
How important are employee attitudes and emotions as well as transparency in shaping organizational behavior?

Given that an organization is reliant on employees to achieve its mission and objectives, there would appear to be value in organizational transparency. If employees perceive that leaders and managers

Given that an organization is reliant on employees to achieve its mission and objectives, there would appear to be value in organizational transparency. If employees perceive that leaders and managers are being transparent, their attitude toward work and overall efficiency will be better, even if they do not agree with the leaders and managers’ decisions. However, if employees perceive or discover that organizational leaders and managers have not been transparent, their efforts may reflect a less caring attitude. In such cases, there may not be any difference between employee perception and fact.
Consider the aforementioned aspects, and using the module readings and online library resources, research the importance of employee attitudes and perception.
Then, respond to the following:

  • How important are employee attitudes and emotions as well as transparency in shaping organizational behavior?
  • Elaborate on how employee perceptions shape organizational behavior. Are perceptions and reality always the same?

Write your initial response in 300–500 words. Your response should be thorough and address all components of the discussion question in detail, include citations of all sources, where needed, according to the APA Style, and demonstrate accurate spelling, grammar, and punctuation
Hosie, P. J., & Smith, R. C. (2009). A future for organisational behaviour? European Business Review, 21(3), 215–232. (ProQuest Document ID: 225424455)

How does systems thinking apply to an organization’s culture, goals, and structures?

Organizations are rarely composed of just a single person or a single organization that functions without interacting with other people or organizations. There are many components or parts in an organ

Organizations are rarely composed of just a single person or a single organization that functions without interacting with other people or organizations. There are many components or parts in an organization’s make-up, each contributing to the overall functioning of the organization and its behavior. If all the parts are working well, the organization operates efficiently. However, if one part stops functioning, this affects all the other parts and the overall organization. Though other parts may be able to compensate for the nonfunctioning part so that the organization continues to function, efficiency is lowered. Organizations have both internal and external parts—such as stakeholders. The challenges of nonfunctioning stakeholders can be internal, external, or both.
Consider the aforementioned aspects, and using the module readings and the  online library resources, research the application of systems theory to organizations and their stakeholders.
Then, respond to the following:

  • How does systems thinking apply to an organization’s culture, goals, and structures?
  • How are the stakeholders of an organization interconnected and interrelated?

Integrate various types of systems, such as open and closed systems, that might be present in organizations in your answer. Give reasons and examples, supported with appropriate academic literature, when developing your responses. Be sure to cite to APA writing standards for paraphrases and direct quotes.
Write your initial response in 300–500 words. Your response should be thorough and address all components of the discussion question in detail, include citations of all sources, where needed, according to the APA Style, and demonstrate accurate spelling, grammar, and punctuation


 Behaviorism     Prior to engaging in this discussion, read the Introduction and Chapter One in your required e-book, watch the B.F. Skinner – Operant Conditioning and Free Will (Links to an ext

Prior to engaging in this discussion, read the Introduction and Chapter One in your required e-book, watch the B.F. Skinner – Operant Conditioning and Free Will (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. video, and review the Instructor Guidance.

  • Summarize the following constructs that the behaviorist movement promotes:
    • Associative learning
    • Connectionism, including the laws of learning
    • Conditioning
      • Classical
      • Operant
    • Reflect on your own experiences in the workplace or in  organizational settings (school, church, volunteer sites). What is an  example of applied behaviorism that you have experienced in one of these  settings?
    • Based on your e-book commentary, why do you think the reader is encouraged to think skeptically about the content included?
    • Are there potential concerns with associating learning behaviors with theory based only on anti-mentalism?
    • What truths can be disseminated from the historic evolution of the behaviorist framework
    • Summarize the following constructs that the behaviorist movement promotes:
      • Associative learning
      • Connectionism, including the laws of learning
      • Conditioning
        • Classical
        • Operant
      • Reflect on your own experiences in the workplace or in  organizational settings (school, church, volunteer sites). What is an  example of applied behaviorism that you have experienced in one of these  settings?
      • Based on your e-book commentary, why do you think the reader is encouraged to think skeptically about the content included?
      • Are there potential concerns with associating learning behaviors with theory based only on anti-mentalism?
      • What truths can be disseminated from the historic evolution of the behaviorist framework?

Discuss why using a multidimensional perspective is important when diagnosing

This module taught you that considering the whole person when diagnosing is a vital component of the diagnostic and treatment process. However, before a counselor can assess a person, it is important

This module taught you that considering the whole person when diagnosing is a vital component of the diagnostic and treatment process. However, before a counselor can assess a person, it is important for him or her to consider all the factors that can potentially influence the diagnosis; in other words, the counselor must understand how to utilize an integrative approach and why this multidimensional approach is beneficial. For example, a client comes in for an assessment, complaining of irritability; however, you do not assess for potential medical conditions that could influence the diagnostic process. You provide counseling, but the counseling does not work because the person has a medical condition, Diabetes Mellitus Type I, that was not stabilized. In this instance, you would have attempted to treat a medical condition with mental health treatment. When situations such as these arise, a counselor must be aware of the different factors that can influence symptoms presentation in order to effectively diagnose and treat individuals.
To ethically diagnose a client, the assessment process needs to be comprehensive and integrate all factors that may influence the diagnostic process. A counselor should always be mindful of the impact a diagnostic label can have on a person and discuss this with the client. In addition, a counselor must be aware of the pros and cons associated with diagnostic labeling and the roles of emotion and stress. This assignment will explore the use of a multidimensional approach, the differences in the types of classification systems used by the DSM, and the roles of emotions and stress in psychopathology.
In a minimum of 300 words, post to the Discussion Area your responses to the following:

  • Identify and discuss the advantages and disadvantages of psychiatric diagnosing and mental illness labels.
  • Discuss why using a multidimensional perspective is important when diagnosing.
  • Discuss the roles of stress and emotions and how they influence medical conditions.

Support your rationale and analysis by using at least two resources from professional literature in your response. Professional literature may include the Argosy University online library resources; relevant textbooks; peer-reviewed journal articles; and websites created by professional organizations, agencies, or institutions (websites ending in .edu or .gov).