
The Destructive Capacity of Drug Abuse 

You have made significant progress in the prewriting phase of your literature review.In Modules 1 and 2, you selected a focal/research topic and a list of potential references.Focal/research topic: T

You have made significant progress in the prewriting phase of your literature review.
In Modules 1 and 2, you selected a focal/research topic and a list of potential references.
Focal/research topic:
The Destructive Capacity of Drug Abuse << THIS IS MY RESEARCH TOPIC..
Now, you have entered into the process of evaluating those references and perhaps seeking more information. You are beginning to sift through your references for common themes that you will use as headings in your literature review paper.
According to researchers who have interviewed thousands of college students about the process of gathering information for such papers, there is a great deal of frustration involved in the process. Students describe how difficult it is to get started or to find high quality, relevant, current articles on their chosen topic.
Some students have found it helpful to discuss the process with each other, give each other tips, and share their successes and pitfalls with the research process.
In the form of a research journal entry, post a description of your efforts so far in the course:

  1. Provide a list of your search terms (words or phrases you used when searching in the online library database, on Google Scholar, or on other search engines).
  2. Discuss at least three frustrations you have had with the searching process. Be specific. You could describe a specific dead end you faced in a search. Or, if you had difficulty getting started, discuss how you overcame that frustration. What did you do or avoid doing, in order to get past the point of being stuck?
  3. Share at least three tips. For example, if you have had successes with the online library or Internet search, what did you do well? Did you find articles using a unique strategy?
  4. Did you use a less-reliable Web site, such as Wikipedia, to jump start your search? Why or why not? If you did use it, how did you use it? What information did you gain from using it?
  5. Add any other details that would help you describe your experience so far.

Post your research journal entry to the Discussion Area by the due date assigned. Review and respond to your classmates through the end of the module.
Respond to at least two classmates’ research journal entries with suggestions or questions designed to help them with their research of their topic. Share your perspectives on their efforts, suggest helpful tips, or share similar frustrations and how you overcame them.
Grading Criteria
Quality of initial posting, including fulfillment of assignment instructions
Quality of responses to classmates
Frequency of responses to classmates
Reference to supporting readings and other materials
Language and grammar

Identify an additional strategy you might use to apply your knowledge of the aging process to social work practice with older clients in general

As individuals grow older, they experience biological changes, but how they experience these changes varies considerably. Senescence, or the process of aging, “affects different people, and various

 As individuals grow older, they experience biological changes, but how they experience these changes varies considerably. Senescence, or the process of aging, “affects different people, and various parts of the body, at different rates” (Zastrow & Kirst-Ashman, 2016, p. 658).
What factors affect the aging process? Why do some individuals appear to age faster than others? In this Discussion you address these questions and consider how, you, as a social worker, might apply your understanding of the aging process to your work with older clients.
To prepare for this Discussion, read “Working With the Aging: The Case of Francine” in Social Work Case Studies: Foundation Year.
Post a Discussion in which you:

  • Apply your understanding of the aging process to Francine’s case. How might Francine’s environment have influenced her aging process? How might you, as Francine’s social worker, apply your knowledge of the aging process to her case?
  • Identify an additional strategy you might use to apply your knowledge of the aging process to social work practice with older clients in general. Explain why you would use the strategy.

300-400 Words
Zastrow, C. H., & Kirst-Ashman, K. K. (2016). Understanding human behavior and the social environment (10th ed.). Boston, MA:  Cengage Learning.
Plummer, S. -B., Makris, S., & Brocksen, S. M. (Eds.). (2014). Social work case studies: Foundation year. Baltimore, MD: Laureate International Universities Publishing. [Vital Source e-reader].

Multicultural Career Counseling Case Study

Multicultural Career Counseling Case StudyRead the following case study.  Write a 1050- 1750 word (or 3-5 page) paper responding to the questions that follow the case study.  Use headers to differen

Multicultural Career Counseling Case Study
Read the following case study.  Write a 1050- 1750 word (or 3-5 page) paper responding to the questions that follow the case study.  Use headers to differentiate the questions to which you are responding.  Use APA formatting for this paper.  Use references when necessary.
Case study was taken from Dugger (2016)
Juan is a 34-year-old, Mexican American male living in Fort Worth, Texas. His parents were born and raised in Mexico, and met and married while living in Nuevo Laredo. Shortly after learning they were pregnant with Juan, they decided to emigrate from Mexico to the United States in the hope of providing a better life for their children. Having no sponsor in the United States and unlikely to get visas, they chose to cross the Rio Grande and enter the United States illegally, without documentation. Once safely across, Juan’s parents were understandably terrified of being discovered and deported. They made their way to Fort Worth, Texas (far away from the Mexican border) and were able to find work there. Without a green card or work visa, Juan’s parents were quite limited with regard to employment options and could take jobs only in which they were paid under the table. Although their family income was in the lower SES brackets, their standard of living in Fort Worth, Texas, far exceeded what they would have experienced had they remained in Nuevo Laredo, Mexico. These unskilled laborers were thankful to be in the United States and took solace in the knowledge that their children would be U.S. citizens.
As their family expanded, Juan’s parents struggled to put food on the table, and their financial stressors increased as each of their seven children was born. As the oldest child in the family, Juan was well aware of the family’s financial difficulties. Consistent with the Latino values of familismo and filial piety (Flores et al., 2010), Juan therefore decided to leave school at age 16 to find a job and contribute to the family income. He had worked, until his back injury, in the construction industry ever since.
With regard to other dimensions of his cultural identity, Juan would be categorized as heterosexual and, assuming dual incomes in his household, lower middle class. Although raised Catholic, Juan is best described as nonobservant. At his wife’s insistence, Juan generally accompanies his family to midnight mass on Christmas Eve, but other than that, he can’t remember the last time he attended mass, went to confession, said the rosary, or even prayed. Although Juan now has two herniated discs, he does not consider himself disabled. Most salient to his cultural identity are Juan’s ethnicity as a Mexican American, his parents’ undocumented status, and his family of origin’s low SES. Each had a clear impact on Juan’s career development and decision making.
For example, Juan’s exposure to role models in the world of work was decidedly quite limited. His parents were unskilled laborers who worked seven days a week. They had little time nor money to expose Juan to the wider world around them. There were no trips to libraries or museums, no tickets for sporting events, no vacations to exciting places, and no money for extracurricular activities associated with school. Their entire social circle was comprised of other unskilled workers, and only Spanish was spoken at home. Although they hoped for Juan to do well in and behave at school, his parents could not help him with his homework because they spoke very little English and could not read it. Still worried about being discovered as undocumented, they largely avoided contact with the school and their children’s teachers. Because their focus was necessarily on meeting daily subsistence needs and paying bills, Juan’s parents couldn’t even imagine sending their children to college. Even if Juan were interested in finishing high school and going to college, he would undoubtedly face barriers and complexities specific to being the child of undocumented immigrants (Baum & Flores, 2011).
Given that “educational attainment constitutes the bedrock of career development and choice” by opening up career options (Arbona, 1996, p. 48), Juan faced quite limited career options because he did not complete high school. Juan’s reality was such that it wasn’t practical for him to dream of careers. Instead, Juan needed to focus on practical, achievable jobs with which he could earn income with which to enjoy a reasonable standard of living. This, of course, is quite consistent with Blustein’s writings about the psychology of work (Blustein et al., 2011).
Since making his initial choice to leave school and take a position in the construction industry, Juan has continued to experience the impact of cultural factors on his career success. Specifically, Juan’s subsequent career success has been constrained by his limited proficiency in English and his lack of a high school education. Although Juan is a U.S. citizen, he may very well encounter discrimination when applying for jobs. Such discrimination is illegal, but potential employers may be less willing to interview and/or hire Juan. Their bias may be in response to his ethnicity (which is clearly evident even in Juan’s name) or reflective of more recent anti-immigration sentiment in the United States and especially in border states such as Texas. Because he is unable to continue working in his previous position, cultural dimensions may also affect his psychological adjustment. “If he ascribes to traditional Latino gender roles, Juan may perceive his role of providing for his family financially as a direct reflection of his male identity” (Flores et al., 2010, p. 414).

  • What are important cultural implications to take into consideration when working with Juan as his career counselor?
  • Use a career theory to discuss Juan’s case.  Be sure to discuss any multicultural considerations.
  • What barriers might you need to help Juan overcome?  How could you advocate for your client?
  • What other information might you want to know/questions you might want to ask about Juan to help him?

Dugger, S. M. (2016). Foundations of career counseling: A case-based approach (1st ed.).  Pearson.
Baum, S., & Flores, S. M. (2011). Higher education and ¬children in immigrant families. The Future of Children, 21(1), 171–193.
Blustein, D. L., Coutinho, M. T. N., Murphy, K. A., Backus, F., & Catraio, C. (2011). Self and social class in career theory and practice. In P. J. Hartung and L. M Subich (Eds.), Developing self in work and career: Concepts, cases, and contexts(pp. 213–229). Washington, DC: American Psychological Association.
Flores, L. Y., Ramos, K., & Kanagui, M. (2010). Applying the ¬cultural formulation approach to career counseling with Latinas/os. Journal of Career Development, 37, 411–422.
Point Value: 8 PointsWeekly Learning Outcome Alignment: 1, 2, 3Course Learning Outcome Alignment: 2, 5

Reducing Work-Related Stress

Reducing Work-Related StressFor the Unit VI Reflection Paper, you will begin by completing the self-assessment located here. This is the same self-assessmentthat was included within the Unit I Non-Gra

Reducing Work-Related Stress
For the Unit VI Reflection Paper, you will begin by completing the self-assessment located here. This is the same self-assessment
that was included within the Unit I Non-Graded Learning Activity.
From this self-assessment, develop a stress mitigation plan for yourself. What lessons learned from your own stress
evaluation can you apply to current workplace practices? Include some effective emotional and physical coping
mechanisms that you believe would work in this particular situation in your stress mitigation plan. Additionally, think of a time
in your workplace where diversity or ethics were in the spotlight. Was this more or less stressful for you and the
Your reflection paper should be a minimum of two pages in length. Use your textbook and at least one outside resource to
support your reflection paper. All sources, including the textbook, must be cited and referenced according to APA standards.
Information about accessing the grading rubric for this assignment is provided below.
Instructions: Complete the following sections by thinking critically about your experiences and habits.
1. Over the past seven days, how many MINUTES did you spend on each of the following activities?
a.     Engaging in leisurely reading:
b.     Engaging in leisurely Internet activities:
c.     Writing in a journal:
d.     Engaging in classroom educational activities (e.g., GED, college):
e.     Engaging in educational activities outside of the classroom (e.g., homework, report writing, research):
f.      Participating in recreational sports activities (e.g., soccer, basketball, softball):
g.     Participating in recreational fitness activities (e.g., running, weight lifting):
h.     Receiving a professional massage or engaging in whirlpool/water therapy:
i.      Attending religious services:
j.      Praying outside of religious services:
k.     Volunteering time to help a person or organization in need:
l.      Having face-to-face contact with family (e.g., spouse, children, parents, siblings):
m.   Communicating with family (e.g., phone, e-mail, video, chat):
n.     Communicating with friends (include contact with new friends):
o.     Communicating with a professional therapist (e.g., routine, post-trauma debriefs):
2. Over the past seven days, how healthy was your diet?
a.     Enter the number of caffeinated drinks that you consumed over the past seven days:
b.     Enter the number of packs of cigarettes that you consumed over the past seven days:
c.     Enter the number of containers of smokeless tobacco that you consumed over the past seven days:
d.     Enter the total number of hours of sleep you have had for the past seven days:
3. Over the past seven days, how have you dealt with anxiety?
a.      Have you used sleep medication during the past seven days?
b.      Have you used prescription medication to control stress or anxiety during the past seven days?