
What is the meaning of emerging adulthood?

In this assignment, you will explore Jeffrey Arnett’s research on emerging adulthood, apply his research to your own development, and identify how your experience differs from cultures other than your

In this assignment, you will explore Jeffrey Arnett’s research on emerging adulthood, apply his research to your own development, and identify how your experience differs from cultures other than your own.
Locate and watch 3 videos in the University Library on emerging adulthood in different cultures. You may also use journal articles and other sources from the University Library to supplement your research.
Write a 700- to 1,050-word paper discussing the following:

  • What is the meaning of emerging adulthood?
  • What are the expectations for an emerging adult in your culture?
  • Compare and contrast the expectations and roles of an emerging adult in the different cultures.
  • What are the implications of the transition on middle adulthood?

Format your paper according to APA guidelines.
Click the Assignment Files tab to submit your assignment.

What types of staffing and training recommendations would you make for the community mental health center?

Read the articles “Applications in Social Justice Counselor Training: Classroom Without Walls” and “The Multicultural Workplace: Interactive Acculturation and Intergroup Relations” and review

Read the articles “Applications in Social Justice Counselor Training: Classroom Without Walls” and “The Multicultural Workplace: Interactive Acculturation and Intergroup Relations” and review the APA Guidelines for Providers of Psychological Services to Ethnic, Linguistic, and Culturally Diverse Populations (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. prior to considering the following scenario.
You are a psychologist in an urban community that has seen a 200% growth in its immigrant population over the past 3 years. Eighty-seven percent of this population speaks a language other than English at home. You work for a community mental health center, which is seeing an increase in referral from this population primarily because of the children’s interactions with the school system. The children typically become bilingual quickly. The parents are typically less fluent in English than their children; however, approximately 30% of the adults in this immigrant population are fluent in English and hold advanced degrees and middle- to upper- middle class jobs. The remaining 70% primarily hold jobs that do not require higher education although many do have degrees from their country of origin.
Based on the reading, evaluate research and practice aspects in this applied context and use elements from previous learning in your program to address the following:

  • What types of staffing and training recommendations would you make for the community mental health center?
  • How would you facilitate intergroup work relations among staff at the community mental health center?
  • Would you support the use of the DSM-5 to diagnose clients with limited English proficiency?
  • How would you evaluate whether or not your staff is competent to work with this population?
  • Explain the rationales for your answers by providing evidence from the required readings.

Describe how a student who appears to be dismissing the value of an education might be encouraged to move out of a lower level and into subsequent stages of reflective judgment

Write a paper of 750-1,000 words in which you address the following:Describe how a student who appears to be dismissing the value of an education might be encouraged to move out of a lower level and i

Write a paper of 750-1,000 words in which you address the following:

  1. Describe how a student who appears to be dismissing the value of an education might be encouraged to move out of a lower level and into subsequent stages of reflective judgment.
  2. Integrate the possible selves and stages of reflective judgment theories in the text.
  3. Discuss ethical and cultural strategies for promoting resilience, optimum development, and wellness in adults.

Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. An abstract is required.
This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.
You are required to submit this assignment to Turnitin. Please refer to the directions in the Student Success Center.
Please use this text book as one of your references: 
Kail, R. V., & Cavanaugh, J. C. (2016). Human development: A life-span view (7th ed.). Boston, MA: Cengage Learning.

Describe any concerns you have or challenges you might anticipate as an online learner.

While you might feel comfortable navigating computers, technology, and the online environment, completing your courses and an entire online degree program may present challenges. You might experience

While you might feel comfortable navigating computers, technology, and the online environment, completing your courses and an entire online degree program may present challenges. You might experience challenges related to not having a physical classroom, a lack of face-to-face contact, or even your own personal limitations. For this Assignment, think about your skills and strengths and how they will help with online. Consider challenges you might anticipate as an online learner. Reflect on strategies and resources that might help you overcome these challenges.
To complete: 
Write a 2- to 3-page paper that addresses the following:
· Describe any concerns you have or challenges you might anticipate as an online learner.
· Identify one strategy and one resource/tool from the Learning Resources that may contribute to a successful online learning experience.
· Explain how you might use the strategy and resource/tool to help you overcome the concerns or challenges you described.
· Identify two personal weaknesses or limitations that you might need to improve upon in order to ensure your success in this program, and explain why.
Reference the resources from this week that you will use to address these personal weaknesses or limitations. Provide at least oneadditional strategy and/or resource (not included in the Learning Resources) to address the personal weakness or limitation you identified.
Reminder: Proper formatting and APA citations are required.
Refer to the Writing Template for Course Papers for additional guidance.