
Describe your commitment to community service and to being an agent of cultural transformation.

APPENDIX AChristian Worldview Capstone PaperPurpose of this AssignmentThe purpose of the Christian Worldview Capstone Paper is to have all the students express how they intend to apply the Christian W

APPENDIX AChristian Worldview Capstone PaperPurpose of this AssignmentThe purpose of the Christian Worldview Capstone Paper is to have all the students express how they intend to apply the Christian Worldview and the practice of the academic major to five areas of life:Vocation, Academic Major, and CareerChurch MembershipSingleness, Marriage, & FamilyCommunity Service & CitizenshipStewardshipPreparation for the AssignmentTo prepare for this assignment, students should first read God at Work: Your ChristianVocation in All of Lifeby Gene Edward Veith, Jr.Parameters of this AssignmentThe Christian Worldview Capstone Paper is to be eight full pages in length, in APA format, with a minimum of five cited scholarly references from the Belhaven Virtual Libraryor one of the textbooks (no more than 2 references can come from a textbook). Be sure to include the appropriate cover page and reference page in addition to the eight pages, following APA style. When completed upload the assignment into Canvas. The assignment will be assessed according to the Worldview Paper Rubric.To prepare to write this paper, we recommend that the student first read God at Work, take theStrengthsFinder 2.0 assessment(fromBUS280),andtake the free assessment at Reflect on what you discover in each and be prepared to integrate your discoveries, as well as the Christian Worldview, into each of the following areas: The suggested format of your paper is as follows:Introduction –Thoroughly introduce your entire paper.Vocation, Academic Major, and Career oReflect upon the 16personalities explanation of your potential careers and workplace habits, and strengths & weakness, as well as your StrengthsFinder results if competed in a previous course.oTaking into account your current or prospective workplace responsibilities, and your strengths and personality characteristics, seek to develop a plan to best maximize your strengths and minimize your weaknesses. Address the question of whether God has called and equipped you for your current work or for work under consideration, or whether you might better fit somewhere else.oThink about how the Christian Worldview impacts your academic major, your workplace and your response to various ethical questions that may arise in that setting. How will you integrate the Christian Worldview as you practice in your
20academic field of specialization throughout your career? How will your practice of your major change in light of your Christian Worldview? Provide specific examples.oState your perspective on this area and provide a summary or paraphrase or quote from a scholarly source that backs up your perspective or provides counterpoint to it. Reinforce your perspective with any Scriptural references you think appropriate. Wrap up this section with a summary paragraph.Church MembershipoFocus on how important church membership is to you personally and how important it is in the Christian Worldview.oHow do you describe the health of the church you attend? oHow has the church aided in developing you spiritually and reinforcing your relationship with Jesus Christ?oState your perspective on this area and provide a summary or paraphrase or quote from a scholarly source that backs up your perspective or provides counterpoint to it. Reinforce your perspective with any Scriptural references you think appropriate. Wrap up this section with a summary paragraph.Singleness, Marriage, & FamilyoReflect on the 16personalities explanation or your personality in romantic relationships and parenting situations.oWhat is your personal view in light of the Christian worldview on singleness, marriage, and family? Describe your position.oState your perspective on this area and provide a summary or paraphrase or quote from a scholarly source that backs up your perspective or provides counterpoint to it. Reinforce your perspective with any Scriptural references you think appropriate. Wrap up this section with a summary paragraph.Community Service & CitizenshipoReflect on the 16personalities overall explanation of your personality and how your personality relates to friendships.oDescribe your duty as a citizen of your nation. Describe your commitment to community service and to being an agent of cultural transformation. How does your Christian Worldview impact your response in both areas?oState your perspective on this area and provide a summary or paraphrase or quote from a scholarly source that backs up your perspective or provides counterpoint to it. Reinforce your perspective with any Scriptural references you think appropriate. Wrap up this section with a summary paragraph.StewardshipoHow does the Christian Worldview inform the stewardship of your time? Of your talent? Of your treasure? Of your testimony?oHow does stewardship provide an accounting for every aspect of life (vocation)?oState your perspective on this area and provide a summary or paraphrase or quote from a scholarly source that backs up your perspective or provides counterpoint to it. Reinforce your perspective with any Scriptural references you think appropriate. Wrap up this section with a summary paragraph.Conclusion –Thoroughly wrap up your entire paper.

Theology of Sexuality and Sex Scholarly Paper Guidelines

Theology of Sexuality and Sex Scholarly Paper GuidelinesThe Bible is replete with references and teachings about human sexuality and provides critical insights into what constitutes healthy sexuality.

Theology of Sexuality and Sex Scholarly Paper Guidelines
The Bible is replete with references and teachings about human sexuality and provides critical insights into what constitutes healthy sexuality. In order to biblically and effectively teach and counsel individuals around sexual issues, counselors need to have a firm scaffolding upon which to do their work. Accordingly, a theology of sex and sexuality is the foundation upon which counselors counsel.
This assignment requires each student to develop his or her own personal theology of sexuality and sex that interacts with Christian and theological sources as well as secular sources. Do not write about how to counsel nor offer a psychological perspective on the sexual issue(s). The focus on a biblical theology of sexuality or sex; in other words, to understand what the Bible teaches about sexuality and sex. Address the theology of sexuality and sex paper from a broad or whole counsel of God perspective. Think about it in terms of how God meant sexuality and sex to be and how the Fall (Original Sin & subsequent sins) impacted both.
The paper is to be scholarly in nature; throughout the body of the paper students must interact with the theological as well as Christian-based literature on sexuality and sex. This is not an opinion paper. Content must be based in the literature and in an exegesis of God’s Word. Do not rely primarily on the textbooks of the course. Incorporate other Christian sources, commentaries, Bible dictionaries, word study books, as well as other scholarly sources. At least ten (10) scholarly references in the paper as well as the Bible, concordance, and commentaries. The paper should be no less than 8 pages and no more than 10 pages (not including title page, abstract, and references). It should be written in the current APA Style Manual (6th ed.), third person.

The Truth About Alcohol

Chapter 3Click on the following link to watch the program entitled, TEDTalks: Beau Lotto—Optical Illusions Show How We See (17 min.), in the Mt. SAC library’s Films On Demand collection. (Captions

Chapter 3
Click on the following link to watch the program entitled, TEDTalks: Beau Lotto—Optical Illusions Show How We See (17 min.), in the Mt. SAC library’s Films On Demand collection. (Captions are available for the hearing impaired). If you are accessing it from off campus, you may have to log into the library’s website using your MyMt.SAC user ID and password (e.g., Banner Account). (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.
1.  Review what it was about.
2.  Describe what you learned.
3.  Explain how it applies to you personally (You might have to stretch it on this one, but TRY because psychology always applies in every day life).
Please copy and paste Questions 1-3 from above into your post and type your answers under each question. Your total review (including the copied questions) should be at least 300 words.
Chapter 4
Click on the following link to watch the program entitled, The Truth About Alcohol (31 min.), in the Mt. SAC library’s Films On Demand collection. (Captions are available for the hearing impaired). If you are accessing it from off campus, you may have to log into the library’s website using your MyMt.SAC user ID and password (e.g., Banner Account). (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.
1.  Review what it was about.
2.  Describe what you learned.
3.  Explain how it applies to you personally (You might have to stretch it on this one, but TRY because psychology always applies in every day life).
Please copy and paste Questions 1-3 from above into your post and type your answers under each question. Your total review (including the copied questions) should be at least 300 words
Chapter 5
Click on the following link to watch the program entitled, Distance Learning (22 min.), in the Mt. SAC library’s Films On Demand collection. (Captions are available for the hearing impaired). If you are accessing it from off campus, you may have to log into the library’s website using your MyMt.SAC user ID and password (e.g., Banner Account). (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.
1.  Review what it was about.
2.  Describe what you learned.
3.  Explain how it applies to you personally (You might have to stretch it on this one, but TRY because psychology always applies in every day life).
Please copy and paste Questions 1-3 from above into your post and type your answers under each question. Your total review (including the copied questions) should be at least 300 words
Username is cwang193
password is N3JXHD
You need give me three documents for these three chapter. Every document has three questions. Put on number in every document.

Create a case history for a person with an addiction and a mental disorder

In your professional capacity as a substance abuse counselor, you are not permitted to give diagnoses for mental disorders other than those related to substance abuse. However, you will likely be expo

In your professional capacity as a substance abuse counselor, you are not permitted to give diagnoses for mental disorders other than those related to substance abuse. However, you will likely be exposed to clients with mental health disorders in the assessment or treatment process. The competent substance abuse evaluator will be able to identify clients who present mental health disorders and make the appropriate referrals. Providing appropriate referrals for clients is common in the substance abuse field.
In M1: Assignment 3, you developed a case history for a person with an addiction. In this assignment, you will develop a case history and include one mental disorder. The inclusion of a mental disorder in your case study will aid in the examination of co-occurring disorders. You will then present your diagnosis and referrals.
This assignment has two parts. Complete both parts.
Part I
Create a case history for a person with an addiction and a mental disorder. Do not include identifying information. Include the following elements in your case history:

  • Demographics—including age, gender, ethnicity, socioeconomic status, marital status, number and ages of children, living arrangements, and religion if applicable
  • Presenting problem
  • Previous psychiatric treatment of patient
  • Previous chemical treatment of patient
  • Chemical history
  • Medical history—including disabilities if applicable
  • Work and education history
  • Legal or financial concerns
  • Family background
  • Concerned person involvement
  • Referral source

Part II
Analyze the case history and present your diagnosis as related to substance use disorders. Include the following in your diagnosis:

  • Summarize key case study elements you would use to formulate a diagnosis and guide your treatment plan.
  • Identify at least two assessment tools that you would use to formulate a diagnosis. Justify why you have selected these tools.
  • State your diagnosis related to substance use disorders. Justify your reasons for your diagnosis.
  • Identify other concerns and offer recommendations and referral opportunities. Justify your reasons and explanations.

Write a 3–4-page report in Word format. Apply APA standards to citation of sources.