
Why is cultural competency important for substance abuse counselors?

Developing diverse knowledge about other populations helps improve cultural competency. This competency can be developed through independent reading, attendance at relevant seminars, or supervision fr

Developing diverse knowledge about other populations helps improve cultural competency. This competency can be developed through independent reading, attendance at relevant seminars, or supervision from professionals in the field with appropriate backgrounds. Cultural competency is important to the assessment process.
Review the American Counseling Association (ACA) Code of Ethics at the following:

  • American Counseling Association. (2005). ACA code of ethics. Retrieved from

Respond to the following:

  • 1. How would you define cultural competency?
  • 2. Why is cultural competency important for substance abuse counselors?
  • 3. How would you acquire this skill?
  • 4. Which ACA ethics codes discuss cultural competency, and what measures should counselors take to prevent ethical code violations in these areas?

Support your responses using your module readings and authoritative resources. Incorporate theory and factual information in your response.

Implementing Career Theory

Implementing Career TheoryWrite a 1050- to 1400-word (3-4 page) paper using one theory from each chapter to descrbe yourself and your personal career path.  Use vocabulary and concepts from each the

Implementing Career Theory
Write a 1050- to 1400-word (3-4 page) paper using one theory from each chapter to describe yourself and your personal career path.  Use vocabulary and concepts from each theory to describe your own career path.  At least one paragraph should be written comparing the two theories on the similarities and differences. Be sure to use your textbook, as well as outside resources.
Point Value: 8 PointsWeekly Learning Outcome Alignment: 3, 4, 5Course Learning Outcome Alignment: 1, 5, 6
Assignment Rubric
Description: Write a 1050- to 1400-word (3-4 page) paper using one theory from each chapter to describe yourself and your personal career path. Use vocabulary and concepts from each theory to describe your own career path. At least one paragraph should be written comparing the two theories on the similarities and differences. Be sure to use your textbook, as well as outside resources. Point value: 8 points Weekly Learning Outcome Alignment: 1, 2, 3 Course Learning Outcome Alignment: 1, 5, 6
Total Possible Score: 8.00
Identifies two theories from the textbook
Total: 1.20
Clearly identifies two theories from the textbook.
Identifies two theories from the textbook.
Nominally identifies two theories from textbook.
Identifies one theory from textbook.
Does not identify two theories from textbook
Paper addresses what the theories are about and the key aspects of the theories
Total: 1.20
Includes comprehensive, rich, thorough discussion about the theories and key aspects of the theories, uses multiple resources.
Includes thorough discussion about the theories and key aspects about the theories, uses multiple resources.
Includes discussion about the theories and uses some key aspects, uses multiple resources.
Includes some discussion about the theories, with minimal usage of key aspects.  Uses one or less resource.
Does not describe the two theories.
Describes self through the lens of both theories, using terms from the theory
Total: 1.20
Demonstrates superior ability to thoughtfully, thoroughly, and with great insight describe themselves through the lenses of the chosen theories, using terms from the theories.
Demonstrates ability to thoughtfully, thoroughly, and with great insight, describe themselves through the lenses of the chosen theories, using terms from the theories.
Demonstrates ability to describe themselves through the lenses of chosen theories using some terms from the theories.
Some description of self through the lenses of the chosen theories and/or does not use terminology of the theory.
Does not include description of self through the lenses of the chosen theories.
Describes similarities and differences between the two theories.
Total: 1.20
Includes a thorough, insightful analysis of the similarities and differences between the two theories.
Includes a detailed and insightful analysis of the similarities and differences between the two theories.
Includes an analysis of the similarities and differences between the two theories.
Includes some analysis of the similarities and differences between the two theories.
Does not include analysis of similarities and differences between the two theories.
Writing and Organization
Total: 1.60
5 – Demonstrates exemplary clarity and organization. The paper contains a well-articulated thesis statement, flawless mechanics, and precise APA formatting.
4 – Demonstrates effective clarity and organization. The paper contains a well-articulated thesis statement, proper mechanics, and correct APA formatting.
3 – Demonstrates adequate clarity and organization. The paper contains a clear thesis statement, adequate mechanics, and mostly correct APA formatting.
2 – Demonstrates some clarity and organization. The paper contains an unclear thesis statement, poor mechanics, and improper APA formatting.
1 – Lacking clarity and organization. The paper lacks a thesis statement, effective mechanics, and proper APA formatting.
Total: 1.60
5 – Demonstrates exemplary critical analysis of the research materials.  The student comprehensively uses varied, scholarly, relevant, and current resources to inform analysis, evaluation, problem-solving, and decision-making.
4 – Demonstrates effective critical analysis of the research materials. The student fully uses varied, scholarly, relevant, and current resources to inform analysis, evaluation, problem-solving, and decision-making.
3 – Demonstrates adequate critical analysis of the research materials.  The student adequately uses varied, scholarly, relevant, and current resources to inform analysis, evaluation, problem-solving, and decision-making.
2 – Demonstrates some critical analysis of the research materials.  The student partially uses varied, scholarly, relevant, and current resources to inform analysis, evaluation, problem-solving, and decision-making.
1 – Lacking critical analysis of the research materials. The student fails to use varied, scholarly, relevant, and current resources to inform analysis, evaluation, problem-solving, and decision-making.

IQ Testing

IQ TestingUse the sample IQ test attached and read the sample report generated. Notice the adjusted score and where your score falls on the bell curve, the range and percentile score as well as the de

IQ Testing
Use the sample IQ test attached and read the sample report generated. Notice the adjusted score and where your score falls on the bell curve, the range and percentile score as well as the descriptor.
Prepare a brief overview (1 page in length; you may put this in a table or paragraph form) of your results, the conversions, and any differences that occur. Then respond in a 3-5 page, APA formatted paper to the following:
· In your opinion, was this a fair measurement of your intelligence? Why or why not? Support your answer with what you have learned about IQ tests.
· Discuss possible limitations with interpretation of your results within the context of what you have learned about psychometric test properties. How would you explain the reliability and validity of this test to someone who has not taken this course?
· Explain whether you felt this test minimized cultural bias, based on what you have learned so far.
· What ethical limitations might prevent the use of this type of test in major decision-making (e.g., entrance to college, identifying disabilities, etc.)?
· Analyze the possible influence of the format of the test (e.g., computer versus manipulatives or paper, timed versus untimed, standardization, multiple choice, etc.) on your results, based on what you have learned about various testing instruments so far.
Assignment 2 Grading Criteria
Maximum   Points
Reported results of experiment,   including statistical data and comparison with the other scales.
Examined whether the   measurement of intelligence was a fair assessment and supported position with   theory.
Explained whether the test   minimized cultural bias.
Discussed possible limitations   within the context of psychometric properties (e.g., validity, reliability).
Discussed ethical limitations.
Analyzed the influence of the   format of the test on interpretation of results.
Style (4 points): Tone, audience,   and word choice   Organization (12 points): Introduction, transitions, and conclusion   Usage and Mechanics (12 points): Grammar, spelling, and sentence structure   APA Elements (16 points): In text citations and references, paraphrasing, and   appropriate use of quotations and other elements of style

Community Change

Week 1 – AssignmentDue: Jul 3, 2018 at 1:59 AMCommunity ChangeWrite a two- to- three- page paper (excluding title and reference pages) that identifies a problem faced by your community. Discuss how a

Week 1 – AssignmentDue: Jul 3, 2018 at 1:59 AM
Community Change
Write a two- to- three- page paper (excluding title and reference pages) that identifies a problem faced by your community. Discuss how a model of community change could be implemented to improve the problem.

  1. Describe six features of your community (e.g., cultural make up, size, and locality).
  2. Define the problem (e.g., obesity, environmental pollution, teenage pregnancy, graffiti, truancy, gangs, drugs, child labor, or insufficient educational programs) and explain why the problem is detrimental to the community.
  3. Select a model of community change identified in the textbook and explain how it could be implemented to improve the problem.
  4. Identify:
    1. At least three aspects of the problem you think that the model will be most successful at solving and provide reasoning as to why.
    2. At least three aspects of the problem you think that the model will struggle to solve and provide reasoning as to why.

The bulk of your paper should focus on the third component above (the model of community change). Your paper must include a minimum of two scholarly sources and be formatted according to APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center.
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