or cause for the development of mental illness are biological approach (genetics and neurological factors), psychological approach (cognitive and behavioral factors, including the unconscious), emotions approach, social and cultural approach, and the developmental approach. For example, from the biological approach, an imbalance of neurochemicals is believed to influence (or cause) behavioral changes as well as heritability.

Submitting Your Learning Activity
Using your textbook, complete the Unit 3 Assignment Template. No more than 10% of the work should be direct quotations Complete the document in 2–3 pages, using APA writing style, and save it in a location with your first and last name in the title. When you are ready to submit it, go to the Dropbox.

Describe the central strategy you will use to resolve or diminish the conflict

 In this assignment, you will integrate the concepts of conflict resolution, group influence, and attribution to develop a program of conflict resolution to a current conflict situation.Identify a co

In this assignment, you will integrate the concepts of conflict resolutiongroup influence, and attribution to develop a program of conflict resolution to a current conflict situation.
Identify a conflict between two groups, and obtain approval from your instructor.
Write a 700- to 1,050-word paper in which you create a program to improve the relationship between two groups. Examples include between police and a community, managers and subordinates, the city council committee and a special interest group, and unions and management. Be specific in identifying what community, company, or organization you are writing about.
Nature of the Conflict

  • Describe the context of the conflict. What kind of community or organization is this? Who are the stakeholders in the outcome of the conflict?
  • Identify the overt and covert issues presenting both sides.
  • Describe the effect the conflict has on the organization within which it exists and, if applicable, the surrounding community.
  • Identify attribution errors and how they will be addressed in the program.
  • Analyze the dynamics within each group and between groups. Who are the leaders? Does anyone stall or undermine the group? Is there a relationship between two subgroups?
  • Program Design
  • Apply the elements of conflict resolution.
  • Describe the central strategy you will use to resolve or diminish the conflict.
  • Provide at least one reference supporting the use of such a strategy.
  • Include a program component that employs social media.
  • Explain how you will address attribution errors between the groups.
  • Identify the elements of persuasion you will use in your program.

Create a 10 Microsoft® PowerPoint® slide presentation with speaker notes that include the following:

  • The goals of the program
  • The logistics of the program (schedule, location, and so on)
  • The content of the program (any worksheets, activities, or events)

Cite at least 4 references in your presentation, including the reference that demonstrates research support of your program strategy.
Format any citations in your presentation according to APA guidelines.
*This will be on interracial couples living in a prdominantly white community. Location should be set in Louisville Kentucky, USA

Explain factors for determining the client’s stage of change and identify which stage of change the client is in

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M3 Assignment 1 Discussion 
Discussion—Motivational Interviewing and Stages of Changeiscussion—Motivational Interviewing and Stages of Change
Assignment 1: Discussion—Motivational Interviewing and Stages of Change
The stages of change model suggests that clients who are in the process of changing addictive behavior move through successive stages, from limited insight to maintenance of change. These stages will be presented by the client’s attitudes and behaviors. It is the job of the clinician to identify the correct stage and employ specific interventions for the treatment to be successful. Most clients opting for an assessment will likely be in the early stages of change.
The major tenets of motivational interviewing were designed to provide clinicians with tools to facilitate the change process in clients. Extensive research supports its effectiveness and it has become the standard in the past decade. These techniques are grounded in the client-centered approach rather than the confrontational approach to substance abuse treatment used in previous decades.
Use the module readings and the Argosy University online library resources to research motivational interviewing and the stages of change model.
Download and review the case study.
Respond to the following:

  • 1. Explain factors for determining the client’s stage of change and identify which stage of change the client is in.
  • 2. What two motivational interviewing techniques would be helpful in assessing substance abuse in this case? Give reasons and explanations.

Support your responses using your module readings and authoritative resources. Incorporate theory and factual information in your response.
Write your initial response in 2–3 paragraphs. Apply APA standards to citation of sources.