
 Find a real world  article related to a healthcare issue

Case Studies: Find a real world  article related to a healthcare issue.Trade Magazines and Journals are preferred as the source for your articles. Check your professional trade journal for ideas:

Case Studies: Find a real world  article related to a healthcare issue.
Trade Magazines and Journals are preferred as the source for your articles. Check your professional trade journal for ideas: Journal of the American Medical Association, American Public Health Journal, etc. Another example is the trade magazine for Long Term Care is “The Provider,” their website is to an external site.
You can also download articles from news websites such as the Wall Street Journal or PBS (health sections). The IU library available through SHARC (link under Course Home) may also be a good source. A good source for discussion of health issues is the journal Health Affairs.
Write a 800-word essay with three main sections: a) summarize the article and problem, b) discuss your thoughts on any management or motivation theory you think could be applied to the issue.  For example, you may think that Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs could apply to the situation, or the Hawthorne effect, etc. You can also cite theories from contemporary management books, for example Steven Covey’s “7 Habits of Highly Effective People,” or Switzer’s “Crucial Conversations,” etc. c) and discuss the course or courses that you have taken in your program which provided theories, practices or application for this real world situation.   
Use 6th edition APA formatting and cite your sources according to APA requirements.

What specific factors about police interrogative tactics do you think will be important to the defense strategy?

You are a forensic psychologist working with Forensic Consultants, Inc. An attorney is using your services as a consultant in a case. During a meeting with the attorney, the attorney tells you that th

You are a forensic psychologist working with Forensic Consultants, Inc. An attorney is using your services as a consultant in a case. During a meeting with the attorney, the attorney tells you that the client, while undergoing police interrogation, confessed to murder. When the attorney asked the client, the client reported to being not guilty.
As you conduct a preliminary investigation, draw up a plan on how you will assist your the attorney with this case. The plan should answer the following questions posed by the attorney:

  1. What specific factors about police interrogative tactics do you think will be important to the defense strategy? Discuss interrogation tactics that lead to false confession, specifying at least two examples and explain the reason they are considered coercive. Include information about how this would look in an actual interrogation and how the client experienced this behavior.
  2. Will you look for any specific personality characteristics in the client? What are they and why will they help or hurt your case? Are issues of competency going to come up? Discuss information about what types of people are more at risk with coercive interrogation tactics. Include at least one research study that has demonstrated this risk.
  3. What type of personality assessment instrument will you want to use to either identify or rule out the characteristics listed in question 2? Be specific and support your answer: Identify at least one psychological test that can be used and include information on why it would be useful in determining whether a person was vulnerable.

Based on the client’s response to police interrogation, how should you conduct your interview? Specifically, what should you avoid when attempting to gather accurate information from the client?
Create a presentation to give to the attorney. You will need to explain each of your arguments. You should expect to have 30 minutes to present your arguments. You should include detailed speaker notes to assist in your presentation. Please make sure to have at least 12 slides for review besides a title slide and a References slide. Each slide should be thoroughly referenced and cited based in psychological research, using APA formatting.
Submit your assignment to the Submissions Area by the due date assigned.
Grading Criteria

Has America Entered a Post-Racial Era?

ASSIGNMENT SHOULD BE NO LESS THAN 350 words and APA format.Assignment needed by 8pm 6/30/18Has America Entered a Post-Racial Era?We were told in our reading this week that there have been certain poin

Assignment needed by 8pm 6/30/18
Has America Entered a Post-Racial Era?
We were told in our reading this week that there have been certain points in recent history where racism was declared for all intents and purposes gone, but even the most casual observer of the news can recount episodes of intolerance, hate crimes, and veiled racism in opposition to immigration, affordable housing, and education reform (Schaefer, 2015).  Our question this week will be, has America entered a post-racial era?  Our text refers to the common expression, is the glass half empty or half full?  How do you see racism in America?  Do you see the glass as half empty or half full?  Please respond to the following points in your responses this week:

  • After reviewing Figure 9.2 on page 242, where do you think America stands on the issues of race?
  • Did Obama’s presidency make life easier for people of color? Why or why not?
  • How do popular culture representations from music, comedy, and TV programming complicate the issue?
  • What responsibilities do activists, politicians, and educators bear in advancing the discussion on race in our country?

 Empowerment Coaching

This is for Life Coaching, not a research project it needs to be inline as if you are a Life Coach. Empowerment Coaching, Leadership Coaching, Health and Wellness Coach. Pretend you are the Coach and

This is for Life Coaching, not a research project it needs to be inline as if you are a Life Coach.  Empowerment Coaching, Leadership Coaching, Health and Wellness Coach. Pretend you are the Coach and how you would do this. 
This is a two-part assignment.
Part 1-
Create an informed consent form, 500-750 words,that you might use in practice. Find some examples or templates from or
Part 2 –
Find someone who is willing to have the informed consent applied. In 250-500 words, reflect on how the experience of going through the informed consent went:

  1. Describe what changes you would you make to your informed consent? What would you have to clarify more?
  2. What ethical guidelines influenced your informed consent?
  3. How did you describe the privacy/billing practices to them? Discuss what changes you might make for that portion of the discussion.
  4. What questions did the client have during the process? Describe how you addressed them?

Include three to four scholarly references.
You will turn in both your reflection and informed consent form, see “How to Turn In Multiple Documents” under the resources tab; click course resources.
Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. An abstract is not required.