
Compare the differences from about ten years ago when the movie was produced to today

As someone knowledgeable about research on children with exceptionalities, you have been given the task of presenting a report to the court on your arguments for and against people with intellectual d

As someone knowledgeable about research on children with exceptionalities, you have been given the task of presenting a report to the court on your arguments for and against people with intellectual disabilities raising children.
Do the following:

  • Launch the online library (under Academic Resources).
  • Select Find Videos.
  • Select Filmakers Library Online.
  • In the search box, type “is love enough” and click Go.
  • The first result should be Is Love Enough? directed by Tom Puchniak. Review this video.

Analyze the historical, legal, and ethical issues in the video. Make sure you include the following in your analysis (in an order that flows well in your paper):

  • Compare the historical trends related to people with disabilities. How would outcomes be different fifty years ago for the people in the movie?
    • Compare the differences from about ten years ago when the movie was produced to today.
    • Explain how far we have come and what still needs to be addressed (such as terminology, acceptance, and support).
  • Explain how laws such as the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and the IDEA influence these decisions.
  • Identify the ethical principles that might apply to the situation. Consider the professional ethics codes, including the following:
    • American Psychological Association. (2010). Ethical principles of psychologists and code of conduct. Retrieved from
    • American Counseling Association. (2005). ACA code of ethics. Alexandria, VA: Author. Retrieved from
  • Synthesize your research and create two arguments: one for and one against parents with intellectual disabilities raising children. Consider the perspectives of the parents as well as the children. Use evidence and examples from research, utilizing your assigned readings, and at least two peer-reviewed articles on this topic to support your argument.
  • Given what you learned in the video, your assigned readings, and research you found, recommend supports or interventions for the following:
    • The family
    • Within the community for the family and child
    • The school
  • Although this video focused on those with intellectual disabilities, generalize the issues to other exceptionalities.
  • Conclude your paper with a review of current thinking for and against people with exceptionalities raising children, based on the sources used.

Write a 7–9-page paper (not counting the title page, abstract, or reference page) in Word format. Apply APA standards to citation of sources. Be sure to include a title page, abstract, and reference page also in APA format. Use the following file naming convention: LastnameFirstInitial_M3_A2.doc.
By the due date assigned, deliver your assignment to the Submissions Area.
Handel, A. (Producer), & Puchniak, T. (Director). (2001). Is love enough? [Documentary]. United States: Filmakers Library.

Discuss how you would influence this key decision maker to see the value in consulting services.

Assignment 2: Paper—Key Decision-Maker ReportFor this assignment, you are to review a scenario and follow the directions listed to write a 3- to 4-page report.Scenario:You have scheduled your initia

Assignment 2: Paper—Key Decision-Maker Report
For this assignment, you are to review a scenario and follow the directions listed to write a 3- to 4-page report.
You have scheduled your initial meeting with a key decision maker among a potential client’s senior staff. This decision maker likes to meet all consultants and is known for his or her candor. When you sit down, he or she explains he or she has never liked consultants because of personal experiences he or she has had, and he or she believes consultants provide no value. He or she is agreeing with the decision for practical political reasons only.
Using your textbook readings and two additional scholarly sources from the Argosy University online library resources, include the following in three to four pages:

  • Determine the risks to the consultant in this situation.
  • On the basis of your own strengths and weaknesses, explain how you would approach this client.
  • Explain how you would use emotional intelligence to manage this situation.
  • Discuss how you would influence this key decision maker to see the value in consulting services.

Your final product will be in a Microsoft Word document and be approximately three to four pages in length. You will utilize at least two scholarly sources in your research. Your paper should be written in a clear, concise, and organized manner; demonstrate ethical scholarship in accurate representation and attribution of sources; and display accurate spelling, grammar, and punctuation.
All written assignments and responses should follow APA rules for attributing sources.

Proposal Development Presentation

Hide Submission Folder InformationSubmission FolderM3 Assignment 2 SubmissionInstructionsAssignment 2: RA 1: Proposal Development PresentationDescription of RA 1:For this assignment, you are require

 Hide Submission Folder InformationSubmission FolderM3 Assignment 2 SubmissionInstructions
Assignment 2: RA 1: Proposal Development Presentation
Description of RA 1:
For this assignment, you are required to develop a 5- to 7-slide proposal presentation (including detailed speaker’s notes and audio recording) using one of the cases listed below. Begin by reviewing both the cases and choosing which one you would like to use. Click the titles of the cases to view them.
Cases (Select One):

  • Friendly Floor Covering
  • New Life Behavioral Health Services

After you have selected your case, assume that you have conducted due diligence and collected any additional data needed. Using your textbook and at least three additional scholarly sources from the Argosy University online library resources, complete the following in five to seven slides (including detailed speaker’s notes and audio recording):

  • In a background section, summarize the organization’s mission, values, and culture.
  • Explain what makes the organization successful (i.e., its unique qualities) and its challenges.
  • Summarize your developed proposal (to include all the necessary key elements of a contract):
    • Roles and responsibilities
    • Main deliverables and how the deliverables will be measured
    • Expected outcomes and how these outcomes will be measured
  • Describe the possible problems that could arise due to your recommended proposal.
  • Identify and explain any ethical considerations as they relate to best practices followed by the consultant.
  • Identify and explain any emotional intelligence considerations as they relate to best practices followed by the consultant.

Your final product will be in a Microsoft PowerPoint presentation of approximately five to seven slides (including detailed speaker’s notes and audio recording) in length. You will utilize at least three scholarly sources in your research. Your presentation should be written in a clear, concise, and organized manner; demonstrate ethical scholarship in accurate representation and attribution of sources; and display accurate spelling, grammar, and punctuation.
All written assignments and responses should follow APA rules for attributing sources.
Submission Details:

  • Save your presentation as AU_IO6440_M3_A2_Lastname_Firstname.ppt
  • By the due date assigned, deliver your assignment to the Submissions Area.

Technical Requirements:

  • Presentation software
  • Microphone

Helpful Recommended Tutorial Resources:
Office. (2010). Record and add narration and timings to a slide show.           Retrieved from           and-add-narration-and-timings-to-a-slide-show-HA010338313.aspx
Office. (2013). Record and add narration and timings to a slide show. Retrieved           from           narration-and-timings-to-a-slide-show-HA102749693.aspx
PowToon. (2013). Video tutorials. Retrieved from           tutorials/
Prezi. (2013). Learn & support. Retrieved from


Choose a case study with the primary topic of either  LEADERSHIP or MEETING LEADERSHIP. (See list of cases on table 3-1 in chapter 3 of your text).Step one:  Briefly summarize the case.Step two:

 Choose a case study with the primary topic of either  LEADERSHIP or MEETING LEADERSHIP. (See list of cases on table 3-1 in chapter 3 of your text).
Step one:  Briefly summarize the case.
Step two:  Answer the questions and or instructions at the end of the case.   (Consider the following self assessment questions in reviewing your answer:   Do my recommendations show that I fully understand the issues involved in the case?  Could my recommendations realistically solve the problem?  Do my recommendations appear to be as fair as possible to al parties involved?  Do my recommendations support the goals of the organization?  If this were a real world problem, could I live with my recommendations?)
Step three: Review the author’s responses for your case in the responses section of your materials.  Briefly discuss whether or not your recommendations were similar to the author’s.  Would you adjust your recommendations after seeing the author’s proposed recommendations, or would you defend your own recommendation?  Why?