
Substance Abuse Subtle Screening Inventory (SASSI)

Assignment 2: RA: Test Assessment AnalysisFor this assignment, you are to write a paper analyzing one test in each of the eight major assessment categories listed below.You should utilize at least fiv

Assignment 2: RA: Test Assessment Analysis
For this assignment, you are to write a paper analyzing one test in each of the eight major assessment categories listed below.
You should utilize at least five sources from additional professional literature, relevant textbooks, and the Mental Measurements Yearbook for relevant information on these testing instruments. Your paper should be approximately 10 pages long (approximately 1 page per test).
Required Components:
Mental Measurements Yearbook with Tests in Print can be found in the “M” section on the Find Articles and More page of the Argosy University online library. For each test using the Mental Measurements Yearbook, explain the following seven topics:

  • Test purpose
  • Uses, particularly in a forensic setting
  • Test development and history (any revisions made)
  • Normative information and test statistics
  • Applicable populations
  • Validity and reliability
  • Malingering or deception

When your paper is complete, you will have a discussion on a total of eight tests (one from each of the categories mentioned below). Be sure to choose just one test from each category and do not discuss more than eight tests. Also, do not include any tests that are not listed below.
Assessment Categories and Tests:

  • Mental Status Exam

Appearance, Motor, Behavior, Sensorium, Thought Process, Thought Content, Communication, Speech, Perception, Mood, Affect, Cognition/Orientation, Response to Proverbs, Estimate of Intelligence, Memory, and Insight

  • Substance Abuse
    • Substance Abuse Subtle Screening Inventory (SASSI)
    • CAGE Questionnaire
  • IQ/Cognitive Functioning
    • Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale, 4th ed. (WAIS–IV)
    • Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children, 4th ed. (WISC-IV)
    • Kaufman Brief Intelligence Test, 2nd ed. (KBIT-2)
    • California Verbal Learning Test, 2nd ed. (CVLT-II)
    • Reynolds Intellectual Assessment Scales (RIAS)
  • Projective Personality
    • Rorschach Inkblot
    • Thematic Apperception Test (TAT)
  • Objective Personality
    • Personality Assessment Inventory (PAI)
    • Millon Clinical Multiaxial Inventory-III (MCMI-III)
    • Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory (MMPI)
  • Competency to Stand Trial
    • MacArthur Competence Assessment Tool-Criminal Adjudication (MacCAT-CA)
    • Georgia Court Competency Test (GCCT)
    • Competency Assessment Instrument (CAI)
  • Risk Assessment
    • Violent Risk Appraisal Guide (VRAG)
    • Sex Offender Risk Appraisal Guide (SORAG)
    • Hare Psychopathy Checklist-Revised (PCL-R)
  • Insanity/Criminal Responsibility
    • Rogers Criminal Responsibility Assessment Scales (RCRAS)

How can the investigators and therapists obtain the information they need without manipulating the child's memory? 

First   response to classmate posted by Sunday First   response is at least 150 words First   response employs at least 2 citations; one can be text; other   must be from an academic source Secon

First   response to classmate posted by Sunday
First   response is at least 150 words
First   response employs at least 2 citations; one can be text; other   must be from an academic source
Second   response to classmate posted by Sunday
Second   response is at least 150 words
Second   response employs at least 2 citations; one can be text; other   must be from an academic source
Tina Lofton(Jun 27, 2018 9:57 PM)– Read by: 2
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1. How do you think that investigators and therapists, in their quest to find the truth, may have contributed to children making false or exaggerated allegations in these cases?
The investigators and therapists may have been suggestive in their questioning of the children in these cases where false accusations were made. Research has indicated that suggestions by others, especially adults, may strongly influence a young child’s reporting of past events (Bruck et. Al. 2006). Since these children were young, they may have been likely influences by false information.
2.  What implications do these types of cases have for people who run childcare centers?
I am an Assistant Director at a center. I know first hand that there can be many negative implications that can come from a situation such as this. The center can gain a bad reputation and loose business. The teachers and staff involved may loose their standing in the community, face embarrassment, and be arrested.  The false accusations can lead to untrue rumors to spread throughout the community about the center and staff. Also, there is the possible legal fees that might incur.
3.   What are the lessons learned from these cases?
One lesson that investigators and therapist need to make sure that they are not asking children questions that may seem suggestive. Another lesson involves how the situation was handled, the letter that was sent caused mass hysteria among the parents and community. A thorough investigation should have been done about the accusations, then parents should have been notified of the outcome of the investigation. Or, they could have gone ahead and sent the letter but excluded the names of all parties involved until it was found whether the accusations were true or false. They should also have made sure that they therapist used to interview the children were well qualified to question the children. In my personal experience Child Protective Services from the Department of Social services are well trained in these specific matters. They should have been used along with better qualified therapist ant investigators.
4.   How should investigators and therapists proceed when a child or their parent makes such    allegations?
The investigators and therapist involved may receive more accurate information form the children involved if they are kind and supportive. They also need to assess whether a threat really does exist that threatens the child’s safety but interviewing all parties involved. Also, they need to interview the child as soon as possible because time can be crucial in a child’s memory about the situation.
5.  How can the investigators and therapists obtain the information they need without manipulating the child’s memory, even if inadvertently.
They should refrain from using suggestive questioning and lead more toward using open ended questions. Also, they can engage in conversations with the children that would allow the child to speak in a narrative form
Jessica Candelaria(Jun 27, 2018 9:46 PM)– Read by: 2
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1. How do you think that investigators and therapists, in their quest to find the truth, may have contributed to children making false exaggerated allegations in these cases?
Investigators and therapist want to know the truth so they can do their jobs correctly when they have a case, especially in a case that involves mistreatment of children. This can be a very hard job however because children are not necessarily going to want to confine in an adult what happened to them and when or if they do it can be hard to ask questions without feeling that you are leading them to answer a certain way, it can make that job that much harder. Then their is the question of when did this abuse happen? Will there be any evidence other than a child’s statement? So this could lead to the only evidence is the child’s statement. “This leaves social service and legal professionals with little else than the statements from children themselves (and, potentially, conflicting statements from suspects) to prosecute this crime, making it critically important to obtain complete and accurate reports from children.”(Malloy, 2013) With that being said I think that either the investigators or therapists could lead the children into confessing about the abuse or other things even if they didn’t happen. Also think that a child could be intimidated by an adult, officer, or therapist. Even when I know I have done nothing wrong I get nervous when speaking to a police officer, even though I have complete respect for them. That intimidation could lead a child to say what they think someone wants to hear.
2. What implications do these types of cases have for people who run childcare centers?
It could be positive or negative for these centers. As a mother, reading these cases it makes me more and more nervous about where and who watches my daughter. Having these cases out there could make it really hard for childcare providers to do their job properly in fear that they could get in trouble for something that they didn’t do. “Preschools closed down as people who worked with children began to fear that they would be the next accused.” ( Staff, 2009) On a positive though it could make the childcare center really step up their game and really pay attention to the hiring process and having technology that can help keep their employees and most importantly the children in their care safe.
3. What are the lessons learned from these cases?
I think the most important lesson is that while going about these cases, investigators, therapists, and even parents need to be careful with how they approach the matter with the children.  Also I think it is important to note that children have been very successful witnesses in many court cases. “Children’s testimony has been vital to the success of many legal cases.” (Mallory, 2013) Also be careful what you say in front of your child about the matter. As a mother I know how much my daughter wants to make me happy. If she thinks it’s something I want to hear because she overheard me speaking about the matter she would say it just to make me happy.
4.How should investigators and therapists proceed when a child or their parents make such allegations?
They need to be able to conduct an interview without sounding suggestive about what they want to hear. having multiple people doing their own interview might help as well to see if there is consistency in the child’s information like they did in the little rascal case. “The children in the Little Rascals case were treated by therapists from different cities.” (Durkin, 1992)
5. How can the investigators and therapists obtain the information they need without manipulating the child’s memory?
They need to make sure they are interviewing in the form that will make the interview credible. “Investigators are trained to interview suspected abuse victims in ways that foster credibility.” (DeBenedictis, 1990) From all the readings I also find that it is very important that all the interviews are videotaped. This way you can see if someone is leading on the witness. They also mentioned that there be more than one interviewer so they can hold each other accountable and compare interviews. “Can corroborate each other and protect against flaws in any one interviewer’s technique.” (DeBenedictis, 1990)

Term Paper Assignment: Exploration of a Professional Journal Article in Psychology

Please compose an outline of the term paper assignment described below. Your outline must be at least 2 pages long and you must answer all questions asked in the assignment as described below. The ou

Please compose an outline of the term paper assignment described below. Your outline must be at least 2 pages long and you must answer all questions asked in the assignment as described below. 
The outline is a brief summary of your term paper. You may submit it anytime (at least ten days before the term paper is due) to get feedback. It is not graded, and it will not be included in your term paper grade. It is just an opportunity for you to get feedback on you topic before you finalize your term paper. You will receive an email from me if you are off topic and need to make changes before your final submission.
Term Paper Assignment: Exploration of a Professional Journal Article in Psychology
In the Palm Beach State/Florida Atlantic University Online Library, go to online academic database.
Please use the following link to access academic journals.
Find a recent research article from a scholarly journal in the field of developmental psychology. It must have been published less than 12 years ago.  Be sure to select an article for which the full-text is available.  Actual journals for which full-text is available include Advances in Cognitive Psychology, British Journal of Social Psychology, Journal of Positive Psychology, Issues in Forensic Psychology, Journal of Psychology, among many others.
Note: Do not use newspaper or magazine articles or Websites such as Wikipedia to complete this assignment. Visit Palm Beach State University’s guidelines against plagiarism.
Your selected article must meet all of the stated criteria or your assignment will not be accepted.  Before proceeding, please ensure that your selected article meets the following criteria:

  • Full-text is available in online database
  • Is a scholarly journal article in the field of psychology
  • Was published less than 12 years ago.

Get a sense of what the article is about by reading some key sections.  Begin by reading the Abstract of the article.  Subsequently, read the Introduction and the discussion sections.  Flip through the paper and look at any figures or tables.  Read as much of the paper as practical; get as much out of it as you can.
Write a paper of at least 2000 (five pages) words in which you:
1.  Identify your selected article, using a proper APA-style reference. See examples at the end of this assignment.
2.  Describe what type of article it is and how you can tell. For example, is it a primarily a review of existing research, a report of new research, or an analysis of a professional issue?  Describe how you can you tell.  If it is a research article, identify the type of research involved.

  1. Summarize what you have learned about the content of the article.  Be sure to include the main purpose of the article, the major findings, and how the major findings are supported.
  2. Explain how this article fits into the overall field of developmental psychology.  Then, identify the corresponding chapter(s) from your textbook.
  3. Explain why this article is different and similar from articles in non-scholarly periodicals, such as magazines and newspapers.

How to properly cite your article
Author list (Year of publication) Title of article.  Name of Journal, Volume number, page numbers.
Houston, D. M., McKee, K. J., Wilson, J.  (2000).  Attributional style, efficacy, and the enhancement of well-being among housebound older people. Basic and Applied Social Psychology, 22, 309-317.
Iudicello, J. E., Woods, S. P., Scott, J. C., Cherner, M., Heaton, R. K., Atkinson, J. H., Grant, I.  (2010)  Longer term improvement in neurocognitive functioning and affective distress among methamphetamine users who achieve stable abstinence.  Journal of Clinical and Experimental Neuropsychology, 32, 708-718.
Your assignment must follow these formatting requirements:

  • At least five pages long (2000 words).
  • Be typed, double-spaced, using Times New Roman font (size 12), with one-inch margins on all sides.
  • Include a cover page containing the title of the assignment, the student’s name, the professor’s name, the course title, and the date. The cover page is not included in the required assignment page length.


The Creating a Professional Résumé assignment

Prior to beginning work on this assignment, please be sure to complete your initial post for the Initial Call discussion and review the resume download.For this assignment, you will create a professio

Prior to beginning work on this assignment, please be sure to complete your initial post for the Initial Call discussion and review the resume download.For this assignment, you will create a professional résumé from the point of view of the mental health professional involved in the Initial Call discussion scenario. Taking on this role, create a one-page résumé from the pdf downloaded.
Once you have completed your résumé, review the characteristics of the patient you chose for the Initial Call discussion. Consider how reading the résumé might have impacted the patient’s initial call. Evaluate how the reported symptoms and presenting problems may have been impacted by the content and presentation of your résumé, had the patient read this on your website prior to contacting you. Create this one- to two-paragraph evaluation on a new page in the same document as your résumé. Submit the document with the résumé and evaluation to Waypoint.
The Creating a Professional Résumé assignment

  • Must be one to three pages in length (not including title and references pages) and must be formatted according to APA style.
  • Must include a separate title page with the following:
    • Title of paper
    • Student’s name
    • Course name and number
    • Instructor’s name
    • Date submitted
  • Must use at least three peer-reviewed sources in addition to the course text.
  • Must document all sources in APA style.

Files are attached Doc 124 is the pdf for the resume with examples, second is the inital call, and thrid is the case study for Julia which will be used thru out.