
Consider the advantages and challenges that Alberto and Jeanette may face regarding friendships, romantic relationship, and sexuality within your culture.

Sexual behavior is a highly controversial topic. Different cultural groups have varying beliefs regarding the appropriateness and morality of various sexual behaviors, when these behaviors should occu

Sexual behavior is a highly controversial topic. Different cultural groups have varying beliefs regarding the appropriateness and morality of various sexual behaviors, when these behaviors should occur and with whom, the age at which sexual behavior should occur, and so forth. Sexual behavior is a common topic in religion, politics, and education. It is so grounded in cultural and religious belief systems that accepting differences in others’ sexual behavior is difficult, if not impossible, for some.
Not only are there differing religious and cultural views on sexuality, but there are also different views and perceptions of gender-related aspects of sexuality within cultural groups. For example, in some cultures, prepubescent, same-sex experimentation is expected and encouraged prior to adulthood, whereas this behavior is perceived as abnormal in most Western societies. In some cultures, women are perceived as having a much lower sex drive than men, and older adults may be perceived as having no sex drive at all. As with any perception, when society acts on an assumption, people are impacted. As a simple example, if you assume that older adults do not have sex and construct barriers for sexual activity in assisted living facilities, the psychological well being of the residents in that facility may be affected. Understanding the differences in sexuality in different cultural groups is an important aspect of understanding the whole person and the person’s behavior.
For this Discussion, you analyze two case studies of individuals who have multiple identities related to sex, gender, and sexual orientation and consider how these identities would affect aspects of their lives if they lived in your culture.
To prepare

  • Review the two case studies in this week’s Learning Resources and consider the subjects’ specific identities related to sex, gender, and sexual orientation.
  • Think about how Alberto and Jeanette would experience life in your culture given their specific identities.
  • Consider the advantages and challenges that Alberto and Jeanette may face regarding friendships, romantic relationship, and sexuality within your culture.

By Day 4
Post a brief description of your culture. Then explain the advantages and challenges that Alberto and Jeanette would encounter related to friendships, romantic relationships, and sexuality in your culture.

Describe the criminal behavior in detail, including any research you have found on the origins or development of this behavior

The goal of this course is to create a prevention plan for a specific criminal behavior. Throughout the course, you will complete interrelated assignments in each module that build toward the LASA ass

The goal of this course is to create a prevention plan for a specific criminal behavior. Throughout the course, you will complete interrelated assignments in each module that build toward the LASA assignment, a prevention plan.
The first step toward this end is to identify a specific criminal behavior for which you will develop a prevention program. The first chapter of the textbook describes a variety of criminal behavior problems, such as status crimes, juvenile offenders, and drug abuse.
Once you select the criminal behavior, you should do a preliminary literature search to ensure that you will have ready access to scholarly resources.
Create a 2- to 3-page paper describing your selected criminal behavior. You must consider the following when creating your paper:

  • Describe the criminal behavior in detail, including any research you have found on the origins or development of this behavior (in approximately 1 page).
  • Discuss the specific target area you want to address in the problem (in approximately 1 paragraph).
  • Describe the specific group you want to focus on from among those affected by the criminal problem, i.e., juveniles, women, etc.
  • Describe the possible prevention and intervention ideas (in approximately 1 page).
  • Discuss research support for the effectiveness of your proposed prevention or intervention ideas (in approximately 2–3 paragraphs).

For example, suppose you pick juvenile sex offenders and want to develop a prevention program for adolescent sex offenders. Specifically, you want to target risk factors associated with that population.
Support your assumptions by citing reputable source material used for this assignment in APA format.

How did cognitive dissonance affect your reasoning abilities?

Wade and Tavris explain that various factors combine to influence one’s thinking patterns, intelligence, and memories. In fact, we often embrace certain biases and mental shortcuts to assist our c

 Wade and Tavris explain that various factors combine to influence one’s thinking patterns, intelligence, and memories. In fact, we often embrace certain biases and mental shortcuts to assist our cognitive processing. These efforts can prove both costly and beneficial.
This assignment is divided into parts, so it is suggested that you begin working on it in advance. Find a popular press article or story from the nightly news in which someone argues a point that you disagree with. Write a paragraph agreeing with this person. Allow one day before moving on to the next part. Make sure at least one day has passed since writing the first paragraph. Now, write another paragraph disagreeing with the person. You will include both of these paragraphs in your essay.
Discuss the differences between your arguments from the first paragraph in which you agree and the second paragraph in which you disagree. Elaborate on whether you think that your opinion has changed on this topic, particularly thinking about your initial thoughts on the topic before you wrote either paragraph. In your discussion, incorporate research from the textbook to explain how reasoning, intelligence, and memories influenced your arguments.
How did cognitive dissonance affect your reasoning abilities? Your response should be at least two pages in length, but it can be longer if necessary to address all aspects of the assignment. You must use the textbook and at least one additional source. All sources used, including the textbook, must be referenced; paraphrased and quoted material must have accompanying citations.

 Explain what it means to be an ethical leader and describe the challenges of being an ethical leader.

Discussion 1:Program Evaluation: Benefits and Concerns of StakeholdersDudley (2009) points out that social work practice is usually embedded in programs. While you looked at practice evaluation using

Discussion 1:Program Evaluation: Benefits and Concerns of Stakeholders
Dudley (2009) points out that social work practice is usually embedded in programs. While you looked at practice evaluation using single-subject design in Week 3, this week, you shift focus to program evaluation. Program evaluation serves many purposes, including accountability to funders and to the public. Often, funding sources such as government agencies or private foundations requires periodic program evaluations. These evaluations can help provide answers to many different questions, and can contribute to improvement of services. There are a variety of program evaluation models that are appropriate for addressing different questions as well as facilitating the collection and analysis of many different types of data.
To prepare for this Discussion, identify a program within an agency with which you are familiar, which could benefit from process evaluation and outcome evaluation. You do not need to identify the agency in your post. Also, review the different evaluation models highlighted in this week’s resources (needs assessment, program monitoring, client satisfaction study, outcome evaluation, or cost benefit study).
· Post a brief summary of the program that you selected. Recommend a program evaluation model that would answer a question relevant to the program.
· Explain the potential benefits of the program evaluation that you proposed (both process and outcome).
· Identify 2–3 concerns that stakeholders might have about your proposed evaluation and how you would address those concerns.
· Then explain 2–3 concerns that stakeholders may have about your proposed program evaluation and how you would address those concerns.
References (use 2 or more)
Dudley, J. R. (2014). Social work evaluation: Enhancing what we do.(2nd ed.) Chicago, IL: Lyceum Books.

  • Chapter 1, “Evaluation and Social Work: Making the Connection” (pp. 1–26)
  • Chapter 4, “Common Types of Evaluations” (pp. 71-89)
  • Chapter 5, “Focusing an Evaluation” (pp. 90-105)

Document:Logan, T. K., & Royse, D. (2010). Program evaluation studies. In B. Thyer (Ed.), The handbook of social work research methods(2nd ed., pp. 221–240). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage. (PDF)
W. K. Kellogg Foundation. (n. d.). W. K. Kellogg foundation evaluation handbook.Retrieved October 8, 2013, from

  • Chapter 3, “Three Levels of Evaluation” (pp. 14–18)
  • Chapter 5, “Planning and Implementing Project-Level Evaluation” (pp. 47–104)

Discussion 2: Ethics and the Law
When working with clients, it is important to maintain professional boundaries to safeguard both you and your clients. Legislation such as HIPPA (Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996) and the National Association of Social Workers Code of Ethics are specific in how you as a social worker should protect client information and safeguard confidentiality. Responding ethically in a professional situation may be clear in most situations, but not necessarily in allsituations. Even though you have established laws and code of ethics to guide your decision-making process, you may still face ethical conflicts.
For this Discussion, review the media of the Bradley case and consider how the case relates to social work professional ethics.
·  Post the strategy you would use to address the Teen First director’s request if you were the social worker in the Bradley case.
·  Then, describe a hypothetical situation in which an organization’s decision conflicts with your personal/professional ethics but remains within the law. Explain how you would respond to this situation, and why.
References (use 3 or more)
Northouse, P. G. (2018). Introduction to leadership: Concepts and practice(4th ed.). Washington, DC: Sage.

  • Chapter 12, “Addressing Ethics in Leadership” (pp. 273-300)

Northouse, P. G. (2013). Leadership: Theory and practice (6th ed.). Los Angeles: Sage Publications.
Reprinted by permission of Sage Publications via the Copyright Clearance Center.
Chapter 16, “Leadership Ethics” (pp. 423–449)
Stephenson, M. O., Jr. (2011). Considering the relationships among social conflict, social imaginaries, resilience, and community-based organization leadership. Ecology and Society, 16(1). Retrieved from
National Association of Social Workers. (2014). Code of ethics. Retrieved from
Laureate Education (Producer). (2014a). Sessions: Bradley(Episode 5 of 42) [Video file]. Retrieved from
Discussion 3: Reflections on Ethical Leadership
What does it mean to be an ethical leader? How is ethical leadership demonstrated in social work practice? As a leader in the social work profession, you have to achieve a balance between your professional and personal ethics. At times, these may be aligned with each other, but there may be situations in which they conflict. Because leadership includes value and moral dimensions, your character, actions, and goals as a social work administrator should reflect ethical leadership.
For this Discussion, consider the characteristics of ethical leadership and the challenges associated with practicing ethical leadership.
·  Post your definition of ethical leadership as it relates to the social work profession.
·  Explain what it means to be an ethical leader and describe the challenges of being an ethical leader.
References (2 or more)
Northouse, P. G. (2018). Introduction to leadership: Concepts and practice(4th ed.). Washington, DC: Sage.

  • Chapter 12, “Addressing Ethics in Leadership” (pp. 273-300)

Northouse, P. G. (2013). Leadership: Theory and practice (6th ed.). Los Angeles: Sage Publications.
Chapter 16, “Leadership Ethics” (pp. 423–449)
National Association of Social Workers. (2014). Code of ethics. Retrieved from